Zhang Ji said: "There was a man named Yu Song who followed Zhang Xun when he was young; When Zhang Xun rose up against the rebels, Song Yu was under siege. I met Tai Song during the Spring Festival in Wujiang County, Hezhou, when he was over 60 years old. Because of Zhang Xun, I got the position of Linhuan County Commandant at first, studied hard and read everything.
When I was young, I simply asked about the deeds of Zhang Xun and Xu Yuan, which was not very detailed. He said, Zhang Xun is more than seven feet long and has a beard like a god. He once saw Song Yu reading Hanshu and said to Song, "Why do you always read this book?"
Yu Song said, "I haven't seen it yet." Zhang Xun said, "I have read it no more than three times and will never forget it." Just recite the books read by Yu Song, and recite a good word by volume. Jade pine was surprised, thinking that Zhang Xun happened to be familiar with this volume, so he just pulled out a volume to give him a try, and he could recite it like just now. Yu Song asked Zhang Xun about other books on the shelf, and Zhang Xun answered casually, reciting every word well. Yu Song and Zhang Xun spend a long time together, and Zhang Xun doesn't often read books.
Write an article, pick up a pen and paper and wave it, never make a draft. At first, there were nearly ten thousand soldiers and tens of thousands of people living in this city. As long as Zhang Xun met him once and asked his name, there was no one he didn't know. Zhang Xun's beard will stand up when he is angry. When the city was broken, the rebels tied dozens of people, including Zhang Xun, and made them sit down, and immediately executed them.
Zhang Xun gets up to pee (there's another word here "hovering"). When his people saw him stand up, some people stood up with him and some people began to cry.
Zhang Xun said, "Don't be afraid! Death is predestined. " Everyone looked up at him in tears. When Zhang Xun was killed, his face was not flustered, and his expression was serene, as usual. Xu Yuan is a generous elder with the same appearance and heart. Born in the same year as Zhang Xun, but later than Zhang Xun, he called Zhang Xun his brother and died at the age of 49. "Yu Song died in Bosong area in the early years of Zhenyuan.
It is said that he had a field there, which was later occupied by Wu people. Song Yu intended to go to court in the state, but was killed by Wu people. Yusong has no offspring. Zhang Ji told me all this.
Zhang Zhongcheng's Biography is a collection of discussion, narration, lyricism and description, which embodies the changeable characteristics of Han Yu's articles. It is a great change from the discussion in the first half to the narration in the second half. As far as the discussion part is concerned, the first paragraph is just a few sentences, similar to keeping a diary or reading notes. In the second paragraph, I demonstrated Xu Yuan's fallacy by reasoning. Because Xu Yuan was slandered too much, he got a long lyric pen after clarifying things layer by layer.