The original text and appreciation of "Poetry, Songs and Prose·Lushan Ji"
The mountain is located in the south of Xunyang, Jiangzhou, with the palace pavilion to the south and the opposite to the north. Jiujiang. To the south of Jiujiang is Xiaojiang, which is more than thirty miles away from the mountain. With Pengli on the left and Tongzhou on the right, we can draw the flow of the three rivers and occupy them. "The Book of Mountains and Seas" says: "The Lujiang River leaves the capital for three days, enters the river to the west of Pengze, and is blocked by the emperor for one day." Guze also has mountains to its west, so the old saying goes that the shore is called Pengli. There was Mr. Kuangxu who came from the Yin and Zhou Dynasties. When he was hiding from the world, he lived under him. Or it is said: He continued to receive teachings from the immortals, and when he was able to visit the rock, he entrusted his room to Yanxiu, and the rock became a pavilion. Therefore, people at that time thought that the place where he stopped was the immortal's hut, so it was named Yan.
Its mountains and ridges all have seven levels; their round bases go around and hang down for five hundred miles. Wherever the wind and rain are carried, where the rivers and mountains are carried, there are high rocks, flat sky, and countless cliffs; the secluded cliffs penetrate the cliffs, and there are two unique places. When the sky is about to rain, there will be white air first, and the tassels will linger under the mountains; when it touches the rocks and spits out clouds, it will suddenly gather. Or the strong wind shakes the rocks, the noise shakes the valley, and the group of people competes to play, and the sound is terrifying. This transformation is unpredictable.
Among the ridges, the third ridge is extremely high and rarely visited by people. When Taishi Gong traveled east, he climbed its peak and had a great view. He looked at the five lakes in the south and Jiujiang in the north. He looked east and west as if he were ascending to the heaven. There are heavy rocks in the lower half of the ridge, and there are cliffs on the top, which are the residences of ancient immortals. There was a rock next to it. Dong Dong of the Han Dynasty established a temple under the rock. He often treated people's illnesses and had many magical methods. Those who recovered from the illness ordered five apricot trees. Within a few years, a forest grew. Ji Feng has been in the human world for nearly three hundred years, and his appearance is always the same as when he was thirty. He became an immortal and disappeared in the apricot forest. Between the two rocks in the north ridge, there is often a suspended stream flowing far away and touching each other. For more than a hundred people, the clouds reflect the sky, and it looks like a mountain, with clouds and mist. Its southern ridge is adjacent to Gongting Lake, and there is a temple below, which is named Gongting, and its god is Anhou. The pavilion has the so-called influence...
The seven ridges meet in the east, forming peaks and peaks. The rocks are so endless that no one can rise. In the past, I saw a man wearing novice robes, flying straight up into the clouds. Once he arrived, he would sit on the peak for a long time, and then he would be extinguished with the clouds. This seems to be the difference between those who have attained the Tao and those who can write at that time. What's more, there are many strange things, and the touch images are different. It carries Chongfu in the north, with two streams in front. The mountain it carries has a dragon shape on the left and a pagoda base on the right. There is a sweet spring flowing out from below. The cold and warm phases change with cold and heat. The increase and decrease are not different after floods and droughts. Find the source and come out. Yu Longshou also. On the peak facing the south, there are strange trees on the top, which stand alone in the forest for dozens of feet. Below it is like a floating map, where the white gulls fly and the black clouds enter. There is Xiangjuan Mountain in the southeast. A solitary peak rises. The air above it is as dense as a cigarette, and the white clouds reflect outside it, making it look different from other peaks. When it rains, the water vapor below it pours out like the cover of a carriage. This is where the dragon well spits out; to the left is the green forest, where green birds and white apes rest, and black birds sting. There is a stone gate in the west, in front of which it looks like a double palace. There are more than a thousand walls standing on the wall, and a waterfall flows through it. Among them, the beauty of birds, animals, grass and trees, the wonders of elixirs and all kinds of things are just mentioned.
