Chu Huaiwang is a weak king, who is like a deaf and blind man in dealing with government affairs. Because Qu Yuan has been slandered too much, it is difficult to complain to him clearly. Worms are born in wood, and wood naturally rots (traitors surround the king of Chu, and the king of Chu naturally rots). Qu Yuan is loyal, but if he slanders too much, he will become the evil tiger in people's minds. Why does the king of Chu like treacherous court officials? Why people who are loyal to honesty and frankness are rejected.
I don't know how to think of Dr. Qu during the Dragon Boat Festival. I was born in troubled times, but I was a little jealous, so I jumped down and became free. Several people are famous throughout the ages.
The Dragon Boat Festival reminds me of Qu Yuan's story, lamenting that he was born in troubled times and was envied by a villain. Finally, he jumped into the river disheartened and fled in bliss. Since then, his reputation has spread through the ages.
Extended Information Dragon Boat Festival and the Legend of Qu Yuan;
According to legend, Qu Yuan advocated using talents and empowering people to make them rich, and urged them to unite against Qin, which was strongly opposed by others. Qu Yuan was deposed, expelled from Beijing, and exiled to Yuan and Xiang river basins. During his exile, he wrote poems such as Li Sao, Tian Wen, Jiu Ge and so on, which were concerned about the country and the people.
In 278 BC, Qin Jun invaded Kyoto, Chu. Qu Yuan was heartbroken to see his motherland being invaded, but he was reluctant to give up his motherland. On May 5th, after he wrote his last poem "Huai Sha", he plunged into the Miluo River and wrote a magnificent patriotic movement with his own life.
After Qu Yuan threw himself into the river, the local people immediately rowed for help after hearing the news ..... but Qu Yuan's body was never found. In order to mourn, people rowed on rivers, and later it gradually developed into a dragon boat race. People were afraid that fish in the river would eat his body, so they went home and threw rice balls into the river to prevent fish and shrimp from ruining Qu Yuan's body. Later, eating zongzi became a custom.