The Analects of Confucius' poems on scholarship

1. After studying the sentence about gentlemen in the Analects of Confucius, the first Confucius said, "It's better to keep pace with the times, isn't it?" Is it not delightful to have friends coming from distant quarters? Ignorance and dissatisfaction are not gentlemen? "A Confucius said," He is also very filial to his younger brother, but few people like to make mistakes. It's not easy to make mistakes, but it's not easy to make mistakes.

Gentleman's business is based on inheritance and Taoism. Filial piety is also the foundation of benevolence! Confucius said, "A gentleman who is not heavy is not arrogant; Learning is not solid.

Lord is faithful. A man without friends is worse than himself.

If you pass, don't be afraid to change. Confucius said, "A gentleman does not have enough to eat and does not think about peace. If he is sensitive to things and careful about what he says, he will know the correct method and honesty, and he can be said to be studious. "

The official second son said, "A gentleman is not a tool." Zi Gong asked the gentleman.

Confucius said, "Speak before you act." Confucius said, "The week of gentlemen is incomparable, and the week of villains is incomparable."

The third son of Bashu said, "There is no dispute between gentlemen. Will shoot! Give up and drink.

Its struggle is also a gentleman. I invited the seal man to see me and said, "As far as Sri Lanka is concerned, I can't help seeing a gentleman. "

Judging from the followers. He went out and said, "Why should the second son and the third son be mourned? There is no way in the world for a long time, and God is eager for Master. "

The founder of the four Confucius said: "Being rich and expensive is what people want; If you don't follow the path, there is nowhere. " Poverty and meanness are human sins; Don't go if you don't get it by the way.

Gentleman goes to benevolence, villain becomes famous? If a gentleman has no final food, he will violate benevolence. If he expects anything, he will be unhappy. Confucius said, "A gentleman is not fit for the world, and there is no Mo Ye. Justice is not just comparison. "

Confucius said, "A gentleman likes virtue, but a villain likes earth; The gentleman is pregnant with punishment, and the villain is pregnant. " Confucius said, "A gentleman is righteous, but a villain is profitable."

Confucius said, "A gentleman talks but doesn't do it." Gongye's fifth son is called Zi Jian. "A gentleman is a human being! If Lu has no gentleman, how can he take Si? " A child is called a child. "There are four ways for a gentleman: respect for oneself, respect for things, support for the people with benefits, and the people with righteousness."

Yongye Liuzihua was sent to Qi, and Ranzi asked Li to be his mother. Confucius said, "Let it go."

Please benefit. Yue: "Go with you."

Ran Zi and Wu Libing. Confucius said, "Red is symmetrical, riding a fat horse and wearing light clothes.

I also heard that gentlemen are eager to succeed and become rich. Zi said, Xia Zi said, "Women are gentlemen and Confucianism! Doing nothing is a villain! " Confucius said, "quality is better than literature, and literature is better than quality."

Gentle, then a gentleman. "Show tease asked me," benevolent, although tell me' there is benevolence in the well.

Where did it come from? Confucius said, "What is it? A gentleman can die, but he can't be sleepy; You can bully, but you can't ignore it. " Confucius said, "A gentleman is knowledgeable in literature. You can help him if you have an appointment with him! " The seventh Confucius said, "Saint, I can't see; If you can meet a gentleman, you can do it. "

Confucius said, "Good man, I can't be quiet; You can see that there is a constant, and you can do it. It is difficult to be constant when you die, but you are vain and willing to be Thai. "

When Chen Si was defeated, he asked Zhao Gong if he knew the ceremony. Confucius said, "Know the courtesy." Confucius retreated and urged the horse to enter, saying, "I heard that gentlemen are not party, but gentlemen are also party?" You took it from Wu, with the same surname, Wu Mencius.

You know the ceremony, but who doesn't know the ceremony? "Five horse period. Confucius said, "Autumn is also fortunate. If there is, people will know. "

Confucius said, "Wen, I am still human. If you are a gentleman, then I have nothing to gain. "

Confucius said, "an upright man is open and poised, I am worried." Eight gentlemen in Taibo are loyal to their relatives, and benevolent people are prosperous.

