Wang Anshi married his daughter-in-law to someone else. When his son found out, he wrote a sentence that shocked the literary world for thousands of years.
Wang Anshi married his daughter-in-law to someone else. When his son found out, he wrote a word that shocked the literary world for thousands of years. Wang Anshi is a rare treasure talent in the history of Song Dynasty. He not only has the ability to govern the country and serve the people wholeheartedly, but also has unparalleled attainments in poetry and lyrics, which is far-reaching and wonderful. More importantly, Wang Anshi has a noble character of virtue and integrity. Although he made friends with Su Shi because of political disagreement, when Su Shi was in a desperate situation, it was Wang Anshi who stepped forward and saved Su Shi from the quagmire. Wang Anshi's integrity will not be selfish to his closest family. If the son is wrong, he can even decide to marry his daughter-in-law to someone else. Wang Anshi's son, named pāng, was clever and alert since childhood, and inherited Wang Anshi's literary talent perfectly. It is said that he had written tens of thousands of words before he was 20. If nothing happens, he will definitely become a second-generation writer. Wang Chuang has a very famous allusion, which is the difference between a roe deer and a deer. When Wang Kan was a child, a guest put a roe deer and a deer in the same cage and asked him to distinguish them. Young Wang Kun has never seen two kinds of animals. Obviously, this can only be guessed, or stupidly answered that I don't know, but Wang Kun said, "The deer is near the deer, and the deer is near the deer." Surprise the guests greatly, which shows their cleverness. Because of this, Wang Kan was admitted to Jinshi at the age of 22, and his career was smooth from then on, but Wang Kan had a fatal flaw, that is, he was suspicious by nature. Wang Kan and his wife Ponzi have a son, but this son looks like his mother, not his father, which makes Wang Kan very unhappy. He even suspected that his wife was unfaithful, "because of his looks, he wanted to kill him", so he wanted to kill his children himself. In fact, Wang Kan is not only suspicious, but also suffers from a certain degree of heart disease, which is equivalent to depression and madness. When you are not sick, you are graceful, and when you are sick, you are unstoppable. After a long time, Wang Kan's youngest son was finally tortured to death by him, and Ponzi was miserable all day, watching a happy family fall apart. Wang Anshi couldn't stand it any longer. He made up his mind to do something great. In order not to cause more harm to Wang Chang's illness, he decided to pass on his daughter-in-law, Ponzi, to others. This is the so-called "Wang Taizhu married before his death". Wang Anshi's righteous act attracted a lot of people's admiration and was passed down as a much-told story for future generations. However, for Wang Chang, this is tantamount to adding insult to injury. In fact, Wang Kan still loves Ponzi deeply, but sometimes he can't help himself, so he has to acquiesce in his father's behavior. After Ponzi left, Wang Kan wrote a poem under the lovesickness, which was amazing. "Eye-catching" Wang Wei's willows are soft, and the smoke weaves sorrow. Begonia has not been wet by the rain, pear blossoms are like snow, but it's a pity that spring is half over. Now the past is hard to recall, and the soul in the dream walks around the boudoir building where you lived. Deep acacia is now only on the fragrant lilac branches and the beautiful nutmeg buds. All eyes are beautiful, so Wang Kan was hurt by the scenery and couldn't help thinking of his wife Ponzi. Willow slender, swaying in the wind, waiting for tenderness; "Plumes of smoke" means that the top of weeping willows looks like a touch of green smoke in spring. This is an excellent scenery, but in Wang Kan's eyes, they are woven with sadness. Ruyan Liu's metaphor is not uncommon, but Liu Zhi's sorrow is unique. A word "weaving" personifies the willow tree and adds more sadness. However, the emptiness is just sadness, too deliberate. So, what is Wang Pei worried about? "Before it rains, pear blossoms snow first, and half of them rest in spring." Begonia did not fall like rain, pear flowers withered like snowflakes, only to understand that spring has passed. "Rain" and "snow" are nouns used as verbs, which are used appropriately and naturally, because the rain of begonia and the snow of pear blossom conform to the characteristics of realism. Eight words, constructed a beautiful picture of spring. This is really a beautiful language! In the next movie, Wang Kan admits that he misses the past, but he can't look back. He can only send his feelings to Qin Lou of Ponzi. "Acacia trees only exist on clove branches and cardamom treetops." This is a famous sentence throughout the ages. Wang Kan said that he missed his wife who was as melancholy as cloves and as presumptuous as nutmeg. The implication is that although they are no longer possible, Wang Kan still left his love on that person. To tell the truth, this word is amazing and shocking: Wang Anshi has such a mind to marry a wife; Wang Kan has such a broad mind. Perhaps, Wang Kun also knows that the woman she loves most can be happy only if she leaves herself.