Great men fall for nine days, but the world's thoughts are not old. Flowers are dying and mourning, and voices are singing farewell songs. The stars shine with deep sadness, and the great man goes away without tears.
The yellow Jin Cuodao is covered with white jade and shines through the window at night. Husband did not achieve fifty merits, and took care of the eight famine independently with a knife. Jinghua makes friends with all strangers and falls in love with life and death. Thousands of years of history, shame and anonymity, all of my heart reported to the son of heaven. When you come to Tianhanbin to join the army, the light snow in Nanshan is rugged. Oh! Although the three Chu clans can destroy the Qin Dynasty, are there any China?
Writing background
In the first month of A.D. 1 172 (the eighth year of Xiaozong Road), Lu You was hired by Sichuan Ambassador Wang Yan to work as an official and procurator from Kuizhou (now Fengjie, Chongqing) to Nanzheng (now Hanzhong, Shaanxi). Committed to the preparations for regaining lost ground. Avenue for nine years, Lu You was 48 years old that year, and he learned about that history. Based on his experiences and feelings during this period, he wrote this song "A Journey to Jin Cuodao".
In the first month of the eighth year of Xiaozong Trunk Road (1 172), Lu You was hired by Sichuan Ambassador Wang Yan to go from Kuizhou (now Hanzhong, Shaanxi) to Nanzheng (now Hanzhong, Shaanxi) as an official and procurator. Nanzheng is located in the front line of the confrontation between Song and Jin Dynasties, and Lu You is also the head of the former enemy headquarters. After he took office, he went to the front to inspect the military situation many times and devoted himself to the preparations for regaining lost ground.
He also put forward his own military proposition: "To govern the Central Plains, we must start from Chang 'an; "Take changan, must start from longyou (hanzhong). When accumulating millet training, attack if you have it, and encourage if you don't have it. Lu You was deeply impressed by this period of military life ("Seeing the Great Customs Clearance"), and left memories of "Autumn Wind Sweeping the Great Customs Clearance" ("Book Wrath") until his later years.
After a year, that is, nine years on the Avenue, Lu You was 48 years old and was sent to learn about history (now Leshan, Sichuan). On June+10, 5438, he wrote this song "A Passage to Jin Cuodao" based on his experience and feelings in Hanzhong. Expressed the poet's dissatisfaction with the government forces, but also expressed his heartbreak for the devastated motherland!