Never leave the old, people don't steal. Ceng Zi said: "The bird will die, and its song will also mourn;" The dying man speaks the truth.

Gentleman is more valuable than Tao: move by appearance, far away by violence; Positive color, close to the letter smile; If you say it, you will be more contemptible. Speaking of water beans, there is a secretary. "

Ceng Zi said, "You can entrust a six-foot orphan, you can give a life of a hundred miles, and you can't take it away. A gentleman is also a gentleman. " Zi Han's ninth son heard about it and said, "Do you know me? I am cheap, so I can despise.

How many gentlemen are there? Not much! Confucius said, "Where a gentleman lives, how can he be humble!" In difficult times, the emerging tenth gentleman doesn't use it as a decoration, and Hongzi doesn't think it is obscene; In summer, it is bound to show. The eleventh advanced Confucius said: "advanced in rites and music, savage also;" Finally, the gentleman also.

If we use it, we will be advanced. "Asked Zhang Zi kindly.

Confucius said, "If you don't practice, you won't enter the room!" Confucius said, "What is a gentleman? What about Secun? " Gong Xihua sat down. Confucius said, "If one day I grow up, I won't.

Juze said, "I don't know!" If you know, why? Lutz was right. "A thousand times the country depends on a big country, and with the help of teachers and apprentices, it will be hungry. Compared with three years, it will be full of apricots, and you will know." Master yi.

"Ask, what about you?" Right: "You are sixty or seventy, you are fifty or sixty, and you are seek fortune for oneself. Compared with three years, you can satisfy the people; If it is a ritual, it is a gentleman. " "Hong, what about you?" Yes, "if you can do it, you are willing to learn!" If the ancestral hall is agreed, it will be a small matter. "

"Point, what about you?" Drum by Shi Si, Ken and Shese. Right: "This is written by an extraordinary person."

Confucius said, "Why bother? Everyone speaks their minds. " Yue: "Mo Chun, the Spring Campaign is over; There are five or six champions, six or seven boys, bathing and dancing, and going home. "

The master blushed and said, "Me and Dianye!" The third son came out, and the third son came out. Zeng said, "What did the third son say?" Confucius said, "It's time for everyone to say their own things!" Say, "What's the reason, master?" Yue: "It is a gift for the country and a reason to sayno."

"Just seek merit, not for state affairs." "Seeing sixty or seventy, such as fifty or sixty, is not a country." "Only red is not a state?" "Ancestral temple in conjunction with the governors, isn't it? The red one is small, how can it be big! " Lutz XIII Lutz said: "Wei Jun takes the son as the government, and the son must learn it first?" Confucius said, "It must make sense!" Lutz said, "Is it true? The pedantry of the child is also! Qi Zheng Qi? " Confucius said, "Yee, Yee! If a gentleman doesn't know, he can't be punished.

If the name is not correct, the words will not be practiced; Without training, it will not work; If you can't do it, you will be happy; If the ceremony and music are not prosperous, the punishment will be lost; If the punishment is not correct, the people will be at a loss. Therefore, the name of a gentleman must be spoken, and words must be feasible.

A word from a gentleman is a promise! Confucius said: "A gentleman is harmonious but different; The villain is not harmonious. " Confucius said: "It's easier for a gentleman to say than to say: if you say it without a way, you won't say it;" It also allows people, this device.

It is difficult for a villain, but easier said than done; Although it doesn't matter, it is also said; It also makes people want to be prepared. Confucius said, "A gentleman is not arrogant; Little people are arrogant.

2. The sentence about gentlemen in The Analects of Confucius is 1. Isn't it pleasant to study from time to time? Is it not delightful to have friends coming from distant quarters? Isn't he a completely moral person? Although people may not pay attention to him, he won't feel uneasy.

