If you use the weather, don't use it alone. Look at all the hexagrams and push the five elements in detail. When it is far away, it is sunny; When it is far away, it is rainy and rainy; When it is cloudy, it is gloomy; When it is inscrutable, it thunders in spring and summer; It is windy all the year round when it is far away; When it is far away, it is sunny for a long time; It's cloudy and it doesn't rain when it's far away. If summer is far from the camp, it will be too dry and hot. In winter, there are many hurdles and rain and snow are fluttering.
Personnel ratio, detailed observation and use. Gua is the subject and Gua is the object. It is not appropriate to use gram body, but it is auspicious to use gram body. The use of the body has the joy of gaining benefits, and the use of the body has losses. Compare your body with peace and seek luck. Look at each other and change your mind in more details to break good or bad luck; Investigate its ups and downs to clear its blame.
The proportion of personnel is determined by the general chapter. If the body divination, that is, look at the body divination in the gossip chapter; Look at the evil of Keti hexagrams, that is, look at Zhang Qian Keti hexagrams. If you are not born, stop this divination.
Matters needing attention in planting plum blossoms
Choose suitable plant varieties: plum blossoms are generally planted on land, and varieties suitable for local climate are selected. If you are in a mountainous area with high altitude, you should choose a variety with good cold tolerance.
Choose suitable soil: the soil of plum blossom is fine, and it is best to have a certain amount of humus or peat in the soil. The soil is slightly acidic, and there is a proper amount of organic matter to make plants develop well.
Pay attention to the prevention and control of pests and diseases: plum blossom diseases include soft blight, gray spot disease, plum blossom yellowing disease, gray spot disease, etc., which can generally be prevented by chemical, physical or biological methods.
She is a native of northwest Yunnan, southwest Sichuan and even eastern Tibet. It was distributed in the south of the Yangtze River about 6000 years ago and was introduced and cultivated 3000 years ago. According to scientific research, "Hua Mei" and "Yuan Mei" unearthed in Mawangdui, Changsha have a history of 2 150 years. It was introduced to Korea in the 2nd century BC and Japan in the 8th century.
Now there are people with lofty ideals in Australia and New Zealand. Even friends in Europe and America began to accept the spirit of plum blossom, praising the fragrance of wintersweet as "the sweetness of winter".