The mountains of Yonghe and Liu are hills and valleys in the wilderness; Zi Hou lived in exile, and he begged to send the sun and the moon, so Song tried his best to describe it. If the mountains are here, the mountains and seas in eastern and western Zhejiang are all knotted, and there are many strange and grotesque people. If you want to carve and paint, you will find that this mountain looks like a wall with the same name as a famous mountain. There is no other way, that is, Zishanyangou. And those who are unique on this mountain have two ways:
As I have seen before, such as Mount Fushan in Anhui, Mount Jinling and Feilai Peak in Lin 'an, the cliffs and caves are not beautiful, while foolish monks often carve the appearance of immortals and buddhas, and the common people carve their famous poems like sores, but they enter people's eyes. Only Zi Shan has done its best in ancient beauty so far. Building a wall and standing thousands of miles away is unattainable; If you are far away, those rich and powerful people will not come, that is, they will not stay long and will not be humiliated by simple monks and laymen.
And those who have beautiful mountains and rivers can make tourists happy; And those who cut the deep wall of the mountain and look up and down, Yan Gongjing's heart does not know its automation. When I cover this point, I feel absolutely lost and worried about ghosts. My heart is connected with the spirit of heaven and earth.
If we look at these two things, we can see that monks have preserved their secular knowledge and sages have achieved their careers.
The trial translation is as follows:
The day before the Mid-Autumn Festival in Guihai, I went to Yandang Mountain for two days before coming back. Most of the historical sites in the mountains have been deserted, because they are covered with overgrown vegetation and cannot be explored and visited. The peaks and cliffs of Yandang Mountain are completely different from those I have been to before. My nephew Bao Kongxun said, "Why not write travel notes? . "I replied," This mountain is unforgettable. "
The mountains in Yongzhou and Liuzhou are just small ravines in the barren land. Liu Zongyuan was demoted to the official residence of Yong and Liu, and he was always looking for seclusion, so he used various words to describe it. Yandang Mountain, on the other hand, meanders in the southeast corner of Zhejiang, with deep, steep and grotesque peaks, which are not only high but also numerous. If we must use words to describe Yandang, we can only describe the scenery of Yandang as similar to other famous mountains, but we can't show its uniqueness. I think Yandang has two unique features.
The mountains I have seen before, such as Fushan Mountain in Tongcheng, Anhui, Qixia Mountain in Nanjing and Feilai Peak in Hangzhou, are not ugly, but silly monks like to carve the appearance of immortals on the mountains, and those vulgar celebrities like to carve their names and poems on them. These carved mountains are as terrible as scars. Yandang Mountain alone can keep the original appearance of the mountain. This is because Yandang Mountain is a freshman in thousands of feet, which is not easy to climb, and it is in a remote place. Rich and powerful people generally don't come here for no special reason. Even if they do, they won't stay long, spending time and money to show that they "have a good trip." This is why Yandang Mountain has never been insulted by the peeling axe chisel of stupid monks and laymen.
Beautiful mountains and rivers can make tourists feel relaxed and happy. However, the deep wall cutting of Yandang Mountain needs to look up and down. Between pitches, a sense of solemnity and stillness arises spontaneously. Once this happens, all kinds of distractions and troubles in the world will disappear, and the initial heart will begin to communicate with the spirit of heaven and earth.
Knowing these two points, the noble knowledge of leaving the world and the successful learning method of saint Tessa can be obtained and understood.
Some sentences, such as "if you want to carve and paint, if you want to be simple, then the mountain is like a wall, and the name is the same as that of famous people. There is no other way to be a valley of mountains", which is really difficult to translate and only gives you a rough idea. There are still some subtle points that may be badly hurt.
In the other 3 and 4 paragraphs, a person on the Internet understood and expressed the general idea well, and the translation here largely referred to his article "Feeling Yandang Mountain". The words are beautiful, and the website is posted below.
2. Translation of Pan Lei's ancient text Yandang Mountain: Guihai went to Yandang Mountain the day before the Mid-Autumn Festival and returned after playing for two days. Most of the historical sites in the mountains have been deserted, because they are covered with overgrown vegetation and cannot be explored and visited. The peaks and cliffs of Yandang Mountain are completely different from those I have been to before. My nephew Bao Kongxun said, "Why not write travel notes? . "I replied," This mountain is unforgettable. "
The mountains in Yongzhou and Liuzhou are just small ravines in the barren land. Liu Zongyuan was demoted to the official residence of Yong and Liu, and he was always looking for seclusion, so he used various words to describe it. Yandang Mountain, on the other hand, meanders in the southeast corner of Zhejiang, with deep, steep and grotesque peaks, which are not only high but also numerous. If we must use words to describe Yandang, we can only describe the scenery of Yandang as similar to other famous mountains, but we can't show its uniqueness. I think Yandang has two unique features.
