What is the typo written by Qianlong of Lingyin Temple?

When Emperor Qianlong went down to the south of the Yangtze River, he was in Lingyin Temple. The abbot of the temple asked the emperor to give him the name of the temple. The emperor was happy for a while, so he began to write. As a result, the rain prefix of a traditional charm is too big, and there are many odds and ends below it, which is difficult to sort out and it is a bit embarrassing to rewrite it on paper. When the minister next to him saw it, he got the message and immediately whispered a few words in the emperor's ear. With a stroke of the pen, the emperor changed the original "spirit" to "cloud" (only adding a "cloud" under the prefix "rain"), and then wrote four characters "Yunlin Temple". The abbot of Lingyin Temple muttered in his heart, shouldn't it be Lingyin Temple? How did it become Yunlin Temple? Next to the minister repeatedly applauded-well, there are clouds in the sky, forests on the ground, Yunlin Temple, high! In this way, to this day, there are still four words on the plaque of Lingyin Temple: Yunlin Temple. What do you mean there are clouds in the sky and forests on the ground? Which temple has no clouds in the sky and no forest on the ground? Are they all called Yunlin Temple? Poor emperor Qianlong, making a fool of himself, has been lost for hundreds of years. If there is no big change, it is estimated that he will continue to lose.