"If you are not in your position, you will not seek your own government." "The wise are not confused, the benevolent are not worried, and the brave are not afraid."
"Wise people enjoy water, and benevolent people enjoy Leshan; Wise people move, benevolent people are quiet; Wise people are happy, and benevolent people live. " "I am old and people are old; Young people are young, and so are young people. " "Wealth can't be lewd, poverty can't be moved, and power can't be bent." "Don't be in a hurry; See the profit is not small.
Haste makes waste; If you see small profits, you can't do great things. ""if a worker wants to do a good job, he must sharpen his tools first. "
"People who enjoy the people enjoy themselves; Those who worry about the people, the people are also worried. " "Therefore, the sky will drop people, and they must first suffer their minds, their bones and muscles, their bodies and skins, their hearts, and their actions. Therefore, their perseverance has benefited them a lot. "
"Come like running water, go like the wind, I don't know where it came from and where it will end." "A bully is always a coward. For example, villains or thieves! " "see no evil, don't listen to evil, don't say evil, don't move."
I wonder if these are what you want.
You will feel sick if you don't study for three days.
A book is a tool, which can light up dark days, encourage you, and let you boldly enter a new realm.
Reading will stimulate a person's thinking about human nature and morality. Think more, work harder, extract carefully and write down your reading experience, which is enough to cultivate noble sentiments, light the lamp of reading, ignite the spark of thought and open the door to thinking.
Reading a good book is talking to many noble people.
A good book is a good society, which can cultivate people's sentiment and temperament and make people noble.
The internet is risky, so be careful when surfing the internet.
Industry is diligent, and you get something for nothing. "Don't do it with small evils, don't do it with small goodness, but convince people with virtue." The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves before, and today's people in the world are better than the ancients. If you waste your time, you will leave regrets in the old space. If you have ambition, you will live for a hundred years. A lazy youth, a lousy age. Study hard and make progress every day. Perseverance is tempered by time. 360 lines, each line is a champion. Ice is born in water, colder than water, and shines on you more than blue. When the book is used, I hate it less. It's not difficult. Let's talk about it later.
I'm afraid I can't move, and I'm afraid I won't use it. The more you use your hands, the smarter your brain becomes. Three days fishing, two days drying nets, half-hearted, nothing. Practice one day, work one day, and not practice for ten days one day. Fist never leaves, mouth never leaves. Knives will rust if they are not sharpened, and people will fall behind if they don't learn. There is a road in the mountain of books, but there is no limit to learning the sea. The master leads the door and practices on his own. Practice makes perfect, and diligence is good at it. Yu; What you do in thinking is destroyed in following.
Diligence is good at diligence, barren is good at playing; What you do is thinking, and what you do is destruction. "
A lazy youth, a lousy age.
Good medicine tastes bitter and is good for illness, but advice when most unpleasant is good for action.
Life between heaven and earth, if fleeting, is only sudden.
The sky can be mended, the sea can be filled, and Nanshan can be moved. The sun and the moon have passed, so you can't chase them.
Do you love life? Then don't waste time, because time is the substance of life.
A waste of time is a waste of life.
Time abandoned him who abandoned time.
Time is life, time is speed, and time is power.
Time is like water in a sponge. As long as you are willing to squeeze, there is always something.
Time is made up of minutes and seconds. Only those who make good use of their spare time can achieve greater success.
Of all the critics, the greatest, the most correct and the most talented is time.