Du Xunhe was born in poverty. He tried several times in Chang 'an, but he never came back to the mountain. He came home from Chang 'an when Huang Chao's army swept across Shandong and Henan. Since then, I have lived a life of "I have been in the smoke for fifteen years" ("Going out to see senior officials after the chaos") and "I am willing to learn from the world and I am happy to climb mountains" ("Working in the mountains after the chaos").
Wen gave him the title of rites department, and in the second year of Zhongshun (89 1), he was the eighth scholar ("Lessons"). The following year, due to political turmoil, Tianqi returned to the old mountain and was in Xuanzhou. He attaches great importance to him and takes it as his career. Three years later (903), Tianqi rebelled against Yang Xingmi and sent him to Daliang to contact Zhu Wen. Tianqi was defeated and died. Zhu Wen commended him and awarded him a bachelor's degree in Hanlin and the Foreign Minister as the guest of honor. He was very ill and died in ten days. Tang Feng Ji was published in Jiguge in Ming Dynasty. Liu's best friend compiled the suicide note of the sage in Guichi with an addendum.