The Original Text and Translation of Paradise in Paradise Library
In Jin Taikang, Zhang Maoxian played for Jian 'an and traveled to Dongshan. Deep by the stream, there was an old man lying on a book stone, and Mao sat down and talked first. Look at the books they rely on, they are all awkward and can't tell. The old man asked Mao Xian, "Do you study geometry?" Mao Xian said: "China is not a scholar, he will write it within twenty years;" If a book had been published twenty years ago, the ancient paintings would have been read. " The old man smiled and pulled Mao Xian down the stone wall. Suddenly, there was a door and the road was wide, reaching a good house with thousands of books. Ask the old man, "What book?" Yue: "The history of the world is also." To another room, the library is rich. Ask again: "What book?" The old man said, "All countries will be encouraged." Later, I went to a secret room. The key inside was very strong, guarded by two black dogs, and there was a summer seal on it, which read: "The library in heaven is a blessed land." Ask the old man: "Where?" He said: "This jade palace is full of truth, strange shadows, Dan books and secret books." He pointed to two dogs and said, "This crazy dragon has been here for two thousand years."
When he opened the door, Su Mao entered first, and all he saw were books, which were unheard of before Qin and Han Dynasties and overseas countries. For example, Sanfen, Jiuqiu, Lianshan, Guizang, Bifeng and Chunqiu are all in the story. Maoxian county lost its cool. Enjoy the wine and fruit when you are old, and the freshness is not in the world. Mao first went out to stay and said to the old man, "Come and see these books another day." The old man just laughed and sent the hair out first. Just out, the stone at the door suddenly closed. Mao looked back first, but saw weeds and vines growing around the stone, and the moss on the stone was dense, and there was no gap at first. Mao first stared at it, looked at the stone, and then worshipped it.
In the history of burning books, the fire in Xianyang was raging. There is a whole book in it, without leaving a word. I went back to book the contract before, and the conclusion was also recorded. The kite looks forward to Fuxi, who is already his uncle Li. There is a mole in Kudo and Kyushu overseas. Read it thirty times, and there is one or two in a million. I know I'm young, and I ask you in the Spring and Autumn Period. Shi Peng and Jiamao, what they see is just as naive. If you want to ask the old man, you can't get lost. Looking back at the precipice, the bare vines are only Ficus pumila. When you are away from home, you can't help but look forward to it. Sitting for ten years may open the market.
In the middle of Taikang in Jin Dynasty, Zhang Hua was engaged in Jian 'an and traveled to Dongshan. Entering the deep mountain along the stream, an old man was lying on a slate with a book on his pillow. Zhang Hua talked with him about wheels. Zhang Hua was surprised to see the book on his head, which was written by tadpoles and could not be recognized. The old man asked Zhang Hua, "How many books have you read?" Zhang Hua said: "The books I haven't read are all new books in the last twenty years. If it was a book twenty years ago, I would have finished reading it. " The old man smiled and took Zhang Hua's arm to the stone wall. Suddenly, a door appeared and walked into the stone wall. The path was wide. He came to an elegant house with thousands of books in it. Zhang Hua asked the old man, "What books are these?" The old man said, "This is the history book of the world." I went to another room, which contained more books. Zhang Hua asked again, "What books are hidden here?" The old man replied, "This is a history book of all countries." Then I went to a sealed room and locked it with a strong lock. There are two dogs guarding the door, and there is a big seal on the door, which reads "Blessed is the library in heaven". Zhang Hua asked the old man, "What is this place?" The old man said, "There are Yu Jing, Quan Zhen, Qi Ying, Dan Shu and liars here." The old man pointed to two dogs and said, "This is the mad dragon. It has been here for two thousand years."
The old man opened the door and bowed down to invite Zhang Hua into the house. Zhang Hua saw that the books collected here were all from before the Qin and Han Dynasties and overseas countries, and many of them were unheard of. For example, Three Graves, Nine Hills, Lianshan, Guizang, Bifeng and Chunqiu are all here. Zhang Hua feels very lost. The old man then took out food, wine, vegetables and fruits for him to eat. This delicious and clean food is beyond human consumption. So, Zhang Hua stayed here for two or three days before he came out and said to the old man, "I came back with food and read all the books later." The old man just smiled and sent Zhang Hua out. Just came out, Shimen suddenly closed itself. Looking back, what Zhang Hua saw was a weed vine, which grew on the stone, and the moss on the slate was also a whole piece, with no gap at all. Zhang Hua paused and bowed to the slate for two times before leaving.
Qin Shihuang burned hundreds of books, and Xianyang was blazing. However, here, some books are still intact, and even a word has not been missed. This can be traced back to before the book contract, even when the knot was recorded. (Emperor Taizong) was pregnant with a kite, and even when he saw Fuxi, he became uncle Li. There are many famous battlements overseas, just like the mole in Kyushu. Even if you look at 30 cars, it can only be one in ten million. Only then did I know that I was ignorant, just like a cicada that lives in summer and dies in autumn (or "lives in spring and dies in summer") and doesn't know the changes of seasons. Shi Peng and Jiamao, they look like children. I wanted to go in and ask the old man, but I got lost and couldn't get there. Looking back at the cliff, there are only crazy vines and Ficus pumila. I regret it. You can only dream when you go out. I have been sitting here for more than ten years, maybe the door will open in the middle.