Wuli village is divided into two natural villages, five miles apart, so it is also called upper five miles and lower five miles. From the upper five miles to the lower five miles, there is a road through the Longmen stone wall, a deep stream and a bamboo bridge connecting the people of the two villages. There is a big cave next to the bridge, and there is a temple in the cave. People from wuli village in the upper and lower five miles come here to burn incense and worship Buddha to ensure peace.
This year, Liu Bowen came back from Hang Cheng and stepped onto the bamboo bridge, creaking and wobbling. On closer inspection, the bridge has been in disrepair for a long time, and it is already very dangerous.
Liu Bowen walked into the temple in the cave next to the bridge and gave the old monk a candle bridge, which he said was bought second-hand at a stall in Hang Cheng. The old monk looked around and liked it very much.
Liu Bowen told the old monk that the bamboo bridge in front of him was dilapidated and he wanted to build a new bridge.
The old monk lamented that he was too old and weak to go to alms. Nobody in wuli village wants to take care of things. It's too difficult!
Liu Bowen wanted to think, said there are people who build bridges. He took the inkstone out of his backpack and ground it. Then, on the stone wall of the bridge, I wrote a poem:
Go up five miles, go down five miles, want gold, want silver and want a bamboo bridge.
Liu Bowen wrote a poem with the words "Liu Bowen" at the end.
Liu Bowen wrote poems on the rock wall, which spread widely. Gold and silver are hidden in the bamboo bridge, and greedy people from all over the world come here. Xiaozhu Bridge is demolished and built, and new bridges are built every year, but no one gets this gold and silver.
After a long time, a poor scholar passed by and saw Liu Bowen's poems. He is very curious, thinking repeatedly, and seems to realize something. He looked around and walked into the cave temple by the bridge.
The temple is very shabby, and the old monk has passed away. Because the incense here is not prosperous, the new monk has a hard time.
The poor scholar looked around and saw a small candle bridge. He picked it up and wiped it, but when he removed the black dirt, he saw the golden light. He bit it lightly with his teeth and it turned out to be gold.
"Bamboo" and "candle" are homophonic, and the bamboo bridge mentioned by Liu Bowen is the candle bridge.
The poor scholar told the new monk about it. Xinhe still has a golden candle bridge. After the replacement, he rebuilt the temple and bamboo bridge.
It is said that the poor scholar of Golden Candle Bridge was admitted to fame, and he was honest and clean as an official. In his later years, he also learned Liu Bowen's method of distributing wealth, and set up the Champion Mountain in his hometown. If someone is admitted to the top prize, the mountain will be rewarded.