Appreciation of Han Feizi's Works

Han Feizi's indignation eleventh


A wise man must be far-sighted and good at observation, and if he is not good at observation, he cannot be selfish; Those who can practice the law must be strong and straight, and those who are weak and straight must not be raped. People and ministers are engaged in according to orders. Case law 3 and official rule do not mean that people are important. Those who value people are good at doing things without orders, losing the law to benefit private interests, consuming the country to settle down, and wanting to win its king. This is also very important for people. Wise men see and listen, candles are more important than human feelings; Those who can practice the law are eager to listen to and use the law, and they emphasize the betrayal of others. Therefore, intelligence is used by those who use it, and your minister must be outside the rope. This is a man of wisdom and law, and also a pawn. There should be no hostility between them.

To annotate ...

1 Wise people: wisdom, knowledge, understanding and familiarity. People who know magic.

2 candle privacy: candles, clear observation, insight. Know the secret.

3 case law: case, pass "press" and follow. According to the law.

(4) etiquette: the person in power in the imperial court, that is, the powerful minister.

5 hidden feelings: hidden feelings, conspiracy.

⑥ Outside the rope: The rope ink is straight, and the part outside the rope ink will be cut off. The metaphor here is that powerful ministers will be cut.

⑦ Dangtu people: people who hold important positions and hold power in the imperial court.


A person who knows the art of therapy must have foresight and observation. If he can't be observant, he can't see the secret. A person who is good at law must be a very strong, resolute and upright person. If he is not upright, he can't correct evil. As a minister, he can't be called a powerful minister for handling political affairs according to the law and governing officials at all levels according to the law. The so-called power minister is arbitrary without the monarch's command, breaking the law for personal gain and consuming the country's financial resources to facilitate his family. His power can make the monarch obey his real power minister. People who are familiar with the art of healing can see through the details. Once they are appointed, they will uncover the hidden secrets of the dignitaries. People who are good at law are strong and upright, and once appointed, they should correct the treacherous behavior of powerful officials. Therefore, people who are familiar with the rule of law and good at the law are appointed, so a high-ranking minister is bound to be punished. Therefore, people who know the law and powerful people are enemies who cannot coexist in the court.


If people are good at doing things, they should make use of them. Therefore, the princes should not do things because of ③, so the enemy countries should sue ④; Baiguan does not enter, because of his industry, so I use it; Langzhong (5) hides in the left and right because he can't get close to the Lord; A bachelor is humble if he doesn't get a raise, so a bachelor will talk about it. Four helpers, evil ministers decorate themselves. The worst can't be loyal to the Lord and enter the enemy. People can't help ministers more than four, so the worse the Lord is, the heavier the minister is. Any pawn is also a master. I hope he doesn't believe in love, and he is used to it. If the husband is the master, his mind is similar to likes and dislikes, which is also self-promotion. The official title is valuable, and there are countless cronies, and one country goes to court for it. Then the wizard you want to be is not a relative who believes in love, but also a friend who has learned from the past; He will also use spells to correct Abhisit's heart against the Lord. Humble position, no party segregation. Husband's loss and near love are controversial. There are countless disputes between the new brigade and the old habits; There are countless arguments against ideas and hobbies; Light and expensive, there are countless controversies; There are countless ways to compete in one country at a time. A wizard is invincible in all directions, but he can't see it because of his age; When the slaughter of people, by five Katsunosuke, and said alone in the former. Therefore, a magician can learn from Tao, but a master can learn from Tao. Therefore, capital will be invincible and unstoppable. How can a wizard not be in danger? Those who can falsely accuse shall be punished by public law; You can't condemn and be poor with a private sword. Those who use magic to disobey the Lord will not be punished by officials, but will die by private swords.

To annotate ...

1 thing: refers to authority.

② Outside: refers to vassal states. Ahmadinejad (through translator): officials and people.

3 reason: dependence.

Litigation: praise through "ode".

⑤ Langzhong: Official name.

Bachelor: Ordinary scholar.

7 talk: refers to singing hymns.

⑧: I am less "sparse".

Pet-name ruby: often close.

Attending Abbey Book: Evil is not right.

Number: refers to truth.

New brigade: guests who have recently come from other places.

Age: calculated by age, it is a long-term metaphor.

