How can you say that you have no clothes and wear the same clothes as your son? Wang Yu started his division and trained our soldiers. Go with your son!
"No Clothes" is a military battle song of Qin people against Xirong's invasion. This paper describes the events in which the people of Qin were unprepared and short of military supplies when Xirong invaded, and the people of Qin urgently formed an army and were United as one. The Poem of * * * is divided into three chapters, with corresponding sentences and similar verses, which are poetic and progressive in the duet. Singing, marching, marching.
I was moved by the patriotism described in this poem. Even if we lack armor and clothes, even if our weapons are incomplete, tattered and need to be repaired, as long as our country needs us, the monarch orders us to go out to war, and we are willing to unite with our comrades in arms and armor to resist foreign invaders!
This is a concrete manifestation of patriotism when the country was violated during slavery. Since ancient times, patriotism has never stopped advancing. Patriotism is not abstract, but can be specific to every bit of daily life. How should we be patriotic in peacetime and in the practice of socialist society?
To love one country is to love the whole country. We must insist that there is only one China, and Taiwan Province Province is an inalienable part of China from beginning to end. In ancient times, it once had a beautiful name called Ryukyu. But whatever it is called, it is an inseparable part of China. People on both sides of the strait share the same ancestry, the same blood, the same name and surname: descendants of the Chinese people, sons and daughters of China!
To love a country is to cherish the dribs and drabs of the country and be rational and patriotic. Full of passion and dedication to the construction of the motherland is true patriotism. So many patriots, such as Wang Jinxi, the "Iron Man" when developing Daqing Oilfield, shouted the slogan "I would rather live less than 20 years than win the big oilfield", which solved the big problem of energy for the construction of new China and left a precious spiritual wealth for future generations-"Iron Man Spirit". On the other hand, after the 12 Diaoyu Island incident, some China people smashed and looted Nissan cars in China. Is this true patriotism? Patriotism is full of vigor and vitality. It is constantly advancing and creating from generation to generation, and it is by no means destruction. What's more, China people smashed and burned vehicles bought by China people, which belonged to China. Is it patriotic to destroy state property? Patriotism must not be such crazy destruction, let alone the catharsis of violence. Patriotism must be full of rational wisdom and yearning for peace.
To love a country is to love its land, its people and its world. Patriotism is never just a matter for one person, but for the whole country. For the whole country, people in the whole society should unite and forge ahead, and strive for the country and a better tomorrow!