The mountains I have seen before, such as Fushan Mountain in Tongcheng, Anhui, Qixia Mountain in Nanjing and Feilai Peak in Hangzhou, are not ugly, but silly monks like to carve the appearance of immortals on the mountains, and those vulgar celebrities like to carve their names and poems on them. These carved mountains are as terrible as scars. Yandang Mountain alone can keep the original appearance of the mountain. This is because Yandang Mountain is a freshman in thousands of feet, which is not easy to climb, and it is in a remote place. Rich and powerful people generally don't come here for no special reason. Even if they do, they won't stay long, spending time and money to show that they "have a good trip." This is why Yandang Mountain has never been insulted by the peeling axe chisel of stupid monks and laymen.
Beautiful mountains and rivers can make tourists feel relaxed and happy. However, the deep wall cutting of Yandang Mountain needs to look up and down. Between pitches, a sense of solemnity and stillness arises spontaneously. Once this happens, all kinds of distractions and troubles in the world will disappear, and the initial heart will begin to communicate with the spirit of heaven and earth.
Knowing these two points, the noble knowledge of leaving the world and the successful learning method of saint Tessa can be obtained and understood.
3. Translation of Pan Lei China's ancient poem A Journey to Yandang Mountain: Guihai went to Yandang Mountain the day before the Mid-Autumn Festival and returned after playing for two days. Most of the historical sites in the mountains have been deserted, because they are covered with overgrown vegetation and cannot be explored and visited. The peaks and cliffs of Yandang Mountain are completely different from those I have been to before. My nephew Bao Kongxun said, "Why not write travel notes? . "I replied," This mountain is unforgettable. "
The mountains in Yongzhou and Liuzhou are just small ravines in the barren land. Liu Zongyuan was demoted to the official residence of Yong and Liu, and he was always looking for seclusion, so he used various words to describe it. Yandang Mountain, on the other hand, meanders in the southeast corner of Zhejiang, with deep, steep and grotesque peaks, which are not only high but also numerous. If we must use words to describe Yandang, we can only describe the scenery of Yandang as similar to other famous mountains, but we can't show its uniqueness. I think Yandang has two unique features.
The mountains I have seen before, such as Fushan Mountain in Tongcheng, Anhui, Qixia Mountain in Nanjing and Feilai Peak in Hangzhou, are not ugly, but silly monks like to carve the appearance of immortals on the mountains, and those vulgar celebrities like to carve their names and poems on them. These carved mountains are as terrible as scars. Yandang Mountain alone can keep the original appearance of the mountain. This is because Yandang Mountain is a freshman in thousands of feet, which is not easy to climb, and it is in a remote place. Rich and powerful people generally don't come here for no special reason. Even if they do, they won't stay long, spending time and money to show that they "have a good trip." This is why Yandang Mountain has never been insulted by the peeling axe chisel of stupid monks and laymen.
Beautiful mountains and rivers can make tourists feel relaxed and happy. However, the deep wall cutting of Yandang Mountain needs to look up and down. Between pitches, a sense of solemnity and stillness arises spontaneously. Once this happens, all kinds of distractions and troubles in the world will disappear, and the initial heart will begin to communicate with the spirit of heaven and earth.
Knowing these two points, the noble knowledge of leaving the world and the successful learning method of saint Tessa can be obtained and understood.
4. Classical Chinese translation "Diary of Visiting Yandang Mountain" Xu Xiake visited Yandang Mountain the day before the Mid-Autumn Festival in Guihai, and came back after playing for two days.
Most of the historical sites in the mountains have been deserted, because they are covered with overgrown vegetation and cannot be explored and visited. The peaks and cliffs of Yandang Mountain are completely different from those I have been to before.
My nephew Bao Kongxun said, "Why not write travel notes? . "I replied," This mountain is unforgettable. "
The mountains in Yongzhou and Liuzhou are just small ravines in the barren land. Liu Zongyuan was demoted to the official residence of Yong and Liu, and he was always looking for seclusion, so he used various words to describe it. Yandang Mountain, on the other hand, meanders in the southeast corner of Zhejiang, with deep, steep and grotesque peaks, which are not only high but also numerous.
