When Zhong Er heard the news, he fled the State of Jin and forgot about it for more than ten years. After many hardships, Zhong Er came to the State of Chu.
King Chu Cheng thought that Zhong Er would make great achievements in the future, so he greeted him with state gifts and regarded him as a distinguished guest. One day, the King of Chu gave a banquet in honor of Zhong Er, and the two chatted, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.
Suddenly, the king of Chu asked Zhong Er, "If one day you return to the State of Jin and become a monarch, how can you repay me?" Zhong Er thought for a moment and said, "Beautiful women are waiting for you, precious silk, and you have a lot of rare bird feathers, ivory leather, and even more in Chu. What rare items does Jin Wang have? " The king of Chu said, "Your son is too modest. Having said that, you should show me something? " Zhong Er replied with a smile, "Thanks to you.
If I can really return to China to be in power, I would like to get along well with your country. If one day, Jin Chu goes to war, I will definitely order the troops to retreat first (one house equals thirty miles). If I can't get your forgiveness, I will fight you again. "
Four years later, Zhong Er really returned to the State of Jin and became a monarch. This is the famous Jin Wengong in history. The state of Jin became stronger and stronger under his rule.
In 633 BC, the two armies of Chu and Jin fought. In order to fulfill his promise, Jin Wengong ordered the troops to retreat 90 miles and stay in Chengpu.
When Chu Jun saw that 8 Jin J was retreating, he thought the other side was afraid and immediately pursued it. The Jin army took advantage of the weakness of the Chu army's pride in underestimating the enemy, concentrated its forces and defeated the Chu army greatly, and won the battle of Chengpu.
The story comes from Zuo Zhuan Xi Gong Twenty-two Years. This idiom means not arguing with others or making concessions on your own initiative.