1, Confucius said, "It's okay to learn from time to time! How happy we are, to meet friends from afar! People don't know or care, not a gentleman! "
2. Sima Niu is worried: "Everyone has brothers, and I died alone." Xia Zi said, "It is said that life and death have a destiny, and wealth is in the sky. A gentleman is respectful without loss, respectful to others, and brothers all over the world. Why don't gentlemen have brothers? "
3. Zhong Gong asked Ren. Confucius said, "Going out is like seeing a distinguished guest, which makes people like bearing a big sacrifice. Don't do what you don't want, don't do it in the state, and don't complain at home. " Zhong Gong said, "Yong is not sensitive, please talk to me!"
4. Confucius said: Germany is not alone, but there must be neighbors.
5, there is a Confucius: the use of courtesy, harmony is expensive. First, Wang Zhidao is beautiful, small and big, and does something wrong; Knowing peace without courtesy won't work.
The above is the so-called "Five Classics of the Analects of Confucius that China people must know": learning from time to time is fun; All men are brothers within the four seas; Do to others what you don't want them to do to you; Germany is not alone, it must have neighbors; The use of ceremony is precious in harmony.
Confucius said, "I am determined to learn from five out of ten, stand at thirty, not be confused at forty, know my destiny at fifty, be obedient at sixty, and do what I want at seventy, without overstepping the bounds."
Confucius said, "Reviewing the past and learning the new can be a teacher."
Confucius said: "learning without thinking is useless;" It is dangerous to think without learning. "
Confucius said, "Guanju" is a novel that is happy but not lewd, sad but not hurt. "
Confucius said, "Quality is better than literature, and literature is better than quality. Gentleness is a gentleman. "
Confucius said, "Knowing is not as good as being kind; Good people are not as good as musicians. "
Confucius said: "In a threesome, there must be a teacher: choose good and follow it, and change evil and follow it."
Confucius said, "an upright man is open and poised, I am worried."
Confucius said, "If you are not in your position, you will not seek politics."
I recommend 15 sentences:
1, the Tao can be said, which is unusual. The name can be named. It's very famous. The beginning of the unknown world. The famous mother of everything. So there is often no desire to see its wonders. I often want to see it. Both of them have different names. They are both called Xuan. Mysterious and mysterious, the door to all miracles.
2. Everyone in the world knows that beauty is beauty or evil; As we all know, goodness is good, but it is not good. Therefore, whether there is a phase or not, it is difficult to bring out the best in each other, the length is consistent, the height is oblique, and the sound is in harmony. It is based on the sage's inaction and teaching. Everything is without hesitation. Born without, do without, live with success. It is impossible for a husband to live in a house.
3. The fairy goddess is Xuanzang. The gate of Xuanzang is the root of heaven and earth. If it is continuous, it is not often used.
4. As good as water. Water is good for all things without dispute, and evil for all, so it is a few words. Living in a good place, kind-hearted, good at words, good at politics, good at deeds and good at times. Husband is just indisputable, so there is nothing special.
5. Five colors are blind, five tones are deaf, five flavors are refreshing, and hunting is crazy. Strange goods can harm people. It's a saint, not for the stomach. Go and get this somewhere else.
6. The avenue is abandoned by benevolence and righteousness; Wisdom is false; Six parents are unfilial; The country is in chaos and there are loyal ministers.
7, abandon wisdom, people benefit a hundred times; Desperate, the people are filial; Never give up profits, thieves have nothing; These three articles are considered irrelevant. Therefore, order has its place, it is simple and selfish.
8. He who knows others is wise, and he who knows himself is wise. The winner is strong, and the winner is strong. The contented are rich. Those who are strong have aspirations. Don't lose its position for a long time. People who die without dying live a long life.
9. Yi Sheng. Life two. Two gives birth to three. Everything is born. Everything is negative and positive, and I rashly think it is peace. What people hate is loneliness, and the princes think it is said, so things are not profit or loss, not loss. I also taught others that those who strengthen the beams will not die. I think it's the godfather.
10, learn about the world without leaving home. You can see heaven without looking. It is far away, but it knows very little. As we all know, saints can't do it. Clear and invisible. Not for no reason.
1 1, governing a big country, if cooked small and fresh. If you bring the Tao to the world, you will be deceived by the Tao, and its god will not harm people. A saint won't hurt people unless his god won't hurt people. Husband and wife don't hurt each other, so morality returns.
12, people are not afraid of death, how can they be afraid of death? If people are always afraid of death and surprised, I must catch it and kill it. Who dares? Killers often kill people. When a husband kills people on behalf of the company, he means to be the master. I hope my husband is a skillful craftsman so as not to hurt his hand.
13, the hunger of the people is as much as the food tax, that is, hunger. The people are hard to bear because of their political achievements. The people's light death is based on their thick death, and it is a light death. It is virtuous to be a husband who has nothing to do with life.
14, the world is not weaker than water. It is impossible to win by attacking the strong. It is not easy. The weak are better than the strong. Soft is better than hard. Everything in the world is impossible. It is a sage cloud, and the filth of the country is called the Lord of the country. This country unfortunately became the king of the world. If it is that opposite.
15, small country with few people. Make it useful without using it. Let people die again, and don't migrate far. Although there is a boat, there is nothing to ride. Although there is a soldier who has nothing to say. Let people use it again. I am willing to eat, to be beautiful, to be safe, and to enjoy customs. When neighboring countries confront each other, the voices of chickens and dogs are endless. People don't talk until they die of old age