Use painkillers-you can take painkillers to relieve the pain. Aspirin, ibuprofen, paracetamol and naproxen are all helpful. You can choose what is most effective for you. Use knee pads in time. Sometimes knee pads are really useful, but it depends on the problem. Therefore, you should consult an expert before using them. Knee pads have little therapeutic effect. Their main function is to remind you that your knees are sick, so you should be especially careful not to make them worse.
During the self-cultivation, exercise more thigh muscles. The method is to step forward with one foot, bend your knees with your front foot, keep your back foot vertical for 10 second, restore your original posture, change your feet and repeat the same action, and repeat it 12~ 15 times every other day. Do it only three times per step; Pay attention to relaxing your knees at ordinary times.
Too tight knees will increase the pressure on painful joints. Try to bend your knees slightly, which will give your knees a little rest. Recover slowly. Do less activities that may aggravate knee pain. Obviously, you should limit running or other joint-shaking activities ... at least temporarily. But you should also avoid sitting for a long time and use the elevator or escalator instead of taking the stairs. If you must sit for a long time, try to straighten your feet and relax your knees to relieve stress.
I think these methods can solve the problem of knee injury when playing football:)