It's rare to be a filial person who is good at committing crimes. Those who are not good at making mistakes but are good at making trouble are not good at making mistakes. Gentleman's business is based on inheritance and Taoism. Filial piety is also the foundation of benevolence.

3. If a gentleman is not heavy, he is not martial, while learning is not solid. The Lord is faithful, and people who have no friends are inferior to themselves, but don't be afraid to change after that.

4, the gentleman is not a device.

5, the gentleman is not as good as Zhou, and the villain is not as good.

6. Is it evil for a gentleman to go to benevolence and become famous? If a gentleman has no final food, he will violate benevolence. If he expects anything, he will be unhappy.

7, the gentleman to the world, no, no Mo Ye, benevolence and righteousness.

8, the gentleman is wild, and the villain is pregnant. A gentleman is guilty of punishment, but a villain is guilty of profit.

9. A gentleman is figurative, while a villain is figurative.

10, a gentleman talks but doesn't start work.

1 1, I heard that a gentleman is eager to succeed and become rich.

12, quality is better than literature, literature is better than history, gentle and gentle, and then a gentleman.

13, a gentleman can die, can't be trapped, can bully, can't ignore.

14, a gentleman is knowledgeable and literate, and he can also be a husband if he makes a gift.

15, sage, I can't see it, but I can see the gentleman.

16, an upright person is open and poised, while a narrow-minded person is anxious and worried.

3. Ask the sentence about "gentleman" in the Analects of Confucius to put forward the image of "gentleman" to solve this problem! But who is a gentleman? Why a gentleman? In Confucius, we regard "gentleman" as an example of learning (an example person, just like Roger T. Ames in "&; lt; Analects of Confucius Enlightenment from English translation!

In the era of Confucius, on the one hand, a gentleman can be the so-called advanced "gentleman of today"; On the other hand, it is also a virtual reference: there is no clear and specific reference. Confucius once took the gentleman as the leading image: "The Analects of Confucius": Confucius said: "I don't see a saint; If you can meet a gentleman, you can do it. " The appearance of gentlemen is a life paradigm put forward by Confucius in the face of the collapse of rites and music (please refer to Zhang Yan's richer analysis in From Tribal Civilization to Rites and Music System). However, is there such an example for the United States today? Perhaps, we should first think about what the "example" itself is.

Gentleman's ancient prose is related to "poetry" and "chanting" of "poet", both of which are related to statutes. As far as the meaning of words is concerned (see many scholars' cultural research on the Book of Songs), half of the poems hold something as a statute and as a system control. Yin and gentleman are also related to the occurrence of ci, and Yin and gentleman are also related. Words like life yin appear repeatedly in Oracle Bone Inscriptions. Sages, Yin, monarch and ministers are also related to offering sacrifices or offering sacrifices to teachers. In Dai's five meanings, "the so-called sage knows the Tao, is resourceful but not poor, and can measure the feelings of all things"-the gentleman is also the opener of the channel. The relationship between a gentleman and gentle and sincere poetry teaching also needs to be considered. Did the gentleman dispel masculinity and overcome the harsh virtues of the law? This involves the softening of the law?

4. In The Analects of Confucius, regarding the study of ancient poems, 1, Confucius said: Learn from time to time, don't you?

Languages other than the Analects. study This is the first sentence in the first chapter of The Analects of Confucius, the original meaning of learning.

Confucius said: when studying, people should apply what they have learned to practice in time, and review what they have learned frequently, and they will experience endless happiness in their study.

2. Confucius: A gentleman is not satisfied with food and peace, sensitive to things and cautious in speaking, so he has the right path and is eager to learn.

Languages other than the Analects. study This sentence is a basic requirement and attitude of scholars in their daily words and deeds.

Confucius said: a gentleman should not pursue warmth and comfort in life, but should be diligent in his work and cautious in his words; A gentleman who is good at learning can be called a gentleman who always approaches moral and learned people, learns from them and corrects their mistakes.

3, Confucius: review the old and know the new, you can be a teacher.