If we must use words to describe Yandang, we can only describe the scenery of Yandang as similar to other famous mountains, but we can't show its uniqueness. I think Yandang has two unique features.
The mountains I have seen before, such as Fushan Mountain in Tongcheng, Anhui, Qixia Mountain in Nanjing and Feilai Peak in Hangzhou, are not ugly, but silly monks like to carve the appearance of immortals on the mountains, and those vulgar celebrities like to carve their names and poems on them. These carved mountains are as terrible as scars. Yandang Mountain alone can keep the original appearance of the mountain.
This is because Yandang Mountain is a freshman in thousands of feet, which is not easy to climb, and it is in a remote place. Rich and powerful people generally don't come here for no special reason. Even if they do, they won't stay long, spending time and money to show that they "have a good trip." This is why Yandang Mountain has never been insulted by the peeling axe chisel of stupid monks and laymen. Beautiful mountains and rivers can make tourists feel relaxed and happy.
However, the deep wall cutting of Yandang Mountain needs to look up and down. Between pitches, a sense of solemnity and stillness arises spontaneously.
Once this happens, all kinds of distractions and troubles in the world will disappear, and the initial heart will begin to communicate with the spirit of heaven and earth. Knowing these two points, the noble knowledge of leaving the world and the successful learning method of saint Tessa can be obtained and understood.
5. Fang Bao translated "Wild Goose" (Qing) Fang Bao
Guihai [1] Mid-Autumn Festival, I hoped to enter Yanshan [2] the day before, but it was reversed the next two days. There are many historical sites that cannot be explored, but the colors of mountains and walls are unprecedented. Bao nephew patrolled the hole [3]: "What's the secret [4]?" Yu Yue said, "I don't remember Zi Shan. Yong and Liu Zhishan are the high valleys in the wilderness [5]. They are thick and quiet, looking for the sun and the moon [6], so they are best described. If the mountain is Ziz, the mountains and seas in eastern and western Zhejiang are intertwined, and the grotesque people are actually very large and many. If you want to carve, paint and look like it, then the color of the mountain wall will be the same as that of the famous mountain, and there is no other way to do it. "
However, for two reasons, I am the only one who got it from Zishan. As we have seen before, such as Anhui Fushan Mountain, Jinling Mountain [7] and Lin 'an Feilai Peak [8], their cliff caves are not unsightly, while foolish monks carved the appearance of immortals and buddhas, and Shu Ren carved his own poems, which were like sores and entered people's eyes [9]. But Zi Shan has done its best in ancient beauty, so that today, it is unattainable and far away. Rich and powerful people have no reason to come, just don't stay long. The framework of pigeon works is self-marked [10], so it will not be humiliated by simple monks and laymen. Moreover, those who have beautiful mountains and rivers can make tourists happy.
But those who cut the deep wall of Zishan Rock and look up and down are strict and upright, and do not feel automatic. If they cover this point, they will feel absolutely lost and worry about ghosts [1 1], and my heart is connected with heaven and earth [12]. Looking at these two things, we can see the monk's knowledge of leaving the world [13] and the sage's way of doing things [14].
[1] Guihai: Qianlong eight years (1743).
[2] Looking: The fifteenth day of the lunar calendar is "looking at the sun". Yanshan: Yandang Mountain is called Yanshan for short.
[3] Kong Xun: Bao Kongxun, his nephew, his sister married Bao Shi, and Kong Xun is his son.
[4] Why not?
[5] A desolate and remote place (Z not u Zou). W: Corner, extending to a remote place.
[6] "Tour Training" sentence: Explore the landscape in depth (send love to the landscape) to pass the day.
[7] Photo Mountain: Qixia Mountain, located in the north of Nanjing, is one of the scenic spots in the southeast. This mountain is rich in herbs and can be used for health care, so it is also called photography mountain.
[8] Lin 'an: namely Hangzhou. Feilai Peak: a spiritual Jiu Feng, in front of Lingyin Temple on the northwest bank of West Lake. Legend has it that during the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the Indian monk Uighur saw this mountain and sighed, "This is the small ridge of Jiuhua Mountain in Zhu Guo. I wonder when it flew here? " Therefore, it is called "Feilai Peak" and is one of the scenic spots of the West Lake.
[9] Jian (wěi Wei): sores. Jué digs, but: shocking.
[10] Dog food: gather craftsmen. Dove: Gather around. Expose: Show off one's reputation.
[1 1] Ghost: brittle and hidden.
[12] 1: Done.
