Song Jun's courtesy name was Shuxiang, and he was a native of Anzhong, Nanyang. He was appointed as a man by his father. He was fifteen years old. He was good at scriptures, and every day he took holidays. He often received a doctorate from his profession. He was proficient in "Poetry" and "Li", and he was good at discussing difficult matters. To more than 20 years old, adjust and supplement Chenyang Chang. There are few scholars among the common people who believe in witches and ghosts. They all set up schools and prohibit obscene worship. Everyone is safe. When he moved to Cai Ling, he banned extravagant funerals. Jun said: "If you go beyond the rules when you send off your husband at the end, you will be punished lightly. Today there are unjust people who have not yet followed the rules and suddenly punished people and exceeded the rites. This is not the first step in government." Willing to implement. When he moved to Jiujiang to be the prefect, there were many violent tigers in the county, which caused many dangers to the people. They often raised traps and set up traps, but they still caused many harms. Jun said: "Husbands, tigers and leopards are in the mountains, and squirrels are in the water. Each has its own support. Moreover, there are ferocious beasts in the Yangtze and Huaihe Rivers, and there are also chickens and dolphins in the northern soil. Now the people are harmed, and the fault lies with the disabled officials, who work hard to catch them. , It is not the root of worry and compassion. The purpose is to get rid of corruption and promote loyalty and kindness. You can remove the trap and cut the class system." Later, it was rumored that the tiger prime minister traveled eastward to cross the river. In the first year of the Zhongyuan Dynasty, there were many locusts. Those that flew to the Jiujiang border often dispersed east and west, so they were called far and near. There are two mountains in Junqiu County, Tang and Hou, where the people worship and worship the ancestral temple. The witches then take the men and women of the people and change them year by year. Since they dare not marry, no one dares to prohibit them if they follow the orders before and after. Jun Nai wrote a letter saying: "From now on, those who marry for the mountains will all marry into the shaman family, and do not disturb the good people." So he refused. In the first year of Yongping, he moved to Donghai Prime Minister. He stayed in the county for five years and was dismissed from office. However, the officials and people of Donghai were so kind that they composed songs for him, and thousands of people went to the palace to beg for restitution. Xianzong used his ability to worship the minister for seven years. Every time there is a refutation, the purpose is often agreed upon. They all tried to delete suspicious things. The emperor thought there was adultery and was furious. All the ministers were frightened and kowtowed to apologize. Jun Gu Lise said: "Gai's loyal ministers stick to their righteousness and have no second thoughts. If they are afraid of power and lose their integrity, they will all die but will not change their ambitions." The emperor was good at his perseverance and moved Jun to Si Li Xiaowei. A few months later, he became the prefect of Hanoi and promoted political reform. They all suffered from sleep sickness, and the elders of the people prayed for him and asked about his daily life day and night. He was loved by the people. He wrote a letter begging for mercy because of his illness, and the emperor's envoy went to Huangmen to express his condolences and stay in hospital to recuperate his illness. Situ Que, the emperor appointed him as prime minister because of his talents, but he resigned in tears. He is kind-hearted and doesn't like grammar. He often thinks that he is a scrupulous person, and he may not be honest with the law, but he is clever and cunning, causing harm to the people, causing disasters and exile. When I was in Shangshu, I always wanted to kowtow and fight for it, but the time was strict, so I didn't dare to present it. The emperor and the empress heard his words and felt sad for him. He died at home in the first year of Jianchu.
(Excerpt from "Book of the Later Han·Jun Biography of Song Dynasty")