Reading Tang poetry, no city can be chanted and praised thousands of times like Chang'an. There is only Chang'an, only Chang'an.
The mountains of Chang'an, the water of Chang'an, the moon of Chang'an, the boldness and openness of Chang'an, and the brightness and passion of Chang'an shine brightly in Tang poetry.
The mountains in Chang'an are majestic and domineering. "Nine heavens open and close the palace, and the clothes and hats of all nations worship the crown", "Nanshan Mountain and autumn colors, the complexion is both high", "Chang'an looks back and there are piles of embroidery, and the cave doors on the top of the mountain are opened one after another". Reading such verses reminds me of Chang'an in the Tang Dynasty more than 1,300 years ago. The politics were clear and clear, the national destiny was prosperous, thousands of nations worshiped, merchants gathered, and the weather was wonderful.
The water in Chang'an is as warm as jade. "There are so many beauties by the water in Chang'an" and "The light rain on Tianjie is as moist as crisp". Here, the poets enjoy the tenderness and delicacy of Chang'an. It can not only "think of clouds as clothes and flowers as face" but also "see all the flowers in Chang'an in one day". Chang'an at this time is dreamy and the place that the poet longs for.
Among the sentiments of the moon in Tang poems, the moon in Chang'an is the most affectionate. Du Gongbu's "Miscellaneous Pity for the Little Children, Unexplained Reminiscences of Chang'an" describes a man who is on a journey, separated from his wife and children, and misses the bright moon thousands of miles away. Li Taibai's "A moon in Chang'an and the sound of ten thousand households pounding clothes". The passionate and hard-working wife was pounding clothes under the clear moonlight, rushing to make clothes for her husband who was about to guard the border. In this bitter and cold place thousands of miles away, her husband's body must not be frozen. "The moon in the Qinlou, the willow color every year, and the farewell to Baling." My close friend in the world of mortals is waiting for you by the ancient road in Xianyang. I still remember that when Baling said goodbye, I broke a willow branch and gave it to you. You promised me a promising future. The bright moon can be seen.
Chang'an in Tang poetry is full of heroic spirit. "Look up to the sky and laugh loudly and go out, how can we be the people of Penghao", "Don't worry about the road ahead without friends, no one in the world does not know you", "Listening to Hujia folding willows at night can teach people to remember Chang'an with spirit". Reading it to this day still makes people feel excited and unable to control themselves.
Tang poetry adds a rich color to Chang'an's rich history, and Chang'an may also have left more legends because of these Tang poems. Tang poetry may also be fuller and fuller because of Chang'an. In the plain rhythm, Chang'an becomes more vivid and vivid.
Chang'an is a Chang'an where "flaming trees and silver platforms merge, star bridges and iron locks are opened", Chang'an is a Chang'an where "the spring breeze is triumphant but horses' hooves are ragged", Chang'an is a Chang'an where "green oxen, white horses and seven-scented carriages" are even more popular.
Chang'an in Tang poetry, Chang'an in the prosperous Tang Dynasty, great and prosperous Chang'an, the spiritual home in my dream!
Reading Tang poetry, no city can be chanted and praised thousands of times like Chang'an. There is only Chang'an, only Chang'an.
The mountains of Chang'an, the water of Chang'an, the moon of Chang'an, the boldness and openness of Chang'an, and the brightness and passion of Chang'an shine brightly in Tang poetry.
The mountains in Chang'an are majestic and domineering. "Nine heavens open and close the palace, and the clothes and crowns of all nations worship the crown", "Nanshan Mountain and autumn colors, the complexion is both high", "Chang'an looks back at piles of embroidery, and the cave doors on the top of the mountain are opened one after another". Reading such poems reminds me of Chang'an in the Tang Dynasty more than 1,300 years ago. The politics were clear and clear, the country was prosperous, people from all over the world worshiped, merchants gathered, and the weather was wonderful.
The water in Chang'an is as warm as jade. "There are so many beauties by the water in Chang'an" and "The light rain on Tianjie is as moist as crisp". Here, the poets enjoy the tenderness and delicacy of Chang'an. It can not only "think of clouds as clothes and flowers as face" but also "see all the flowers in Chang'an in one day". Chang'an at this time is dreamy and the place that the poet longs for.
Among the sentiments of the moon in Tang poems, the moon in Chang'an is the most affectionate. Du Gongbu's "Miscellaneous Pity for the Little Children, Unexplained Reminiscences of Chang'an" describes a man who is on a journey, separated from his wife and children, and misses the bright moon thousands of miles away. Li Taibai's "A moon in Chang'an and the sound of thousands of households pounding clothes". The passionate and hard-working wife was pounding clothes under the clear moonlight, rushing to make clothes for her husband who was about to guard the border. In this bitter cold place thousands of miles away, her husband's body must not be frozen. "The moon in the Qinlou, the willow color every year, and the farewell to Baling." My close friend in the world of mortals is waiting for you by the ancient road in Xianyang. I still remember that when Baling said goodbye, I broke a willow branch and gave it to you. You promised me a promising future. The bright moon can be seen.
Chang'an in Tang poetry is filled with heroic spirit. "Look up to the sky and laugh loudly and go out. How can we be the people of Penghao?" Reading it to this day still makes people feel excited and unable to control themselves.
Tang poems have added a rich and colorful touch to Chang'an's rich history, and Chang'an may have left more legends because of these Tang poems. Tang poetry may also be fuller and fuller because of Chang'an. In the plain rhythm, Chang'an becomes more vivid and vivid.
Chang'an is a Chang'an where "flaming trees and silver platforms merge, star bridges and iron locks are opened", Chang'an is a Chang'an where "the spring breeze is triumphant but horses' hooves are ragged", Chang'an is a Chang'an where "green oxen, white horses and seven-scented carriages" are more popular.
Chang'an in Tang poetry, Chang'an in the prosperous Tang Dynasty, great and prosperous Chang'an, the spiritual home in my dreams!