First, the original line of the Yin line
Duke Zhai sleeps and stores, bells ring and drums, and trees feather flags. The five leaves of the Han family are talented, and Yan Bin is full of spirits against Jiurong. Bailiang gave poems and feasts, and the imperial edict drove Hedong. Hedong satrap pro-clean, welcome the supreme guide. Five battalions lined up in the street to accommodate the guards, and the three rivers looked at the sky. Back to Jing, stay in Lingchang, burn incense and offer coffins to invite Baixiang. Jinding's hair color is bright and beautiful, bright and moving. Bury jade to worship the gods.
Second, translation.
1. When Emperor Wu arrived, he was even more ambitious and the world was at peace. He built a balcony and hosted a banquet for officials who could write seven-character poems. Just after this feast, he sent a letter to visit Hedong. It can be seen that this move was a grand ceremony when the national situation reached its peak in the Han Dynasty. Then, the poem is divided into four parts: the local governor of Hedong solemnly welcomes the arrival of the son of heaven; People went out of the city to admire the emperor's imposing manner.
2, the grand occasion of offering sacrifices to Yin Houtu, and so on. At this point, the topic of Fenyin Houtu Temple has been briefly described. The poet skillfully turned the pen, buried jade, offered sacrifices to the gods, and carried a horse to ride out two sentences connecting the preceding with the following, leading poetry from offering sacrifices to the surging river. Then, first use four sentences to describe the lively scene of swimming around Fenhe River, which is magnificent and extremely enjoyable.
The importance of ancient poetry
1. Historical and cultural value: Ancient poetry is the crystallization of ancient people's wisdom and emotion and the treasure of China's history and culture. They record the customs and habits of ancient society, people's living conditions, thoughts and feelings, and provide valuable information for us to understand ancient history and culture. By studying and appreciating ancient poems, we can better understand and know ancient society.
2. The artistic value of language: Ancient poetry is the art of language, expressing profound feelings and thoughts in refined and concise language. The rhythm, rhythm, diction and sentence-making of ancient poetry have high requirements, which can give people the enjoyment of beauty and the enlightenment of thought. By studying and appreciating ancient poems, we can improve our language expression ability and appreciate the beauty and charm of Chinese.
3. Moral education value: Ancient poems contain rich moral education content, carry forward traditional virtues, and emphasize personal cultivation and behavior norms. By studying and appreciating ancient poems, we can be influenced by subtle morality and cultivate noble moral quality and good behavior habits.