Languages other than the Analects. For politics. This sentence is one of Confucius' great contributions to China's pedagogy.

Confucius said: by constantly reviewing what you have learned, you can gain new knowledge, and with new knowledge, you can become a teacher.

4. Confucius: Learning without thinking is useless, and thinking without learning is dangerous.

Languages other than the Analects. For politics. This sentence is an important summary of learning methods.

Confucius said: learning without thinking will lead to chaos and gain nothing, which will easily make people stick to the rules and fall into dogmatism; Thinking without learning to confuse you, because it is unrealistic, wasting time but achieving nothing.

5. Confucius: Knowing is knowing, not knowing is not knowing, but knowing.

Languages other than the Analects. For politics. This is the most basic attitude of scholars in learning.

Confucius said: Knowing is knowing, and not knowing is not knowing. This is true wisdom.

5. The sentence about the gentleman in The Analects of Confucius is unknown to people, but it is not the negligence of the gentleman.

Confucius put forward the image of "gentleman" to solve this problem! But who is a gentleman? Why a gentleman? In Confucius, we regard "gentleman" as an example of learning (an example person, just like Roger T. Ames in "&; lt; Analects of Confucius Enlightenment from English translation!

In the era of Confucius, on the one hand, a gentleman can be the so-called advanced "gentleman of today"; On the other hand, it is also a virtual reference: there is no clear and specific reference. Confucius once took the gentleman as the leading image: "The Analects of Confucius": Confucius said: "I don't see a saint; If you can meet a gentleman, you can do it. " The appearance of gentlemen is a life paradigm put forward by Confucius in the face of the collapse of rites and music (please refer to Zhang Yan's richer analysis in From Tribal Civilization to Rites and Music System). However, is there such an example for the United States today? Perhaps, we should first think about what the "example" itself is.

Gentleman's ancient prose is related to "poetry" and "chanting" of "poet", both of which are related to statutes. As far as the meaning of words is concerned (see many scholars' cultural research on the Book of Songs), half of the poems hold something as a statute and as a system control. Yin and gentleman are also related to the occurrence of ci, and Yin and gentleman are also related. Words like life yin appear repeatedly in Oracle Bone Inscriptions. Sages, Yin, monarch and ministers are also related to offering sacrifices or offering sacrifices to teachers. In Dai's five meanings, "the so-called sage knows the Tao, is resourceful but not poor, and can measure the feelings of all things"-the gentleman is also the opener of the channel. The relationship between a gentleman and gentle and sincere poetry teaching also needs to be considered. Did the gentleman dispel masculinity and overcome the harsh virtues of the law? This involves the softening of the law?

There are many pages in The Analects of Confucius about a gentleman, but the gentleman here is a broad concept, which emphasizes the pursuit of personality and teaches people to be different from ordinary people. In order to achieve this goal, The Analects of Confucius put forward the standard of words and deeds and the requirements of moral cultivation for gentlemen.

First, "a gentleman is not a tool." Confucius believes that as a gentleman, you must have a variety of talents, not just like a vessel. You should "take righteousness as the quality, conduct with courtesy, take sun as the example, and succeed with faith." ("Wei Linggong") That is to say, a gentleman should be based on virtue, act according to courtesy, show modesty and be loyal, otherwise he is not a gentleman.

Second, a gentleman should pay attention to self-cultivation. Confucius said, "Being rich and expensive is what people want, and there is no way to get it. Poverty and meanness are human evils. If you don't get them their way, you won't go. Isn't it good to be famous if a gentleman goes to benevolence? If a gentleman has no final food, he will violate benevolence and will do it again. " In Confucius' view, as a gentleman, we must attach importance to the cultivation of benevolence and never leave it under any circumstances. At the same time, Ceng Zi believes that when a gentleman attaches importance to the cultivation of benevolence, he must pay attention to three aspects of norms: first, "move by appearance, stay away from violence, and act slowly"; The second is "positive color, close faith"; Third, "If you say it, you will be more contemptible" (Taber). In other words, a gentleman should be serious about his appearance, correct his face and pay attention to his words. Only in this way can people respect you, trust you and be gentle with you. At the same time, Confucius also thought that "a gentleman is too loyal to be arrogant" (Lutz); "A gentleman does not contend with pity or with the Party" (Wei Linggong); "A gentleman is sick and incompetent, and a patient dies." "A gentleman is named after his illness." "A gentleman seeks for himself, and a villain seeks for others." ("Wei Linggong") That is, as a gentleman, you should be calm and not arrogant, have a solemn attitude and not quarrel with others, and you can get along with others without forming a party for selfish ends; A gentleman should pay attention to improving himself and make more contributions to society in his lifetime. Only in this way can we be called a gentleman's accomplishment.

