Can't afford to climb a woman's poem
When the temple won the battle, the pot slurry spread, the doctor reduced his salary, and the messenger was poor. Thousands of sparse willows send cicadas, the autumn moon is full, the banquet sits under the curtain of doubt valley, and the dream is afraid of leakage. How is it possible not to make foreign goods, but the old students are dying in front of the machine, and they are always disgusting against the railing. How can Fiona Fang reduce the old days?
There is no Peach Blossom Garden in the world, but there is a Peach Blossom Island here, which has no worries about food and clothing. It is also said that poetry attracts Confucianism. This means covering the ancient times, reducing the cold, supporting Jiuding and hydrochloric acid, covering the cold and forbearing, pushing the bun without combing, fighting for the residual photos on the wall, falling in love with the old lotus and climbing the southwest Yao Feng.