There is a son of the West Shu, who said to the King Sun of Soochow: Gai Wentian takes the sun and the moon as the key link, and the earth takes the four seas as the discipline. Nine Saturn points, the nations are wrong. There is the house of the emperor in the letter, and Heluo is the king's house. Did my son ever hear about the capital of Shu? Please write it for the sake of praise.
Gai Zhao, who lived in Shu, was founded in the Middle Ages. The outline of the spirit is the door, and Bao Yulei is the space. Double streams with two rivers resist the heavy resistance of Emei. Land and water together, and meet in Liuhe; Abundant and prosperous, the eight districts are luxuriant, but the temples are awkward.
in front of you, you will cross your knees and rest on your toes. Through the road, it is more than five thousand miles. The hills and hills belong to the same genus, including streams and valleys. Disputes between hills and mountains, touch the stone and spit clouds. The gloom is subtle, and the rise is majestic. Gan Qing shows off in the clouds, and Shudan is angry and rosy. The Longchi Waterfall is in its wake, and the leaking river flows and collapses it. If the water is flowing in the soup valley, it will flow in the waves. As a result, Qiongzhu is on the edge of the mountain, and the fungus is on the cliff. Beside the dragon, the side is litchi. Cloth green leaves grow, and Zhu Shi leaves. Welcome the winter without withering, Chang Yeye is embarrassed. Kong Cuiqun Xiang, rhinoceros elephant race. The pheasant faces the pheasant, and the orangutan cries at night. The golden horse shines brightly and the scenery is absolutely beautiful, while the blue chicken suddenly shines. The fire well sinks in the deep spring, and the high flying fan hangs in the sky. In the meantime, there are Hu po Dan Qing and Jiang Zhu Yu ying. Jinsha silver gravel, colorful, brilliant and bright.
in the back, it is Huarong, and in the north, it refers to Kunlun. Edge to Jiange, resistance to Shimen. Liu Han Tang Tang, Jing Lang Lei Ben. Looking back at the sky, the clouds are faint. Water and things are different, and scales are different. Or hide dumplings, or hidden jasper. Jiayu comes from point C, and Liangmu is saved in the valley of praise. Its trees are magnolia, osmanthus, paulownia and fir. It is quiet at the bottom of the valley, and pine and cypress are lush at the peak. Dry, long. Fan the flying clouds and blow the clouds lightly. Xi he's false way is ambiguous, and wu yang's return to the wing is high. Nest habitat Xiang, Yu and Deng Lin. Strange beasts live in caves, and exotic birds live in nests. The bear roars its yang and carves its yin. Apes are eager for success, while tigers and leopards are whistling and singing forever.
in the east, it is left to Mianba, and Baipu fills it. The external negative copper beam is in the ditch, and the internal letter is crucial. Among them, there are Ba Ba Ba Ji and Ling Shou Tao Zhi. Fan is surrounded by a garden and the shore is surrounded by a salt pond. It lives in the mountains, and the turtle is in the water. If you dive in the water, you should sound the drums and start the rain. Dan Shazhu shines out of his Hanban, and the honey room is covered with Yu Yu. The mountain map is taken from the Tao, and the red axe is immortal. If it is just fierce, the wind is still martial. If you are excited, you will travel, and if you play, you will dance. The spirit was wild in the middle period and lived in Yuefu.
in the west, you will be surrounded by Minshan Mountain, and you will be flooded with water. Accompanied by the white wolf, the song becomes a chapter. The grass is wild and the foot of the forest is gray. Give it to the plant, and crouch down. A hundred herbs shrub, cold flowers and winter fragrance. Heterogeneous groups, why infertility? Among them, there are green beads and yellow rings, and the blue flowers and mangs disappear. Or rich green fat, or sweet Dan pepper. Moose and weeds are spread in central Afghanistan, and the wind is spreading in Langao. Red flowers and purple flowers are decorated, and the leaves of Ke are budding. Apply it, and it will be lost. Shennong is the taste, and Lu Wei is the material. Fang pursues qi and evil, and tastes bitter and furuncle.
within its territory, there is a tomb of Yuanji, which looks at Mibo. Play with diving, soaked with cotton pheasant. The ditch is scattered and the pulse is scattered, and the border is wrong. Millet oil, rice momo. Refers to the mouth of the canal as the cloud gate, sprinkling the pond and becoming the land ze. Although the star has never finished, its ointment has not yet been completed.
Er Nai Yi lives in seclusion and is surrounded by rivers and mountains. Across the building, the mulberry trees are one after another. There is a well of salt springs at home, and a garden of oranges and pomelo at home. Its garden is lined with loquat and orange persimmon. Peach blossom letter, Mei Li Luo Sheng. A hundred fruits and a house, different colors and the same glory. Zhu Ying is ripe in spring and ripe in summer. If it is a big fire, the cool wind is strong. White dew condensation, slightly frosty. The purple pear is moist, and the chestnut is full of hair. Pu Tao is in chaos, and if the pomegranate is cracked. Sweet to zero, Fenfen is cool. Its gardens include cornus, Guachouyu District. Sugarcane ginger, Yang Polygonum and Yin compress. Every day goes to Feifei, and every month comes to help. Let the soil be beautiful, and the public will give and save.
Its Woying people are Zan Jiang Cong Pu and Lu Ling Hong Lian. Mixed with algae, with apples. The main stem is Ye Zhenzhen. Real-time taste makes princes feel ashamed. Among them, there are Hong Zhu Gu Lv and Zhen Lu Pelican. When the morning dawns, the wild goose holds the reed. The wood falls in the south, and the ice ripples in the north. Yunfei water stays, and the canal is clear. At its depth, there are white turtles who command turtles and mysterious otters who offer sacrifices. Fish, trout, fish, shark and fish. Different colors, brocade newspaper. Yue Tao plays the wrasse, and the middle stream forgets each other.