Third, a gentleman should be strict with himself everywhere. Confucius believes that a gentleman should not only cultivate his self-cultivation, but also pay attention to strictly demanding himself with the standards of "abstinence, fear and thinking". Confucius said: "A gentleman has three precepts: when he is young, his blood gas is uncertain, so he should be cautious; It is also strong and bloody, and it is fighting; I am also old, my blood gas is declining, and I have to quit. " "A gentleman has three fears: fear of destiny, fear of adults, and fear of the words of saints." "A gentleman has Jiu Si: he sees clearly, listens attentively, thinks enthusiastically, looks respectfully, speaks loyally, thinks respectfully, asks questions, thinks hard and sees clearly." These ideas put forward requirements for gentlemen from different angles, which can be summarized as follows: First, we should always pay attention to abstaining from personal desires; The second is to have awe in doing things and prevent recklessness; The third is to deal with it seriously and be strict with yourself at any time.

Fourth, a gentleman should value righteousness and avoid profit, and pursue morality. Confucius believes that the difference between a gentleman and a villain lies in their different attitudes towards life and their different pursuits in life. He believes that "a gentleman is a metaphor for righteousness, and a villain is a metaphor for profit." ("Standing Man") "A gentleman seeks the Tao without seeking food." "A gentleman is not poor." ("Wei Linggong") "The gentleman is wild, and the villain is pregnant with the soil; The gentleman is pregnant with punishment, and the villain is pregnant. " In other words, as a gentleman, only by attaching importance to and pursuing morality can we distinguish ourselves from villains and truly embody the spirit of a gentleman. At the same time, Confucius also believes that a gentleman must match his words with his deeds, which is the so-called "a gentleman speaks slowly, but acts quickly." (Li Ren) "Speak before you act." (Politics)

6. In the Analects of Confucius, there are five sentences about learning, gentleman, filial piety and honesty, they explain. 1, a gentleman talks but doesn't start work. A gentleman should talk less and do more practical things. -Gentleman

2, the gentleman seeks for himself, and the villain seeks for others. A gentleman is strict with himself, while a villain tries his best to demand and demand others. -Gentleman

3, the quality wins the text is wild, the quality wins the history, gentleness, and then the gentleman. If simplicity is better than literature, it is rude, if literature is better than simplicity, it is vanity, and then it becomes a gentleman if it is properly proportional to literature. -Gentleman

4. an upright man is open and poised while a petty man is anxious and worried. An upright man is open and poised, I'm sentimental.

5, the gentleman is Thai but not arrogant, and the villain is arrogant but not Thai. A gentleman is magnanimous and not arrogant, while a villain is arrogant and not magnanimous.

7. Poetry or Analects of Confucius about learning What can I do besides traveling during the May Day holiday? Tips for housework overtime of family education and family education beauty 4. Accumulate goodness into virtue, the gods are complacent, and the sacred heart is prepared.

Therefore, you can't take Wan Li Road without accumulating steps; If you don't accumulate small streams, you won't be a river. Riding a horse in one leap, not ten steps; This is a great contribution to the success of Ma Xu.

Perseverance, rotten wood can't be carved; Perseverance, the stone can be carved. ? Therefore, a gentleman is bound by one.