(l) Punishing officials: by "killing". Killed by an official.


Powerful and important officials are in charge of power, so governors, countries and officials at all levels should be used by him. Therefore, if the vassal does not rely on him, there will be no result, so the enemy will take the initiative to praise him; Officials at all levels cannot be promoted without relying on him, so ministers are willing to work for him; A card shark can't get close to the monarch without relying on him, so the close ministers around the monarch will cover up his sins; Singles don't rely on him, their wages are meager, and they can't get courtesy, so they sing praises for him. These four kinds of assistance are all means used by treacherous court officials to decorate themselves. It is impossible for a powerful minister to be loyal to the monarch and promote his enemies, and it is impossible for the monarch to get to know his ministers outside the deception of the four assistants. In this way, the monarch is more deceived and the ministers are more powerful. All powerful ministers are rarely not loved and trusted by the monarch, and they are often closely related to the monarch. As for his catering to the monarch's wishes, what good monarchs like and what bad monarchs hate, this is their means of entering the body. He has a high position and many cronies, and people all over the country praise him. Then, those magicians who want to ask for the appointment of a monarch are neither loved nor trusted, nor are they always close to the monarch's favor. They intend to correct the monarch's evil heart with magical words, which is contrary to the monarch's mind. Humble, lonely, lacking the support of cronies. It is certainly impossible to win the competition between those who are alienated from the monarch and those who are favored by the monarch; Let the new foreign guests compete with the monarch's close ministers for many years, and it is definitely impossible to win; Let those who go against the monarch's wishes and those who cater to the monarch's preferences compete for victory, which must not be won; Let a humble person compete with a powerful person to win, and it is definitely impossible to win; Arguing with the mouth of the whole country with one mouth will definitely not win. Magician, faced with these five unsuccessful situations, has not had a chance to meet the monarch for a long time; There are five conditions for powerful and important officials to win, and they can be discussed in front of the monarch at any time. So, what other methods can magicians use? When will the monarch wake up? Since there is no capital to win and the situation cannot coexist, how can a magician not be in danger? Those who can fabricate charges and frame them will be killed by national laws; Those who can't be accused, let the assassin take their lives. Therefore, people who know magic but don't obey the monarch's wishes will definitely die by the assassin's sword, not by officials.


The cronies are more harmful to the master than Zhou, and those who seek personal gain by their words will believe in others. So you can cut off the borrower and use the official title to make it expensive; Those who can't get a good reputation should pay more attention to foreign rights. Those who tend to be private because of disadvantages, the rank is not obvious, and they must be more important than foreign power. This Lord is not qualified to refer to, and he doesn't want to see merit, so the mage An Nengmeng died and entered it. The evil minister Anken took advantage of it? Therefore, the more humble the Lord is, the more respected the private door is. Although the husband and wife are rich and the army is strong, Master Hua (4) knows that it is not good for himself and says, "It is not my income." Today, although the country has a vast territory and a large population, it is covered by the people and monopolized by the ministers, making the country more prosperous. Wisdom is not superior, not intelligence is not superior to other countries, and those who do not keep it are also. Therefore, the owner said that the people who died together, the land did not die, the city did not die, and it was made by Lu and used by the field. Therefore, the death of gold is not the death of land and city. The Ji family does not control it, but (5) specializes in it. Today, the minister is arbitrary, but he knows what to do, that is, the owner is unknown. Those who are sick with the dead cannot be born; Colleagues who perish together with the country cannot survive. Today, I traveled to Qi Jin, trying to save the country, but I couldn't get it.

To annotate ...

1 lyrics: Say unfair words.

(2) External forces: external forces, here refers to the forces of the vassals.

3 take advantage: pursue interests.

④ China: refers to the country of the Central Plains.

⑤ Six Departments of Qing Dynasty: refers to the six families of Fan, Bank of China, Zhi, Han, Wei and Zhao in the Jin State in the Spring and Autumn Period, whose generation was Qing Dynasty, and they were ruled by * * *.


