What does Jingcheng Xinyu mean?

What is the meaning of Xin Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi

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Question time 2009-4-8 15:58

< p>Xin Zhe was in a difficult position: Hua Xin felt very embarrassed about this. (脄: conjunction, indicating a slight turning point, equivalent to "but".)

Hua Xin and Wang Lang took a boat to escape together. A man wanted to take their boat, and Hua Xin expressed embarrassment. But Wang Lang said: "Fortunately, the boat is relatively spacious, why not?" Later, the robber came, and Wang Lang wanted to leave the man alone. Hua Xin said: "The reason why I was hesitant at first was precisely for this reason. Since he was allowed to take our boat, how could we abandon him just because the situation was critical?" So he still took care of the man as before. The world will judge the merits of Hua Xin and Wang Lang based on this incident


- 2009-4-8 16:02

18 2009- 1-19

7 2009-10-3

4 2007-3-3


1 2006 -10-22

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