For example, in the sixty-eighth chapter of A Dream of Red Mansions, Bitter Youniang earned money in the Grand View Garden, and sour Xifeng made a scene in Ningguo Mansion. Wang Xifeng said in it that a good wife and a good husband have few disasters, and their appearance is not as strong as their heart. Wang Xifeng satirized her incompetence, unable to control her husband's romantic affairs and letting her brother make trouble outside.
A good wife can avoid the important and talk her husband out of it. In real life, it is often said that a good wife can benefit a family for three generations. If you marry a good wife, husband and wife will live in harmony, be obedient to their elders, manage and teach their children well. If the wife is not virtuous, the husband and wife get along, disrespect the elders, indulge the children, and even provoke quarrels all day. In that case, the whole family will be restless.
When I was a child, I made an appointment with my cousin of the same age to spend the summer vacation with my relatives. Near relatives' home, there is an aunt Li who likes to talk about other people's taboos behind her back, and also likes to be greedy for petty advantages. That summer vacation, we often saw her walking up and down the street during meal time, taking away all kinds of food, telling her at home that there was a shortage at home and telling her parents at home.
Maybe she played a guiding role. Her children like to rob other children. There is a visiting family nearby, and their child has a watch. Aunt Li's children saw it and grabbed it. There is a struggle between the two, and there is a struggle in the struggle. As a result, Aunt Li's children robbed the watch, and the children visiting relatives cried. Aunt Li's children were so noisy that they pushed people into the mud and dropped their watches to the ground in the exclamation of all the children. After the parents of both sides found it, the parents who visited relatives were very angry, and then they were angered by Aunt Li, who refused to admit her mistake. They pushed Aunt Li into the mud, saying that it was tit for tat and demanded compensation for the damage of the watch. One day after the dispute, the elders of Aunt Li's family came forward to compensate and stopped Aunt Li who wanted to make trouble.
In the helpless sigh of Aunt Li's elders, and in the situation where everyone laughed, this matter finally ended.