1. Du Fu; The north and south of the thatched cottage are all springs, and the flock of gulls flew in. The old lady didn't sweep the flower path for the guests. Today, it's only for you. Chai Men hasn't opened it for you yet, but it will open it for you today. It's a long way to the market. I can give you very little. The drinkers are poor, old and cool. Shall we call my old neighbor to join us, call him through the fence and empty the jar? .
2. "One Night Abroad" Du Fu; The breeze rippled on the grassy coast, through the night, and blew to my still mast. The endless plains are dotted with drooping stars. The moon runs with the river. I hope my art can bring me fame and liberate my sick old age from the office! . Flying around, flying around, what am I like, just a sandpiper in the vast world! .
3. Du Fu, The Story of Climbing Yueyang Tower; I heard that Dongting Lake is magnificent before, but today's wish has finally reached Yueyang Tower. The vast lake tore Wu Chu apart, as if the sun, moon and stars were floating in the water. There is no news from my friends or relatives. I am old and sick, drifting in a boat. The battle of the north gate began again, and I cried through the railing.
Chinese is a polysemous word, usually referred to as language, literature and culture for short. Its original meaning is "language". Chinese is generally regarded as a comprehensive subject of language and culture.
Language and articles, language knowledge and cultural knowledge are inseparable from it. It can also be said that Chinese is the sum total of written or oral language works formed by using language rules, specific language vocabulary and formation process.
Chinese is an important teaching subject in the basic education curriculum system. Its teaching content is language and culture, and its operating form is also language and culture.
Chinese ability is the basis of learning other disciplines and sciences, and it is also an important humanities and social science, and a tool for people to exchange ideas with each other. It is characterized by the unity of instrumentality and humanity. Chinese is also the main subject offered by schools and other educational institutions in China.