Those who collude with each other, unite to deceive the monarch, and seek personal gain with unfair remarks will certainly gain the trust of the powerful ministers. Therefore, those who can fake meritorious deeds will be given official titles to make them noble; Those who can't make themselves noble by a good reputation raise their status by the help of governors. Therefore, those who cheat the monarch and run away from the private door will not get a brilliant official title, but will certainly regard it as more important than the court through the power of the vassal. Now the monarch is not punished according to the facts, and he will be given a title before he can make meritorious deeds. How can those magicians risk their lives to put forward his views? How can a traitor walk away in pursuit of interests? Therefore, the lower the status of the monarch, the higher the status of private dignitaries. Even if Qiang Bing is a rich country, the monarch of the Central Plains knows that it is not good for him and says, "That is beyond my control." Now, although some countries have vast territory and vast population, their monarchs have been cheated, and ministers are in charge of state affairs, which is to turn their own countries into Yueguo. I know that my country is different from Yue, but I don't know that my country is no longer like my country because I don't understand the reasons why they are similar. When the monarch said that Qi was destroyed, he did not mean that the land and cities of Qi were destroyed, but that Lu was no longer in power, but was ruled by Tian. When we say that the state of Jin has perished, we don't mean that the land and cities have been destroyed, but that Ji no longer rules the state of Jin, and the regime is in her hands. Now the minister is in power and arbitrary, but the monarch doesn't know how to take back his power. This is the unwise performance of the monarch. A disease like a dead life cannot be saved; Do the same thing as a dead country, and the country cannot be preserved. Now it is impossible to repeat the mistakes of Qi and Jin and want the country to exist peacefully.

Primitive four

The difficulty of magic is not only a thousand times, but also a thousand times. People don't have to be wise around. People will listen to others when they are wise, because talking to them is talking to fools about wisdom. There is no need to be virtuous around the master, and the master is polite to virtuous people. Because of what he has done, he is also virtuous. A wise man makes a decision from a fool, and his behavior is immoral, so he is ashamed and has a bad relationship with others. He who wants to be an official and a minister, his monks and monks are pure, and his wise men argue with governance. His monks can't treat people with goods, rely on purity, and can't treat people with injustice. Then those who cultivate wisdom don't care about things and don't listen. People around the Lord can't do anything other than "Boyi" or seek fortune for oneself. If the goods are not delivered, the merits of fine argument will be lost, and the false words will be destroyed. The power of debate is based on recent studies, and the journey of refinement and cleanliness is praised as evidence. Therefore, the officials who cultivate wisdom will be abolished and the knowledge of democracy will be blocked. Don't judge wisdom by merit, don't take part in the trial, and listen to what you say, then the incompetent will be in the court and the foolish will be in power.

To annotate ...

① Listening: Listen and accept.

② Boyi: the son of the monarch of the solitary bamboo kingdom in the late Shang Dynasty.


Spells are difficult to cast, not only in big countries, but also in small countries. All the ministers around the monarch are not necessarily clever. The monarch thinks that someone is wise and listens to his words, so he discusses what he has heard with the ministers around him. This is judging smart people with fools. All the ministers around the monarch are not necessarily good ministers. The monarch thinks that someone is talented and treats him with courtesy, so he discusses his behavior with the ministers around him, which is to comment on talents with unscrupulous people. The strategy of the wise should be decided by fools, and the virtue of the wise should be judged by unscrupulous people, which makes the wise and the wise feel ashamed, and the monarch's evaluation goes against his original intention. Those who want to be an official, if they are aristocrats, will strengthen their cultivation with refinement and purity, and if they have wisdom and strategy, they will correctly handle affairs to develop their political achievements. Those people with noble character can't bribe and serve others with property, but rely on the essence and purity of teaching and violate the law to manage political affairs. Therefore, these intelligent people with noble virtues will not serve the monarch's ministers or accept their requests. The people around the monarch don't have lofty ideals like Boyi, their demands can't be met, and they have no property to send. As a result, the virtues of honesty and integrity and the achievements of governing the country have disappeared, and rumors of slander and framing have followed. The merits of governing the country are controlled by the people the monarch loves, and the essence and purity of virtue are determined by praise. Then, noble and intelligent officials will be abandoned and the wisdom of the monarch will be blocked. If we don't judge intelligence and conduct by merit, or judge criminal negligence by reference and verification, but blindly listen to our cronies, then incompetent people will rank among the imperial courts, and stupid and humble people will flood government organs.

