"Essentials for Elevating the People": Lanxiang, also known as "basil". In China, it was Shi Le's taboo, so it was changed. Nowadays, people use the name because of it. Moreover, the name of orchid is more beautiful than the name of basil, so it is used immediately. In mid-March, when the jujube leaves begin to grow, you can plant orchids. Those who sow early will waste their seeds in vain, as the weather is cold and they will not grow. To control the water under the border, we should use the sunflower method. When the water is gone, the water is gone and the excrement is cooked, and it stops with only a lid. If it is thick, it will not grow, so the seedlings will be weak. The day and day are covered with foil, and the night is gone; the day and day do not need to see the sun, and the night must be exposed to dew. Remove the foil when raw. Always have enough water. It rains continuously in June, so plant it. Even if you pinch your heart and plant a mud towel, you will survive.
For those who make stalks and stems, harvest them in September. If you are late, you will do evil. For those who do it, when the weather is fine, they can mow the thin ground and expose it to the cloth. The stem is used to remove the powder, put it in the urn, and use it as needed. Those whose roots are uprooted will die sadly and suffer from bird droppings and dust. Those who take the son will receive it in October. If the remaining coriander is not listed, the planting method is the same as this.
"Natural History" says: Burning horseshoes and sheep horns turns them into ashes, and the wetlands are scattered in spring, where basil grows.
"Bo Wen Lu": Coriander: often watered with fish washing water, it will be fragrant and luxuriant; it is especially good in ditch muddy water and rice swill.
Look at the coriander in the ancient people’s fine print: “Cilanthi is used as a herb, which can be delicious. Its stems are soft, the leaves are thin, and the roots are fibrous, which is Suisui. Zhang Qian brought it to the Western Regions, so it was named Hu. Coriander. Coriander has scattered stems and leaves, so it is called Xiangxiang in Jin. "It's such a beautiful side dish. I can't help but like it."
In the twelfth lunar month, when the weather was cold and the snow cleared, my father dug out coriander from the snow cave. It was still green and fragrant. Pick them up, put them in boiling water, chop them into pieces, fry some peanuts and crush them, mix them with seasonings, add vinegar and sesame oil. This cold coriander dish tastes refreshing and sweet, I like it very much. After living in a foreign land for many years, I have never tasted the taste of my father’s cold coriander.
After reading "Vegetable Garden Notes", I realized that coriander is coriander. I especially like the two words "coriander", which both start with grass and have a natural beauty. Not only is it wonderfully fragrant, it is also wonderfully beautiful. The flowers of coriander are many small flowers gathered into one large flower. If you look closely, you will see that the flowers are pink and white, or pink and purple, and are exquisite and beautiful yet simple. The small flowers outside the flower plate stretch freely, while the small flowers inside are curled up modestly, giving the space and opportunity to show off their beauty to other flowers. Perhaps this is the reason why it is called the "gentleman flower". They can also bloom in a vast expanse of white, bustling with excitement and fragrant aroma. I directly regarded her as a plant in the Book of Songs, with an ancient poetic flavor and fragrance in the village. I began to fall in love with coriander, just like I fell in love with a person. This person has been with me for many years. Not to mention love, after experiencing precipitation, it finally came naturally.