[13] Xiutu: a man with perfect moral character. Health: stick to your own character. Wet experience: experience the world.
[14] Self-achievement: self-achievement and external achievement.
6. Ask Xu Xiake to translate The Story of Yandang Mountain. 13 Sunrise Lingyan Temple Gate, walk right along the foothills. Along the way, he saw jagged cliffs and rock walls, and flowing clouds set off the colors in the mountains.
The tall and flat top is slate. Standing under the Banzhangyan, it is sharp and narrow, which is the Little Scissors Peak.
Further on, above the overlapping rocks, an elegant mountain peak goes straight into the sky, that is Guanyin Rock. Guanyin rock edge, Ma 'anling in front.
The steep mountain road twists and turns, turn right and cross the ravine, and there is a huge soup flow. The stones at the bottom of the mountain stream are as flat as fine grindstones. Walk along the depths of the mountain stream, about ten miles away from Lingyan Temple, and after passing Chang Yunfeng, you will see the big scissors standing by the stream.
To the north of Scissors Peak, huge stones rise abruptly, which is called Lianyunfeng. From here, surrounded by mountains, the peaks meet the walls and the cliffs are exposed.
The running water of Dalong Waterfall flows straight into the pool. The situation of rocks is steep, and the flowing water is not borne by the river bed, so it floats down in the air, which suddenly makes people dizzy and fearful.
There is a temple above the pool, which is said to be where Luonannuo looks at the flowing water spring. From the back of the temple along the stone steps, there is a pavilion built on the rock wall, like a bird spreading its wings.
After sitting in front of the waterfall for a long time, I walked down the rock and went back to buddhist nun for dinner. It's raining in Mao Mao, but my thoughts have flown to the top of Salt Lake.
So, I went to Chang Yunfeng in the rain, climbed a very steep and dangerous cliff from Song Daodong on the mountainside of Chang Yunfeng, and went to Baiyun Temple for three miles. When people go to empty buildings, buddhist nun collapses. A monk in the middle of the grass saw a guest coming, looked at it and left.
One mile further, it was Yunjing Temple, so I stayed here. Monk Yin Qing has been ill in bed for decades, but he can still talk and laugh with his guests.
Seeing the dark clouds, drizzle and cold wind around the peak, I can't help worrying about the trip tomorrow morning. [2]。
7. Fang Bao's translation and annotation of "You Yandang Mountain" (Qing Dynasty)
Guihai [1] Mid-Autumn Festival, I hoped to enter Yanshan [2] the day before, but it was reversed the next two days. There are many historical sites that cannot be explored, but the colors of mountains and walls are unprecedented. Bao nephew patrolled the hole [3]: "What's the secret [4]?" Yu Yue said, "I don't remember Zi Shan. Yong and Liu Zhishan are the high valleys in the wilderness [5]. They are thick and quiet, looking for the sun and the moon [6], so they are best described. If the mountain is Ziz, the mountains and seas in eastern and western Zhejiang are intertwined, and the grotesque people are actually very large and many. If you want to carve, paint and look like it, then the color of the mountain wall will be the same as that of the famous mountain, and there is no other way to do it. "
However, for two reasons, I am the only one who got it from Zishan. As we have seen before, such as Anhui Fushan Mountain, Jinling Mountain [7] and Lin 'an Feilai Peak [8], their cliff caves are not unsightly, while foolish monks carved the appearance of immortals and buddhas, and Shu Ren carved his own poems, which were like sores and entered people's eyes [9]. But Zi Shan has done its best in ancient beauty, so that today, it is unattainable and far away. Rich and powerful people have no reason to come, just don't stay long. The framework of pigeon works is self-marked [10], so it will not be humiliated by simple monks and laymen. Moreover, those who have beautiful mountains and rivers can make tourists happy.
But those who cut the deep wall of Zishan Rock and look up and down are strict and upright, and do not feel automatic. If they cover this point, they will feel absolutely lost and worry about ghosts [1 1], and my heart is connected with heaven and earth [12]. Looking at these two things, we can see the monk's knowledge of leaving the world [13] and the sage's way of doing things [14].
[1] Guihai: Qianlong eight years (1743).
[2] Looking: The fifteenth day of the lunar calendar is "looking at the sun". Yanshan: Yandang Mountain is called Yanshan for short.
[3] Kong Xun: Bao Kongxun, his nephew, his sister married Bao Shi, and Kong Xun is his son.
[4] Why not?
[5] A desolate and remote place (Z not u Zou). W: Corner, extending to a remote place.
