Gorgeous English

Magnificent; Magnificent; laudability

Majestic; Majestic; majestic

Commendable; Glory; Glory; Magnificent; Brilliant; Brilliant; Extremely happy; Extremely happy; hot

Magnificent; Magnificent; Magnificent; Magnificent; Noble; Highlight; great

Glory. Honor, glory, laurel; Praise, praise, worship (to God); Magnificent, brilliant, brilliant; Reasons for pride (or reverence and pleasure); A commendable thing, an outstanding person; Glory (or happiness) of the kingdom of heaven; Nimbus, colorful halo; Prosperity, prosperity;

Magnificent; Magnificent; Majestic; Luxury; Gorgeous;

Sentence: 1. She was attracted by the magnificent scenery. She was attracted by the magnificent scenery.

Magnificent mountains and rivers

2. She presented the magnificent scenery that Stockholm people have never seen before. She showed a spectacular sight that Stockholm people had never seen before.

They are looking forward to sailing along Columbus's magnificent voyage. They hope to retrace the great voyage of Christopher Columbus.

You can see the most magnificent scenery you can imagine from this house. This house has the most spectacular scenery imaginable.