What do you mean, a gentleman never leaves?

Meaning: The jade worn by a gentleman will not leave the body without great changes. In ancient times, a gentleman generally referred to a man.

From the Book of Rites Jade Algae, it is said: "The ancient gentleman must wear jade, and the gentleman never leaves his body for no reason." It is believed that jade has the virtues of benevolence, wisdom, righteousness, happiness, loyalty and faith, which symbolizes the virtue of a gentleman.

Confucius said that jade has eleven virtues: benevolence, wisdom, righteousness and courtesy. The Book of Rites says that "a gentleman never leaves his body for no reason", emphasizing that people with social status and status should learn from jade and admonishing them not to leave their body without special reasons.

The deeper meaning is that people should have a kind of awe and admiration for jade and be closer to it.

Extended data

The Book of Rites is a compilation of Dai Sheng's works on Han etiquette before Qin and Han Dynasties, with 49 articles in total.

The Book of Rites mainly records and discusses the etiquette system and etiquette of the Han nationality in the pre-Qin period, explains the etiquette, records the questions and answers between Confucius and his disciples, and describes the principles of self-cultivation.

This book has a wide range of contents, involving politics, law, morality, philosophy, history, sacrifice, literature and art, daily life, calendar and many other aspects. It is almost all-encompassing and embodies the political, philosophical and ethical thoughts of Confucianism in the pre-Qin period. It is an important material for studying the pre-Qin society.

Jade algae is 13 in the Book of Rites, and,, Jiao Special Sacrifice, Wei, Dachuan, Sacrifice Law, Sacrifice System and Shenfu are all chapters describing various ritual systems.


Baidu Encyclopedia-Book of Rites Jade Algae