I have been supporting this mountain for twenty-three years, and then practice Shimen again. I traveled around the Nanling Mountains, looking at Xiangjuan Peak in the east and Jiujiang in the north. It is said that there is a stone well square lake with red scales jumping out of it. Savages cannot To describe it, just sigh at how strange it is.
Five years after the reign of Emperor Long'an of Jin'an, Huiyuan sent his disciples to Chang'an to make friends with the master Kumarajiva. In Lushan, he vigorously promoted the Abhitan (i.e., "The Theory of Wisdom") translated by Sangha Deva, the Dharma Zen method taught by Buddha Bhattara, and Kumarajiva's "Three Treatises" ("The Theory of Wisdom"). "Treatise", "Hundred Treatises", "Treatise on Great Wisdom"), with outstanding achievements. He promoted Buddhism and often cited Confucian classics and "Lao" and "Zhuang" because he not only recognized Buddhism as "a unique teaching and an unchanging sect", but also believed that "the internal and external Tao can be combined and made clear" ("Shamana"). "On Those Who Disrespect the King"), "If Gouhui has its own sect, all schools of thought will be united" ("Books with the Hermit Liu Yimin and Others"). Therefore, in his place, Confucianism and Xuanzong were both used by Buddha, and he took Buddhism as his sect, put forward his own unique insights into Confucianism and Taoism, and became a family. His great influence in the Eastern Jin Dynasty has a lot to do with this. He once wrote "Ming Bao Lun" and "Explanation of Three Bao Lun" to refute the common theory of "retribution, retribution", and also wrote "The Theory of Recluses Who Disrespect the King" to answer Huan Xuan's question. The core of his theory is that "the gods are immortal." " theory, it is believed that "transformation is based on emotion, God is transmitted through transformation, emotion is the mother of transformation, and God is the root of emotion; emotion has the way to understand things, and God has the ability to move from the shadows, but those who understand thoroughly go against the original, and those who confuse reason Chasing things. " ("The Theory of Recluses Who Disrespect the King" 5) And this theory of spiritual immortality is actually the theoretical basis for the karma and retribution of the three lives. He wanted to get rid of the pain of life and death and the pain of repeated tribulations, so in the first year of Yuanxing, he met Liu Yimin , Zhou Xuzhi, Bi Yingzhi, Zong Bing, Lei Cizong, Zhang Ye, Zhang Quan and other 123 people built a fast in front of the statue of Amitabha in the Yin Prajna Yuntai Jingshe in Lushan Mountain and vowed to be born in the Western Pure Land in the next day. In the same year, a platform was erected to imitate the Buddha's shadow; in the next year, a stone was engraved to commemorate the event.
Huiyuan's Buddhist activities were all located in Lushan, so he seemed to be filled with a kind of religion.
This "Record" can be divided into four paragraphs. The first paragraph describes the geographical location of Lushan and the origin of its name.
Xunyang, Jiangzhou. The county is located in today's Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province, and Lushan Mountain is to the south. The southern end of Lushan Mountain faces Gongting Lake (the part of Poyang Lake near Gongting Temple today); the north side of the mountain faces Jiujiang (that is, Xunyang River). - This section of the Yangtze River next to Xunyang is said to branch into Jiushui here, so there is a saying in "Shang Shu Yu Gong" that "Jiujiang Kongyin").
