A poem that educates people to cherish the good times and not waste them?

Confucius said in Sichuan: The deceased is like a man who does not give up day and night. (Confucius)

The prime years will not come again, and it will be difficult for a day to rise again. We should encourage you in time, and the years will not come again. Treat others. (Tao Yuanming)

Tomorrow comes tomorrow, there are so many tomorrows. I live waiting for tomorrow, everything will be wasted. If the world is tired of tomorrow, spring will pass and autumn will come. The old man will come. Look at the water flowing eastward in the morning, and look at the evening. The sun is falling in the west. How many tomorrows can there be in a hundred years? Please listen to my song of tomorrow. (Wen Jia's "Song of Tomorrow")