It is said that a person who has been ill for a long time and is familiar with pathological properties can become a good doctor. Zuo Zhuan Ding Gong Thirteen Years is regarded as a good doctor, and Chu Ci Jiu Zhang Xiyong is regarded as a good doctor. So far, I know that Wang Yi's annotation says that a man who has broken his arm ten times is called a good doctor, but he knows his illness.
The origin of proverbs Proverbs are fixed sentences handed down by people orally, which reflect profound truth in simple and popular language. Proper use of proverbs can make the language lively and interesting and enhance the expressive force of the article. For example, "hit the roe deer with a stick and the pheasant flies into the rice cooker." Who doesn't really love the Great Northern Wilderness after reading this proverb? Proverbs reflect all aspects of social life.
Due to the differences in regional dialects and folk culture, it is difficult to read and write proverbs, which are summarized by working people in their daily lives and productive labor. The words are refined and easy to understand. Concise and philosophical.