To the south of Jiujiang is Xiaojiang (this Xiaojiang should be referred to as Penshui. It originates from Qinghuan Mountain in Ruichang County, flows under Xunyang City, also known as Huanpu Port, and then flows northward into the big river. The place where it enters the river is the ancient Penkou) , Lushan Mountain is a little more than 30 miles south of Xiaojiang. The left side of Lushan Mountain (i.e. the east side, this is based on the orientation of Lushan Mountain facing north and south) is surrounded by Pengli Lake (i.e. Pengze Lake, today's Poyang Lake), and the right side is adjacent to the large state capital (here is suspected to refer to Chaisang County, which used to be Jiangzhou Prefecture is the seat of government, so "Book of Jin Geography" says: "In the eighth year of Emperor An's Yixi reign, Xunyang County of the province was transferred to Chaisang County, and Chaisang County was still a county (governing)." It can be seen that Chaisang County was once Jiangzhou The government office was later moved to Xunyang County. In the eighth year of Yixi, Xunyang County was abolished and merged into Chaisang County, and Jiangzhou Prefecture was still located here). Lushan also controls the water of the Three Rivers and occupies a scenic spot where the three rivers converge. The so-called "Three Rivers" refer to the three sections of the Yangtze River in the Xunyang area. "Ji Xue Ji" quotes Zheng's note from "Shangshu": "The left and the Han are the Beijiang, the right and the Pengli are the Nanjiang, and the Minjiang River is in the middle, and it is the Zhongjiang." Accordingly, the Yangtze River near Xiakou (now Hankou) is called Beijiang, the area near Hukou is called Nanjiang, and the area between Xiakou and Hukou is called Zhongjiang. Therefore, the words "holding Peng Li on his left hand" express the importance of Lushan Mountain's geographical location. The following is quoted from "The Classic of Mountains and Seas·Hai Nei Dong Jing": "The Lujiang River leaves the capital of the emperor for three days, enters the river Pengzexi, and the emperor's arm is in the river for one day." "Shui Jing Zhu·Lujiang Water": "To the north of Mount Lu, there is Shimen Water... Its water enters Jiangnan Ridge is the west of Pengli Ze, where Emperor Zhang is located. It can be seen that Emperor Zhang is located in a corner of Lushan Mountain, not far from Shimen (Shimen is near Tianchi Lake in present-day Lushan Mountain). It is the outlet of Lujiang River and flows into Pengze (Pengli Ze - Pengli Lake). -Poyang Lake), the lake is in the east and the mountains are in the west. Huiyuan quoted from the Classic of Mountains and Seas to provide historical basis for his previous narrative.
After describing the geographical situation of Mount Lushan, we also added the reason why Mount Lushan got its name. He said that during the Yin and Zhou dynasties, there was a Mr. Kuang Xu ("Xu" also means "su", "xu" and "su" are interchanged) who received Taoism from an immortal. Later, he occasionally visited Mount Lu and lived in seclusion here. People then use "Kuangxuzhilu" to call this mountain "Kuanglu", "Kuangshan" or "Lushan". Press, there have always been different opinions on the naming of Lushan Mountain. In addition to the above statement, "Shui Jing Zhu" also quoted Zhou Jingshi's words: "The popular name of Kuang in Lushan is Zixiao. He came from Bendongli. During the reign of King Wu of Zhou Dynasty, he was born with a spirit. He repeatedly escaped recruitment and stayed in this mountain...", His discussion of Kuang Su's era is similar to Hui Yuan's theory. It also quoted "Old Chronicles of Yuzhang" as saying: "The custom of Lu was named Junxiao, and his surname was Kuang. His father was King Dongye. He came to Poyang and ordered Wu Rui to help the Han Dynasty rule the world. He died. The Han Dynasty established a custom in Poyang and called it Yue Lu. "Jun, the seven lay brothers were all good at Taoism, so they lived in Guanting Mountain, which was called Lushan in the past. When Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty visited the south, he saw the mountain and regarded it as a god. He named Kuang Su a man of the Han Dynasty." The era is completely different from the first two, and it is not recorded in the official history. Li Daoyuan, the author of "Shui Jing Zhu", commented on these statements: "The talk of Si Erzhuan is not empirical. Therefore, "Yu Zhang Ji" uses Lu as the surname, because Lu is the surname; Zhou family, Yuanshi, or Tuolu Tomb is a pretext, and the two evidences are contrary to each other, and the three emotions are mutually refreshing... Therefore, "Hainei Dongjing" says: "The Lujiang River leaves the capital of the Three Kingdoms and enters the river Pengzexi". This is the name of the Lujiang River, and the mountains and rivers are interdependent. , give each other special names, and show that he is a gentleman who does good deeds without correcting the customs. He forcefully quoted this kind of words and used them in chapters and sentences. "In short, several rumors are not credible. The above is the first paragraph of the article.
