On the 5th of this month, You Fufeng said, "Hatred: according to courtesy, meaning is different; Sign the law and the murderer will die. Two things, etiquette and law, are Wang Jiao's fate. If there are similarities and differences, we must discuss them. It is advisable for the provinces to gather players. " In the negotiation of Lang Hangshang, Yuan Wailang rode on a captain Han Yu's proposal:
Fu Yizi revenges his father, which can be found in Chunqiu, Book of Rites, Zhou Guan and History of hundred schools of thought. There are countless people who have not committed crimes. It is best to stipulate it in detail in the law, but the law does not. If it's not irrelevant, and Gai thinks that revenge is not allowed, then it hurts the heart of the dutiful son and is obedient to the king; Xu revenge, then people will rely on the law to kill people, there is no way to prohibit its end. Although the teachings of Confucius originated from saints, those who stick to them have teachers. He who knows what he knows has his teacher. Ding Ning's intention is classics, but his words are not laws. His intention will make the judge break away from the law, and scholars who have studied classics have to quote classics and discuss them.
"Zhou Guan" said: "Anyone who kills and is righteous will not be allowed to take revenge, and if he hates it, he will die." Righteousness words. Those who kill clearly but inappropriately will be retaliated. So are the enemies of this nation. "Biography of the Ram" said: "If the father does not punish, the son can take revenge." Those who are not punished are not punished as they should be. People who punish, top-down words, are not people who kill each other. Zhou Guan also said: "Anyone who retaliates against him is a scholar, and he is not guilty of killing him." If you say revenge, you must first tell the official, and then you are innocent. Today, Your Majesty pays attention to the statutes, thinks about customization, cherishes the defense of the company, sympathizes with the filial son, and shows that he is not self-specialized, so he visits the discussion group. I think that although the name of revenge is the same, it is different: or people hate each other, as Zhou Guan said, it can be discussed today; Or for the official, as Ram said, it is not feasible today; Also, as Zhou Guan said, revenge must be reported to the scholars first; And then innocent. If you are lonely, naive and cowardly, and serve the enemy with lofty aspirations, I'm afraid you can't talk to the official, and you can't break the present. However, killing and forgiveness cannot be an example. It should be stipulated: "Anyone who has hatred for his father, if it happens, should apply to Shangshu Province, and Shangshu Province will discuss it and take it as appropriate, then the law will not lose its meaning." I want to discuss it.