5, the gentleman's learning is also in the ear, in the heart, in the four bodies, in the dynamic shape. Finally, as long as you move, you can become law.

The knowledge of villains is also heard, not spoken. Ancient scholars were themselves, and today's scholars are people.

The gentleman's learning is also beautiful, and the villain's learning is also a calf. Fourth, China ancient other 1, the industry is diligent and diligent, and the drama is barren; What is done in thinking is destroyed in following-Han Yu 2. Learn 300 Tang poems, and you can recite them even if you can't write them-Sun Zhu's Preface to 300 Tang Poems 3. When you use a book, you hate it less, but it is difficult to do it unless you have a calendar-Lu You 4. Ask the canal so clearly because there is the source of running water here-Zhu 5. Reading for three times means that you have a feeling in your heart and a feeling in your eyes. White-haired people regret studying late-Yan Zhenqing 8. Reading is like writing-Du Fu 9. After reading it for a hundred times, his meaning is self-evident-the reflection of the three kingdoms 10, learning first, taking reading as learning-Ouyang Xiu 1 1, reading thousands of books, taking the Wan Li road-an artist who is addicted to art must have good skills-Pu Songling 13, books.

Long Songs 16, don't be idle, grow old together-Yue Fei 17, make every effort to learn all the world's words, and aspire to read all the world's books-Su Shi 18, tired of reading old books, and familiar with Jingsizi's self-knowledge-Su Shi 19. There is no smoke without fire-Zhuge Liang 2 1, learning is not versatile, learning is not ambitious-Zhuge Liang 22, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step-Laozi 23, my life is limited, and my knowledge is limited-Zhuangzi 24, appreciating strange articles, explaining doubts-Tao Yuanming 25, a lazy youth, an era of ignorance. -Poetry Collection "Long Songs of Han Yuefu" 28. Diligently warn the world: there are fields that don't plow, there are shortcomings, and there are books that don't read. There is a silly son and son, Jianfeng Bao, who honed plum blossom fragrance from bitter cold to young boy. He didn't study hard. He regretted learning late and hated little things until he took the time to study. It is difficult to sit for ten years without writing an empty article. Wisdom comes from diligence and greatness, and greatness comes from ordinary books, mountains, roads, diligence and roads, learning from the sea, endless hardships, and

Listen more, choose good and follow; See more and understand more. 30. Seek yourself (in turn, pursue yourself, that is, find reasons from yourself. )

-"Mencius Gongsun Chou" Gentleman meets difficulties and obstacles, seek fortune for oneself, seek fortune for oneself. -"Two Cheng Quan Shu One Chuan One Pin Three" reflects and tries to find fault in one self; Look for reasons in yourself. 5. Modern China 1. If you don't study in the middle of the night, you will be afraid of ten chills-Guo Moruo 2. I will eventually build a new country and study hard-Guo Moruo 3. I can sleep for a day, or I can not read for a day-Mao Zedong 4.

Mao Zedong 5. Reading a good book is like making a good friend-collector 6. Cleverness lies in diligence, and genius lies in accumulation. Reading never dies, reading never dies-Ye Shengtao 8. Afraid of reading less, you can't remember well-Xu Teli 9. Learning for the Rise of China-Zhou Enlai 10. Reading without words-Zhou Enlai 1 1, never too old to learn-Zhou Enlai 12, if you compare life to the artistic conception of creation, then reading is like sunshine-Chi Li 13, and time is like water in a sponge. As long as you are willing to squeeze it, there is always some. -Lu Xun 14, everywhere is a place of creation, every day is a time of creation, and everyone is a creator-Tao Xingzhi 15, thousands of teachers in Qian Qian teach people to seek truth, and thousands of students in Qian Qian learn to be human.

-Tao Xingzhi 16, great achievements are directly proportional to efforts. Work hard and you will get something. Over time, from less to more, miracles can be created-Lu Xun 17, reading a good book is like making a good friend-Tibetan monk 18, birds want to fly first. -"True Hero" 2 1, reading is also like "panning for gold in the sand" like mining-Zhao Shuli 22, the biggest reason for reading is to get rid of mediocrity and have a wonderful life one day earlier; A day later is a day more mediocre-at 23. Learning is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat.

