The stars were bright last night, but there was a cool breeze at midnight. Our banquet is on the side of Hualou Temple and the east of the county. Without Cai Feng's wings, it is impossible to be Qi Fei in fly with me; The heart is like a soul, and the feelings are the same.
Guessing and intrigue, wine warms the heart; This group of people came to the bet of drinking friends, and a win-lose red in candlelight. Alas, it's time to call the roll in the morning when you hear the drums of the fifth watch; Riding to Lantai is like the wind in the wind.
It was a long time ago that I met her, but since we separated, the time has become longer, the east wind is blowing and a hundred flowers are blooming. Silkworms in spring will weave until they die, and candles will drain the wick every night.
In the morning, she saw her hair cloud changing in the mirror, but she bravely faced the cold of the moonlight with her evening song. Not far from her charming mountain, oh, bluebird, listen! -Give me what she said! .
Xiangsi Wang Wei
When those red berries come in spring, they flush on your southern branches. People who want to miss them collect more, and Mix red beans have attracted people's attention.
Li Siyuan town
It's hard to live through the sea forever, amber forever. Hurried through the flowers, lazy to look back; This reason is partly because of the ascetic monk, and partly because of who you used to be.