In the 7 miles of the Three Gorges, the mountains on both sides are connected with mountains, with almost no gap. Layers of mountain and rock peaks cover the sky and block the sunlight. If it weren't for noon and midnight, we wouldn't see the sun and the moon. In summer, the flood overflows the hills on both sides, and the ascending and descending waterways are cut off. Sometimes the emperor has an imperial edict that must be conveyed quickly. He starts from Baidicheng in the morning and arrives in Jiangling in the evening, which is 1,2 miles away. Even if he rides a galloping horse and flies in Changfeng, he is not so fast. Spring and winter festivals, white rapids, whirling clear waves; The deep green pools reflect the mountains on both sides of the strait. On the extremely steep mountain peak, there are many cypress trees and waterfalls with strange postures, where the water is clear, the trees are flourishing, the mountains are steep and the green grass is abundant, which is really interesting. Every morning in Chu Qing after rain or on a frosty day, the Woods and mountains are cold and bleak, and there are often apes chirping in the heights, and their voices are continuous and abnormal. Echo in the empty valley, it took a long time to disappear. So the fisherman sang: "The Wuxia Gorge in the Three Gorges of Badong is long, and the apes sing three times and cry."