[6] "Tour Training" sentence: Explore the landscape in depth (send love to the landscape) to pass the day.
[7] Photo Mountain: Qixia Mountain, located in the north of Nanjing, is one of the scenic spots in the southeast. This mountain is rich in herbs and can be used for health care, so it is also called photography mountain.
[8] Lin 'an: namely Hangzhou. Feilai Peak: a spiritual Jiu Feng, in front of Lingyin Temple on the northwest bank of West Lake. Legend has it that during the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the Indian monk Uighur saw this mountain and sighed, "This is the small ridge of Jiuhua Mountain in Zhu Guo. I wonder when it flew here? " Therefore, it is called "Feilai Peak" and is one of the scenic spots of the West Lake.
[9] Jian (wěi Wei): sores. Jué digs, but: shocking.
[10] Dog food: gather craftsmen. Dove: Gather around. Expose: Show off one's reputation.
[1 1] Ghost: brittle and hidden.
[12] 1: Done.
[13] Xiutu: a man with perfect moral character. Health: stick to your own character. Wet experience: experience the world.
[14] Self-achievement: self-achievement and external achievement.
In the Mid-Autumn Festival in the year of Guihai (the eighth year of Qianlong), he entered Yandang Mountain the day before the fifteenth (that is, fourteenth) and returned two days later. Most of the historical sites are hazelnuts and weeds, so it is impossible to climb and explore, and the appearance of mountains and the color of cliff walls are unprecedented to me. My nephew Bao Kongxun said, "Why don't you write it down?" I said, "This mountain is beyond description. The mountains in Yongzhou and Liuzhou are a mountain bag and a desolate and remote ravine. Liu Zongyuan (decorated with thick characters) was exiled there to live and explore mountains and rivers to kill time, so he was familiar with all the faces of mountains and rivers. Like this mountain, it is surrounded by the mountains in western Zhejiang and the sea in the east. It's deep, strange, steep, strange, strange. It's really big and numerous. If you want to carve it, and pursue the same as this mountain, the appearance and color of the stone walls of that mountain are the same as those of famous mountains. It is impossible to tell which one is the ravine of this mountain. "
But my own experience from this mountain has two points. Previously seen, such as Fushan Mountain in Tongcheng, Anhui, Sheshan Mountain in Jinling (Qixia Mountain) and Feilai Peak in Lin 'an, their cliff caves were not unsightly, but stupid monks carved many stone statues of immortals and buddhas, and their names and poems were dyed and painted by common reading, which was shocking as scars. Only this mountain has retained the color of Archaean appearance. Until today, the cliff stands thousands of meters (meters, the ancient unit of length measurement). People can't climb it, and it's in a remote place. People with wealth and ability (to transform it) have no chance to come here, and even if they do, they won't stay long, let alone gather craftsmen to build houses to flaunt their fame. So this mountain has never been stupid and vulgar. And all the beautiful scenery of mountains and rivers can make tourists feel relaxed and happy, but this mountain has far-reaching rocks and steep cliffs. When I looked up and bowed my head, my heart was serious, respectful, calm and upright, and I couldn't feel myself beating. I lost all my feelings and troubles here, and my nature is completely connected with the spirit of heaven and earth. Based on these two points, people with perfect moral quality insist on their own behavior and experience of the world, and the way for saints to realize their achievements can be realized.
8. I urgently need the translation of "Wandering Wild Goose" and what I saw before the text analysis, such as the Fushan Mountain in Anhui Tong [1], the Mountain in Jinling and the Feilai Peak in Lin 'an, whose cliff caves are not beautiful, but many foolish monks are chiseled for the appearance of immortals and buddhas, and Shu Ren carved his own poems, such as sores, but they entered the eyes [2].
However, Zi Shan is so unique in its ancient beauty that it is today. Building a wall and standing thousands of miles away is unattainable; In remote places, rich and powerful people can't come, that is, they can't stay long to expose themselves [4]; Therefore, I will not be humiliated by stupid monks and laymen.
And those who have beautiful mountains and rivers can make tourists happy. But those who cut through the deep wall of Zishan Rock and looked up to see it, Yan Gongjing's heart did not know its automation.
At this point, I feel absolutely lost and worried about ghosts [5], and my heart is connected with the spirit of heaven and earth. If we look at these two things, monks will keep their secular knowledge [5], sages will become adults, and all of them are available and visible.
—— Fang Bao's Wandering Goose Note: [1] Anhui Tong: Tongcheng, Anhui Province today. [2] sores: scars.
