2. For Jun Sinan, Mi Yin, Bei Dao Li Ren, worldly idle clouds, I am drunk and sleepy. If people play chess, cherry blossoms will fall in England, plums will bloom, and the beauty of the end will be all dressed in red. Rain will break the south of the Yangtze River, floral skirts will be broken, and I will miss you so much. Bamboo will hide cold smoke, and the moon will sing, and the empty lane in the deep courtyard will lock the future.
3, purple is light and beautiful, the dream butterfly is quiet, if Xi first sees it, the sky is midsummer, the red plum is full of snow, listening to the wind and remembering the snow, free, full of stars, the empty city is not silent, talking about love, the rain falls, the rain falls slightly cool, the dream is in the heart of the sea, there is a person in the embers, dancing with you, and there are fish in the north.
4. Sadness in troubled times, whispering in a word, blue dreams and moon shadows, old dreams in ancient towns, streaking, confusing, Senyu going to sea, ups and downs with Ying Ning, dreaming of the past, Wu Ye dancing, memories at the end of the season, loneliness blown away by the breeze, tears, white shadows sleeping dreams, cherry blossoms falling at the end of the season, wearing its crown, will carry on with the load.
5. It rains a little, leaving people's hearts in autumn, remembering Liu Xia's game, cherishing flowers, serenading flowers in the middle of the month, leaving flowers, waking up in summer, smearing smoke and blue, stirring up life and death, like a mountain breeze, falling cold autumn waters, remembering dusk, saying nothing in the white, singing lonely songs, and plain clothes is as light as dust.