Observing the movement in the mourning hall of the government, I saw Chai Guojun in mourning, and the mourning hall was crooked and uneven. The two waxes were destroyed one by one, and the main body of Chai County cried without tears. Xiao Zongbao pretended to hum, and Xiao Zongbao looked around quietly. Princess Chai was anxious, angry and afraid, and her eyes dared not hum. She took Zongbao by the hand. She said that her eyes were swollen and she was dumb. After seeing her, her voice was loud and her eyes were round. There is a big problem here. Princess Chai is dressed in mourning and red. The old man died unfortunately. The old lady's face doesn't look sad. I said something about farming when I entered the door, but I didn't mention the funeral. Is it true that ray's death?