During the Warring States Period, Wushan Goddess secretly loved King Xiang of Chu and met privately. When Xiang Wang saw it, he was shocked by heaven and man. He wanted to have an effect, but he was stopped by fairies and mortals and failed to do so. After Wang Xiang returned to the palace, he still remembered the goddess. Wushan Goddess is infatuated with Xie, and after combining with her in a dream, she says goodbye to her. King Xiang then traveled all over Wushan and visited this beautiful woman again. The goddess reappeared and explained that the border was over. King Mianchu tidied up his mood and devoted himself to the country, so he said goodbye and returned to heaven.
The last sentence of this poem doesn't rhyme. I wonder if it's wrong. The poem itself borrows the allusion of King Xiang of Chu who dreamed of meeting the goddess, and writes his thoughts about the lover who fell in love at first sight. When he is bored, he can only send feelings and poems.