Hu Shi: "Wang Mang was the first socialist in China." He agreed with Wang Mang's three policies of state-owned land, equal production and abolition of slavery. "Follwed was wronged 1900 years, so far there is no fair judgment.
His famous family, Wang Anshi, was reviled for a while, but someone has already avenged him. However, Wang Mang was a great politician, and his courage and skills far exceeded Wang Anshi's ... Poor such a diligent person, whose nature was' not to do nothing' and wanted to' balance the masses and suppress the combination', and finally died on the chopping block, ... but no one gave him justice. "
Yan Bozan: "Wang Mang is the bravest and cleverest politician in the history of China." Wang Mang's restructuring "should improve the social and economic system full of contradictions at that time". (Outline of China History)
Ge: "Wang Mang as a reformer" was "a unique figure in the ruling group at that time". "We take the actual situation of the society in the late Western Han Dynasty as an example. To measure Wang Mang's reform measures, we have to admit that most of them are progressive and straightforward. " (The Tragedy of Wang Mang, Journal of Northwest University, No.65438 +098 1)
Han Yude: "Wang Mang is a great scholar and politician who read ancient classics and insisted on governing the country by classics". (Several Problems in Wang Mang's Research, Qilu Journal,No. 1983,No. 1)
He Ziquan: "Wang Mang is a reformist. In policy, he is for his own interests, but also take care of the interests of the people. Compared with the dark rulers at that time, Wang Mang was certainly more progressive. " (Wang Mang, Guangming Daily1951March 10)
Extended data:
Wang Mang was killed when he died.
When Wang Mang carried out the New Deal, there were many disasters such as drought, locust plague, plague and diversion of the Yellow River. Because Wang Mang's system reform not only failed to alleviate social contradictions, but also caused chaos in the world, the state treasury was exhausted, it was impossible to allocate funds for disaster relief, and people's survival was unsustainable. Therefore, in the fourth year of Tianfeng (A.D. 17), there were locust plagues, droughts and famines all over the country, and farmers from all over the country revolted in succession, among which two military forces, the Red Eyebrow Army and the Green Forest Hero, were formed.
In 23 AD, Wang Mang held a crying ceremony in the southern suburbs.
In the fourth year of Emperor Huang (AD 23), the rebels (outlaw heroes) invaded Chang 'an, and Wang Mang fled to Taiwan Province under the escort of Wang Yi, with more than a thousand doctors, eunuchs and entourage. Wang Yi, who was guarding the city, fought day and night, causing slight casualties among his men and retreating to Taiwan Province. At this time, his son, servant Wang Mu, was trying to take off his official clothes and run for his life. Wang Yi stopped him, and the father and son locked follwed together.
In the end, more than a thousand people who followed Wang Mang were all killed or killed. Wang Mang was killed by the rebels (Shangxian Du Wu). A captain's guest asked Du Wu where Wang Mang's body was, and Du Wu told him it was in the "room between east, west, north and south". The guest beheaded Wang Mang and hung in Wancheng. Dozens of soldiers rushed to kill Wang Mang and split his body. People heard that follwed head in Wancheng,' * * * attack or cut its tongue'.
After the demise of the new dynasty, Wang Mang's head was collected by the royal family of later generations. Until the reign of Emperor Jinhui in 295 AD, Luoyang armory was burned.
Baidu Encyclopedia-Wang Mang