The older the four-word words, the better.

Guan Guan Luo Qiu, in Jiangzhou, is a gentle and graceful lady, and a gentleman is good. The Book of Songs, National Style, Nan Zhou and Guan Ju

The Millennium is frost. The so-called Iraqis are on the water side. Book of Songs, National Style, Qin Feng, Jia Jian.

Peach blossoms are in full bloom, colorful and fiery red. The Book of Songs, National Style, Nan Zhou and Yao Tao

Smile and expect. The Book of Songs, national style, Feng Wei said people.

It's cloudy and rainy, and chickens crow constantly.

Book of Songs, National Style, Zheng Feng, Storm.

Qingqing is your collar, YY is my miss. The Book of Songs, National Style, Zheng Feng and Ji Zi.

There are bandits and gentlemen, such as cutting, such as grinding the book of songs, national style, Feng Weiqi proud.

Qikuo, and Zicheng said. Hold your hand and grow old with your son. The book of songs has a high wind and drums.

Trouble in my heart is like a robber washing clothes. Think quietly, but can't fly. The Book of Songs, National Style, Lang Feng and White Boat

What is immortality without instrument? The Book of Songs, Wind and Rats.

I haven't seen Xiao for a day, just like Xiao. The Book of Songs, National Style, Feng Wang and Caige.

Swear, don't think ("The Book of Songs, National Style, Feng Wei")