With the development of social productive forces and the continuous improvement of court etiquette system in the later period, ancient court banquets are also constantly developing and changing. Banquets developed to the Ming Dynasty, and there were many kinds of banquets. Generally speaking, according to the scale and the importance of the emperor, there are three kinds of banquets: big banquet, middle banquet and small banquet. Then, the "treat" of the Ming dynasty kings for the New Year must be a big event, and it must be the specification of a big banquet.
Not only banquets are divided into large, medium and small, but also a table of banquets will be divided into four categories according to the official rank: upper table, upper table, middle table and lower table. As the name implies, the dishes at each table are definitely different. The dishes served on the table include chicken, double bonzi bones and other dishes, as well as soup, steamed bread, beef and mutton and rice. Just drank five more glasses of wine.
Then there is the food at the middle table, which is slightly worse than the food at the last table. There are no hard dishes such as chicken and double bonzi bones, only some fruits, vegetables, soup, steamed bread, beef and mutton rice and five glasses of wine. The food in the middle table is even worse, only some fruits, vegetables, soup, steamed bread and so on. And three glasses of wine. Less components and smaller specifications.
The rest is even worse, only some drinks, refined powder soup, steamed bread and pork rice; The Golden Rifleman and the Elephant Slave Captain only have steamed bread. Although judging from this arrangement, the lower the rank of officials, the smaller the table will be and the dishes will be worse than those on the table, it can be said that it was quite rich for people at that time.
The "treat" of the Ming kings for the New Year can also be said to be a political activity, which is not just as simple as eating a meal, but also a means to win people's hearts. At the banquet, hundreds of officials were rewarded to strengthen the cohesion between the emperor and civil and military officials.