As a result, Jincheng Stone Country is also the central area. Both beautiful and venerable, the real name is Chengdu. Open the door to the 29 th, and draw a wide spread of square rails. Camp the new palace in Shuang long, and plan to inherit the Ming dynasty and leave the house. Tie the extension pavilion of Yangcheng, flying over the clouds. Open Gao Xuan to face the mountain, with a window overlooking the river. In the interior, it is discussed that the hall is a hall, and the martial arts are powerful. Xuan Hua's Lu, worship ceremony's Lu. Huaque is double-edged, and the door is open. The gold shop is reflected, and the jade topic is shining. On the outside, the track extends in all directions, and on the inside, it is opposite. There are thousands of rooms. There is also a first, when qu to surgery. The altar is open, and the door is high. The court buckles the bell, and the hall caresses the harp. Bandit Ge Bandit Jiang, can the domain be a shirt?
Asia is less than the city, and it is adjacent to the west. The city will meet, and there will be thousands of businesses. There are hundreds of tunnels, and there are thousands of them. Bribery is a mountain, and there are many beautiful stars. They are all women, and they wear beautiful makeup. Jia Mao is full of mistakes. Foreign bodies are strange and strange in all directions. There is a building on the cloth and a sandalwood on the surface. Qiongzhang is handed down in the summer city, and the sauce flows in Panyu. There is a jumble of places, and the crown and belt are mixed. Tired of overlapping tracks, rebellious and divergent. Noisy, then the universe; If it is noisy for a long time, it will be the spirit of Egypt. In the middle of the world, the house of skillful geisha. A hundred rooms leave the room, and the loom is in harmony. Bei Jin Fei Cheng, Zhuo color Jiang Bo. Huang run is better than a barrel, and gold has passed.
extravagance and wealth make you rich. The public is good at mountains and rivers, and Huo Zhi is private. There are thousands of treasures. ? Show both. Also with wealth, I learned from the border town. Three great Shu, when it comes, when it goes. Raise the capital city, tie the knot with the party. Drama talks about drama, and it is awkward to reach the palm. If you go out, you will ride even, and you will return to a hundred taels. If it is old-fashioned, it will end in winter and begin in spring. On an auspicious day, set up a wine hall to entertain guests. Sitting in the golden altar, there are four dishes and cigarettes. It's clear with glutinous rice, but it's rare with purple scales. Feather Jue holds the competition, and silk and bamboo are the hair. Bucky plays the strings, and the Chinese women clap their hands. Starting from the western sound to promote the column, singing on the river. Long-sleeved and dancing repeatedly, wandering about Israeli descent. Combine bottles to promote seats, lead to full punishment. Drink this evening, and get drunk for months.
if a husband is a grandson, he is a husband. From birds to the outside, there is no one living in the lane. And take a horse, and all serve the fish. Xuanhuang different schools, colorful knot. Beyond Jindi in the west and Yujin in the east. The new moon is dark, and the bandits are ten days old. Jumping in a cage, covering a vast area. The eagle and the dog are in trouble. Mao qun is far away from home, and the feather clan is in dispute. Loud and profligate, the net is thin. Slaughter elk, and you will kill them. Take a snake with a snake, cross a tiger. It's too late to be ambitious. Chase after the light wings and go far. Out of the gate of Pengmen, it's a 1% discount. After the eventful Three Gorges, I stumbled across five steps. The halberd eats the beast of iron, but shoots the deer that eats poison. Hey? Self-protection is in the grass, and the bird is in the forest. Pull out the elephant's teeth and make the rhinoceros horn worse. A bird is useless, and a beast is useless.
it's almost the same as the other phases, and the first phase is Dianchi Lake, which is concentrated in Jiangzhou. Test the water, canoe. Jiang Yan, and fugue. Jade, fishing. Get off the high mandarin fish and get off the diving paddle. Blow a hole flute, and make a fuss. Susceptible to sturgeon \ fish, moving in the sun. The waves are boiling and the pearls are floating. If the cloud contains stars, and the flood shines brightly. Those who will be jealous will open a curtain and meet the plain. Clean it, cut it fragrant and fresh. Drink the wine, and the guests will spin. The horses and chariots are thunderous and thunderous. If the wind and rain disperse, it will spread for hundreds of miles. Skye's homestead is comfortable, and the place to watch and listen is also enthusiastic. How to be the only city in the world?
if it's extraordinary, it's vain. Once a genie, a weft of humanity. The essence of Minshan Mountain is far away, and the well network is on the top. When the Emperor of Heaven is in luck, he will prosper, and Jingfu will flourish. Blue blood of Changhong, birds give birth to Du Yu's spirit. It's a great change, and it's great for Qiang to see that it's greater than the past. Near Jianghan Bingling, the world carries its English. If Wei is like each other, if you are calm. Wang Bao's hair is beautiful, and Yang Xiong's hair is beautiful. Meditation and morality, algae and heaven. Take an examination of the four seas for you, and you are famous for your middle leaves. Therefore, the talker thinks the reputation, and the creator thinks the process is also. As far as the valley is concerned, the mountain is an obstacle. The great wall is steep and steep, and if it is swallowed up, it will be a great defense. One man guards the pass, and there is no way out. Gongsun leaped to the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, while Liu Zong stepped down and became king. From this, what is better in the world? Therefore, although it is rich in summer, it is not infinite if it is all.
I only know the translation, so hold on! ! ! ~~~~