Yuan, the son of Angong, went to China with weak willows, and coptis chinensis was everywhere. Luo Yichun, a cold man, is still young and has experienced some storms. When the swallows came, did you draw a building on the roadside of Lvshui Bridge and meet anyone? The material hides the cloud window silently, and the dust is full of mourning strings and dangerous columns. Yu Xin was so anxious that she had to close her eyebrows for everyone. Independent east wind tears, send smoke east. Always miss the leisure of spring, how tired are you? Idle pillow, turn to oriole language. I'm tired of it, but the remaining photos are still in the dock.
The faint willows are inextricably linked, light yellow and light green are everywhere, and birds are scrambling to sing. It's still early spring, the light cold has hit Luoyi, and a storm has just passed. I asked the swallow who just flew back affectionately: when I came, there was a painting building by the Green Water Bridge. Have you seen that beautiful woman in the house? I expect her to cover the cloud window and be in no mood, so that the strings of the harp are covered with dust and mud. I have as many worries as Yu Xin, and I don't know who my eyebrows are for. Personally, I shed a little tear in the spring breeze and sent it to the east with this foggy river. Think about the free time in Changchun on this day. How can we get through being sleepy and lazy? Idle and sleepy on the lonely pillow, I heard the soft voice of an oriole. When I woke up, I felt even more bored, only to see the setting sun still shining in the garden.
Appreciate this word to write about missing lovers. The feeling of being hurt is sad and profound. Shang Kun first wrote about the scenery in early spring, and then asked Chun Yan about her lover. I will speak my mind directly and speak my inner feelings layer by layer.