-"Augmented Xianwen" 24, the knife will rust if it is not sharpened, and people will fall behind if they don't learn. 25, you have a constant, why go to bed at night and get up at five o'clock, the most unhelpful thing is that you are catching cold for ten days a day.

26. The essence of learning is the self-awareness and self-transcendence of human individuals-Sang Xinmin 27. Learning is science. To become a scientific learner, it requires truth-exploration and following the objective laws of learning; Learning is technology. To master superb learning skills, you must be kind-improve learning efficiency through hard practice; Learning is art, and if you want to have fun in hard study, you must appreciate beauty-experience superb learning artistic conception; Learning is a philosophy-the learning wisdom of understanding the unity of truth, goodness and beauty, creating a learning society and enjoying a learning life. -Sang Xinmin 28. Learning to learn independently, learn to learn with people from different professional backgrounds in exchange and assistance, learn to use modern information technology to learn efficiently, and learn to learn through research and creation are the basic survival capabilities of the information society.

-Sang Xinmin 29. Facing the challenge of the information age, changing learning is more important than changing technology! Developing one's own human learning ability and transforming human production ability (productivity) in the outside world constitute the foundation and movement of human survival and development.

The poem about that gentleman is 1. "After the fire, borrow your pavilion, and the four things are the quintessence of the country." Song Chen Yuyi

From then on, there is no need to go to the mountains and forests, and people in the gentleman's pavilion will not find it.

The bamboo hedge garden is quiet during the day, and the plum trees are shaded by spring.

Vernacular translation: it doesn't need to be deep to enter the mountain from here, and people in the gentleman's pavilion don't look for it. The bamboo hedge garden is quiet during the day, and the plum trees are shaded by spring.

2. The Life of a Gentleman

A gentleman's wealth is known before four o'clock. The villain only meets, and the cold and summer are not expected.

The potential of interests is constant, and there is no fixed attitude to weigh the trade-offs. How can I keep my heart away from doubt?

Vernacular translation: a gentleman learns the law and walks in the world, which is known four times ago. The villain only meets, and the cold and summer are not expected. The interests are unchanged and the choices are uncertain. How can I keep my bright and clear heart away from troubles?

3. "Liu Yelang Smells the Future" Tang Libai

Sang Taikang, a saint in the North Que, and a gentleman in the South Gate fled the wild.

When Qin and Han Dynasties heard Jun Tian's music, I hoped the wind would blow to Yelang.

Vernacular translation: The adults of the imperial court are teaching the prosperity of the world, but I, a prisoner, have been exiled to a remote and lonely place. I heard that the imperial court pardoned me and played Jun Tian's music, hoping to borrow the east wind to blow the news to Yelang.

4. To Li Bai at the End of the Day translated by Tang Du Fu

A cold wind is blowing from the distant sky. What are you thinking, old friend? .

The geese never answered me, and the rivers, lakes and seas were flooded by rain.

A poet should be careful to prosper, but the devil can trouble a vagrant.

It should be * * * murder. Throw him the poem, where he drowned himself in the Milo River.

A cool breeze is blowing from the horizon. What's your mood? I miss it very much. I wonder when you will receive my letter. I am afraid that the rivers and lakes are sinister, and the autumn waters are stormy. Writing poems is the most taboo in open life, and what traitors want most is to make mistakes. You, like Qu Zi, have been wronged. You should write poems on the Miluo River to tell the grievances and injustices.

5. Ding Chutang Liu Yuxi

Dew wash lead powder, wind shake sapphire branches.

Yiyi is like a gentleman, and there is nothing wrong with her.

Vernacular translation: Bamboo is as bright as fog and dew, its joints are as white as lead powder, and its branches are like wind shaking sapphires. The one at the top is particularly like a gentleman. There is nothing different and inappropriate.