The second paragraph describes the general appearance of Mount Lushan. It is said that it has seven levels of mountains and a circumference of nearly 500 miles. (According to some calculations today, its circumference is four hundred miles.) The mountains and rivers here are a place where wind and rain are brought. The high rocks are overwhelming, and the cliffs are thousands of meters high. The mountains hide hidden caves and holes. The cliff is completely extinct and extremely dangerous. What's special is that when it's about to rain, white air gradually gathers and forms a tassel shape at the foot of the mountain. When they hit the rocks, clouds spit out from the rocks. In the blink of an eye, thick clouds roll in, and then Heavy rain poured down, and sometimes strong winds vibrated the rocks, making a surging sound that circled back and forth in the valley. All kinds of sounds sounded together, which was very scary. This is the movement of nature, which is unpredictable. This paragraph not only describes the general appearance of Mount Lushan, but also captures the characteristics of Mount Lushan - the ever-changing landscape that can be seen everywhere.
In the third paragraph, focus on the third ridge. First of all, it is extremely high and rarely seen; in addition, it is the place where Ma Qian of the Taishi Company once climbed to overlook it; thirdly, there is a heavy rock below it and a cliff on the rock, which is the residence of ancient immortals; there is another rock behind the cliff, which was used during the Three Kingdoms period. Dong Feng of the State of Wu once settled here and lived in seclusion. He lived for nearly three hundred years, but his appearance and demeanor looked like that of a man in his thirties. He treated people without asking for money, and ordered five apricot trees for those who were seriously ill and one for those with mild illnesses. In a few years, he obtained more than 100,000 apricots. Become an apricot forest. Later, he entered the clouds and became an immortal. The matter can be found in "Three Kingdoms" and "The Legend of Immortals". After talking about the third ridge, I gave a brief introduction to the north ridge and the south ridge. When writing about Beiling, it highlights the majestic momentum of the clouds reflecting the sky caused by its hanging waterfalls; when writing about Nanling, it introduces Anhou Temple, but it is very brief and incomplete, and it is suspected that the text is missing. According to Liang Huijiao's "Biography of Eminent Monks", An Shigao Ben Anshi, the king's prince, left the country to his uncle and became a monk. During the Han and Wei dynasties, he traveled to Gaoting ("Palace" and "Gao" are pronounced together) Lake. At that time, the lake god divided the wind up and down. , the people on the boat were in fear, because they and more than 30 people on the boat offered sacrifices to pray for blessings. The god suddenly sent a blessing and said: "I used to be in a foreign country, and my son, I, became a monk and studied Taoism. However, my nature was very angry, so I fell into the retribution of the gods. I am so happy to see my classmates now." Shigao asked the god to appear, and the god came out of the head of a big python with an unknown length of tail. Shi Gao praised him several times in Hu language. The python burst into tears like rain and disappeared after a while. Then we know that An Shigao is the one who can save the great python and pray for travelers.
So it is understandable that people built temples for him and respected him as the Marquis of An.