[3] Doves: the same as "correction", gathering, gathering. [4] Standard disclosure: flaunting and showing off.
[5] Friar: A man of perfect character. Participation: handling and experience.
Explain that the underlined words in the following sentence [1] are not rich and powerful [2], but my heart is connected with the spirit of heaven and earth ● Translate the underlined sentences into modern Chinese ● The author thinks that the reason why Yandang Mountain is "not humiliating the country" is (no more than 8 words) ● The difference between visiting Yandang Mountain and other "beautiful" mountains is that Fang Bao belongs to the literary school of Qing Dynasty (in his own words).
3, the wall has ears, you can be happy when you travel to other mountains, but when you get to this mountain, you will have a serious and upright heart (meaning right). 4. Tongcheng School keeps its true colors serious, respectful, quiet and correct. 5. [1] Modern Poetry Landscape Poetry [2] Metaphorically exaggerates the shape and color falling from the sky; Listen to the momentum and shape. [3] Keep the scene of Yandang Mountain in mind and paint it with pen and ink after going back, which not only shows the love for Yandang Mountain, but also shows the beauty of Yandang Mountain scenery.
9. Seeking (Qing) Fang Bao's full-text translation of the Wild Goose Dang Ji (Qing) Fang Bao Guihai Zhong Qiu [1], looking forward to entering the Wild Goose Mountain [2] the day before, and the next day, against it.
There are many historical sites that cannot be explored, but the colors of mountains and walls are unprecedented. Bao nephew patrolled the hole [3]: "What's the secret [4]?" Yu Yue said, "I don't remember Zi Shan.
Yong and Liu Zhishan are the high valleys in the wilderness [5]. They are thick and quiet, looking for the sun and the moon [6], so they are best described. If the mountains are Zi Shan, the mountains and seas in eastern and western Zhejiang are tangled, and there are many grotesque people. If you want to carve and paint it, you will want to look like it. Then the color of the mountain is the same as that of the famous mountain, and there is no other way to do it is the rock valley in Zi Shan. "
However, for two reasons, I am the only one who got it from Zishan. As we have seen before, such as Anhui Fushan Mountain, Jinling Mountain [7] and Lin 'an Feilai Peak [8], their cliff caves are not unsightly, while foolish monks carved the appearance of immortals and buddhas, and Shu Ren carved his own poems, which were like sores and entered people's eyes [9].
But Zi Shan has done its best in ancient beauty, so that today, it is unattainable and far away. Rich and powerful people have no reason to come, just don't stay long. The framework of pigeon works is self-marked [10], so it will not be humiliated by simple monks and laymen. In addition, those who have beautiful mountains and rivers can make tourists relaxed and happy, and those who have deep-walled rocks look down. Gong Yan is calm and upright, unaware of its automation. If it is built here, it will feel lost, worry about its ghosts [1 1], and its heart is connected with the spirit of heaven and earth [12].
Looking at these two things, we can see the monk's knowledge of leaving the world [13] and the sage's way of doing things [14]. Note: [1] Guihai: Qianlong eight years (1743).
[2] Looking: The fifteenth day of the lunar calendar is "looking at the sun". Yanshan: Yandang Mountain is called Yanshan for short.
[3] Kong Xun: Bao Kongxun, his nephew, his sister married Bao Shi, and Kong Xun is his son. [4] Why not?
[5] A desolate and remote place (Z not u Zou). W: Corner, extending to a remote place.
[6] "Tour Training" sentence: Explore the landscape in depth (send love to the landscape) to pass the day. [7] Photo Mountain: Qixia Mountain, located in the north of Nanjing, is one of the scenic spots in the southeast. This mountain is rich in herbs and can be used for health care, so it is also called photography mountain.
[8] Lin 'an: namely Hangzhou. Feilai Peak: a spiritual Jiu Feng, in front of Lingyin Temple on the northwest bank of West Lake.
Legend has it that during the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the Indian monk Uighur saw this mountain and sighed, "This is the small ridge of Jiuhua Mountain in Zhu Guo. I wonder when it flew here? " Therefore, it is called "Feilai Peak" and is one of the scenic spots of the West Lake. [9] Jian (wěi Wei): sores.
Jué digs, but: shocking. [10] Dog food: gather craftsmen.
Dove: Gather around. Expose: Show off one's reputation.
[1 1] Ghost: brittle and hidden. [12] 1: Done.
[13] Xiutu: a man with perfect moral character. Health: stick to your own character.
Wet experience: experience the world. [14] Self-achievement: self-achievement and external achievement.