Taber's Eighth Original and Translation

Taber's eighth original

Confucius said, "Tai Bo is the ultimate virtue. Third, let the world leave people speechless. "

Confucius said: "politeness and rudeness are both labor;" Caution and rudeness are embarrassing; Courage and rudeness are chaotic; Straight and rude are twisted. Gentlemen are loyal to their relatives, and benevolent people are prosperous; If the old are not left behind, then people will not steal. "

Ceng Zi was ill, so he called his brother and said, "Give me enough. Give me my hand." "Poetry" said:' Treading on thin ice with trepidation. Occasionally, I know my husband and children! "

On one occasion, Meng asked if he was sick. Ceng Zi said: "The bird will die, and its song will also mourn;" The dying man speaks the truth. A gentleman is more valuable than Tao: move by appearance, stay away from violence, and stay away from it; Positive color, close to letters; If you say it, you will be more contemptible. Speaking of beans, there is a secretary. "

Zeng Zi said, "If you can ask, don't ask; Ask more questions and ask fewer questions; If you have nothing, you will be honest with Xu Re. If you make a mistake, you won't go to school. In the past, my friend tried to work in Yi Gi. "

Ceng Zi said, "You can entrust an orphan of six feet, and you can send a hundred miles of life. The big festival cannot be taken away. Gentlemen and men? A gentleman is also a human being. "

Ceng Zi said: "Scholars have a long way to go to strive for self-improvement. Isn't it important to think that benevolence is your responsibility? Isn't it far after death? "

Confucius said, "Be happy with poetry, stand on ceremony."

Confucius said, "People can let it go, but they can't make it known."

Confucius said, "The brave are ill and chaotic. People are ruthless, very sick and chaotic. "

Confucius said, "If you have the beauty of the talents of the Duke of Zhou, you will be arrogant and stingy, and the rest will be insufficient."

Confucius said, "Three years of study is not rare. "

Confucius said, "I believe in learning, and I am good at dying. Dangerous countries do not enter, and chaotic countries do not live. There is a road in the world, you will see it, and without it, you will hide it. The country has a good way, and it is extremely vicious and shameful; The country has no choice but to be rich and expensive, which is shameful. "

Confucius said, "If you are not in your position, you will not seek politics."

Confucius said, "When the teacher offered at the beginning, the chaos of the official gathering echoed!"

Confucius said, "I don't know if I'm crazy but not straight, but I don't want to, but I don't believe."

Confucius said, "If you don't learn, you will be in danger, and you will be afraid of losing."

Confucius said, "Awesome! Shun and Yu win the world and don't care. "

Confucius said, "Yao is king! Only the sky is big, only Yao is big. Wandering around, people are in trouble. This is a success, this is an article! "

Shun has five ministers, and the world has governance. King Wu said, "There are ten rebels." Confucius said, "Is it difficult? On the occasion of Tang Yu, he was prosperous; Only nine women. There are two things in the world that serve Yin. Zhou Zhide can be described as the ultimate virtue. "

Confucius said, "I am not alone." Filipinos eat and drink to show filial piety to ghosts and gods, are tired of clothes and are crowned with beauty, and try their best to humble themselves to the palace. Hey, I'm fine. "


Confucius said: "Taibo can be said to be a person with good moral character." After giving the throne to Ji Li several times, the people couldn't find the right words to praise him. "

Confucius said: "it is futile to be respectful and not polite;" Just being cautious and not guided by ceremony will make you cringe and stiff; If you are brave and not guided by politeness, you will be sharp-tongued. If people with higher status treat their loved ones well, then the atmosphere of kindness will rise among ordinary people; A gentleman does not abandon his old friend, and the people will not be indifferent to others. "

Ceng Zi was ill, so he called his students to him and said, "Look at my feet! Look at my hand (see if there is any damage)! The Book of Songs says,' Be careful, like walking on thin ice'. From now on, I know my body will never be damaged again, disciples! "

Sick, Meng went to see him. Ceng Zi said to him: "This bird is dying, and its cry is very sad;" People are dying, and he means well. A gentleman should pay attention to three aspects: make his appearance solemn to avoid rudeness; Make your face serious, so close to honesty; Pay attention to your words and tone, so as to avoid rudeness and irrationality. As for sacrifices and ceremonies, the officials in charge of these affairs are responsible. "

Ceng Zi said, "If you are talented, you can ask people who are not. People with more knowledge can ask people with less knowledge. Learn if you don't learn. " Knowledge is rich, but it seems empty; I don't care if I'm violated-my friend has done it before. "

Ceng Zi said: "You can entrust the young monarch to him, and you can entrust the state power to him, and never waver in the face of the critical moment of life and death. Is such a person a gentleman? Is a gentleman! "

Ceng Zi said: "A scholar can't be strong and unyielding, because he has a heavy responsibility and a long way to go. Isn't it important to realize benevolence as your own responsibility? Isn't it far to fight for life and fight for death? "

Confucius said: "(Man's cultivation) begins with the study of poetry and ends with the study of etiquette and music."

Confucius said: "For ordinary people, we can only let them do what we want them to do, but we can't make them understand why they do it."

Confucius said, "Those who love the brave and hate the poor will make trouble. If you push people or things too hard, things will go wrong. "

Confucius said: "Even if there is such a beautiful talent as Duke Zhou, if he is arrogant and stingy, then other aspects are not worth seeing."

Confucius said, "After studying for three years, it's hard to find someone who can't be an official."

Confucius said: "strengthen your faith, study hard, and swear to improve the way of governing the country and being a man." Don't enter a country with unstable political situation, and don't live in a turbulent country. If there is a road in the world, you will come out to be an official; There is no way out of seclusion in the world. Poverty and humbleness are a disgrace to the country; It is also a shame that the country has no choice but to have money. "

Confucius said: "If you are not in that position, you will not consider things in that position."

Confucius said: "From the beginning of the overture played by Taishi Gui to the end of Guan Ju's performance, rich and beautiful music echoed in my ears."

Confucius said, "Arrogant people are dishonest, fools are careless, and honest people are not credible on the surface." I really don't know why some people do this. "

Confucius said, "If you don't catch up with your knowledge, you will lose something."

Confucius said, "How noble! Shun and Yu won the world, not from it. "

Confucius said, "How great! A monarch like Yao. How noble! Only the sky is big, and only Yao can imitate the height of the sky. How vast (his kindness) is, the people really don't know what language to express their praise for him. How noble his achievements are and how glorious his etiquette system is! "

Shun has five wise ministers, so he can govern the world well. Zhou Wuwang also said, "I have ten courtiers to help me run the country." Confucius said, "Talent is rare, isn't it?" ? This period was between Tang Yao, Yu Shun and Zhou Wuwang, with the most abundant talents. But one out of ten ministers is a woman, while in fact there are only nine. Zhou Wenwang won two-thirds of the world, and still served Yin and Zhou Zhide. It can be said that. "

Confucius said: "I have nothing to be picky about;" His diet is simple, and he tries his best to respect ghosts and gods; The clothes he usually wears are simple, but he tries to wear colorful clothes when offering sacrifices. His own palace is very low and he is committed to repairing water conservancy affairs. I really have nothing to be picky about Yu.