The fourth paragraph describes the trend of the Seven Ridges, which are concentrated in the east. Its peaks and rocks are so high that no one can climb them. Let me first say that a wild man saw a man wearing novice robes (monk clothes) soaring up to the peak of the clouds and then disappearing with the clouds. This peak may refer to Luohan Rock (about not far from Longshou Cliff). Judging from what the wild man saw, he guessed that this monk was probably a man of enlightenment. The scribes at that time were very surprised. Not only is the story amazing, but the scenery in this area is also amazing. The so-called "different touch" means that the scenery seen is different. Let’s talk about the north side first, backed by heavy mountains. There is a dragon shape on the left, a tower base on the right, and a sweet spring gushes out from below. It is said that this spring comes from the dragon head. There is a dragon head cliff in Lushan Mountain today, so this spring water is probably Tianchi water. Looking at the south side, it faces the peak. There are strange trees on the peak, dozens of feet above the forest. Below it is like a layer of temple tower. This is where the white gulls fly back and where the clouds enter. There is Xianglu Peak in the southeast of Luohan Rock. Normally, clouds and vapors cover it. When it rains, water vapor surges below it. It is said that it is spit out by the Longjing. Further east, there is a green forest. There is a stone gate to the west of Hanluo Rock, which looks like a double tower and stands on the wall for more than a thousand feet (according to Sancho's "Lushan Shu", it is believed that the two peaks of Tianchi Peak and Tiechuan Peak here face each other like a gate, so it is called Shimen). There is a high-hanging waterfall, which is invincible. remember.
The last paragraph says, "I have been supporting this mountain for twenty-three years." I visited Shimen twice and Nanling four times... Whether this paragraph comes from "A Journey to Mount Lushan" is unknown. If this is a section of "Records of Mount Lu", or even though it comes from "Records of Traveling to Mount Lu" and "Records of Traveling to Mount Lu" was written at the same time as "Records of Mount Lu", then we can start from "Twenty-three Years since I Trusted This Mountain" "", it can be inferred that "Lushan Ji" was written in the fifth year of Long'an or the first year of Yuanxing (401 or 402).
This work belongs to the category of local chronicles. Its creation period was before Li Daoyuan's "Shui Jing Zhu". At this time, travel literature had not yet developed, but "Lushan Notes" had already opened the door to travel literature. The "Fengchan Yiji", which was first written by Ma Dibo in the early Later Han Dynasty, contains some descriptions of Mount Tai, but they were actually the advance team of Emperor Guangwu's Fengchan activities, so the article focused on the dangers of mountain climbing and the feelings of worship for Mount Tai. The purpose of Huiyuan's article is very clear, which is to introduce Mount Lu. But this famous mountain, Lushan Mountain, is different from other famous mountains. It has no main peak, and it has many winding peaks. Each one has its own attractions, and the scenic spots are scattered. Therefore, it took a lot of hesitation on how to write. This article not only marks its geographical location and summarizes the general appearance of Mount Lu, but also captures the key points among various phenomena, such as introducing the third ridge and the gathering of seven ridges in the east. These places are written in more detail and are very visible. Tailoring skills.
In terms of describing scenery, "Wen Xin Diao Long· Wu Se" said: "As with the rise of "Li Sao", the objects and appearances are difficult to describe, so the comfortable shape is repeated... and Chang Qing "The disciples, with strange movements and rustling sounds, follow the example of mountains and rivers, and the words must be written in a row." The writing method of rhetoric and poems is to use extravagance and parallelism. But this article is different. It adopts a concise and concise method, and adds a little color to the key points to make it reveal its aura. The focus is on writing the spirit and inner qualities of Mount Lu, not on the surface. The author knows that a detailed and mediocre description that is comprehensive and comprehensive will not produce good results, so he strives to grasp the overall characteristics of Lushan Mountain. It should be said that he accurately grasped the changeable wind, rain, clouds, weather, and landscape of Mount Lu. He gave a general introduction to Mount Lu in the previous part, and he did not forget it when he focused on the characteristics of Qiling Tonghui and Nanbei Ridge in the following part. Highlight the wonders of waterfalls and clouds. We have to admit that he succeeded in this regard.
This article also quotes some legends and stories in several places, such as Kuang Xu’s seclusion, the residence of ancient immortals, Dong Feng’s seclusion to treat people’s diseases, the origin of Anhou Temple, the novice’s mountain climbing while taking advantage of the clouds, etc. Although some of them have Taoist and Taoist overtones, they just show the author's thoughts of Buddha and Tao being connected, and his body and spirit, which seems to be the true state of existence and non-existence.