Primitive five

The minister is too heavy; A thousand times the pain, too much trust in the left and right, this person's master is also bitter. However, people and ministers are guilty, people and the Lord are greatly damaged, and the interests of ministers and the Lord are different. Why is it clear? Yue: Mainly due to the ability to be an official, ministers benefit from incompetence; The main advantage is that you get paid for your work, and the advantage of a minister is that you get rich without working; The main interest lies in the empowerment of heroes, and the interests of ministers lie in cronies. It is a land of cutting off the country, making private wealth, and the Lord is humble and heavy. Therefore, when the king loses power, I gain the country. The main name is Minister Fan, and the photo studio (1) is broken. The reason why this person and minister admire the Lord (2) is also private. Therefore, in all cases, the most important officials in the world mainly change their positions and keep their pets. What is the reason? People and ministers are also great sins. If a priest commits a great sin, his actions will deceive the Lord, and his sin will be death. Wise men have foresight, but they are afraid of death, so they don't value people. Smart people cultivate honesty, shame and treacherous court officials deceive their masters, and they will not be subordinate to others. It's a pawn, not a fool who doesn't know the patient, but a dirty one who doesn't avoid rape. It is also a great sin for a minister to bully the Lord from above, invade fishing from below, form a clique with Zhou for personal gain, confuse the Lord and defeat the law, confuse the people, endanger the country and humiliate the Lord. I have committed a great crime, and God forbid me to do so. This is a great loss. Those who make their masters suffer great losses in the world, those who are ministers, and those who commit great crimes and claim to be immortal in the country cannot get it.

To annotate ...

① phase room: refers to phase country and phase country.

2. Deception.

(3) Changing trend: refers to the change of the monarch's power, that is, the monarch dies first and a new monarch is established.

4 Xiucheng: Integrity.

5 demand: demand.


The evil of a big country lies in the excessive power of ministers; The evil of a small country is that its officials are too intimate, which is the worry of the monarch. Those ministers committed great crimes and the monarch made great mistakes. The interests of a monarch and a minister are different from each other. Where did you know that? It can be said that the monarch's interest lies in whether people can govern, and the minister's interest lies in whether they can govern; The monarch's interest lies in that those who contribute get the title, and the minister's interest lies in that he can enjoy wealth without contribution; The monarch's interest lies in letting heroes give full play to their talents, and the minister's interest lies in collusion for personal gain. So the country's land was cut, but the powerful nobles became richer, the status of the monarch decreased, and the power of the ministers increased. So the monarch lost power, the minister was able to take charge of the state affairs, the monarch changed his identity, bowed his head, the prime minister enfeoffed the land, and awarded the official title. This is why the minister deceived the monarch for personal gain. Therefore, in today's world, after the change of monarchy, less than two or three ruling ministers can still get the favor of the new monarch. What is the reason? Because the minister's crime is too serious. The minister is guilty of a felony because he cheated the monarch and should be put to death. A wise man has foresight. He is afraid of being dragged to death, and he will definitely refuse to rely on the powerful minister. A man of virtue is honest and honest, and a traitor deceives the king. He must refuse to rely on powerful ministers. Therefore, the followers of the powerful ministers are either stupid people who don't know the disaster or dirty people who don't avoid evil spirits. Leading this group of stupid and dirty little people, powerful and high-ranking officials bully the king up and plunder the wealth of the people down. They colluded with each other, formed cronies, deceived the monarch with one voice, corrupted the law and order, disturbed the people's hearts, put the country in crisis, divided the territory, and humiliated the monarch. This is a great sin. It is a big mistake for a minister to commit a big crime, but the monarch does not stop it. If the monarch of a country makes a big mistake and the minister commits a felony, it is impossible to keep the country from being destroyed.

Comment and analysis

Loneliness and anger are loneliness and resentment. "Loneliness" refers to the situation that wizards are isolated and helpless when they struggle with the ruling nobles, while the so-called "anger" refers to the resentment of wizards when they face the autocratic power of ministers, the confusion and failure of laws, and the chaos and decline of the country. Focusing on the interest relationship between the powerful minister and the magician and the monarch's attitude towards them, the full text expresses the author's loneliness and resentment in the face of the reality that "those who know the law and those who are local cannot be enemies".