Fang Zhongyong, a native of Jinxi, has lived in the countryside for five years. Zhong Yongsheng never knew books and tools, and suddenly cried for them. His father was different, so he borrowed four poems from him and named them himself. His poems were written for adoptive parents and families and passed down to a scholar in a township. Naturally, they mean that things are made into poetry, and their art and science are impressive. People in the city were surprised. They invited their father a little or asked them for money.
I've heard a long time ago. In Ming Dow, I came home from my ancestors and saw it at my uncle's house. That was twelve or thirteen years ago. I wrote a poem, so I can't say I've heard it before. Seven years later, I went back to my uncle's house from Yangzhou and asked him, "Everyone has left."
The prince said: Zhong Yong's understanding is also influenced by Heaven. He is far more virtuous than talented people. If he is everyone's pawn, he will not be influenced by others. If he is influenced by heaven, he will be so virtuous and will not be influenced by others. Today's husband is not subject to heaven, and he is not subject to heaven, only for everyone.