What should parents do if they quarrel in front of their children?

It is common for parents to quarrel in front of their children, whether in film and television dramas or in real life. Parents often quarrel in front of their children, which really has a lot of psychological influence on their children. Some effects are directly visible to the naked eye, some effects are gradually revealed after the child becomes an adult, and some effects may become a shadow that the child can't get rid of all his life.

First, the lack of children's happiness.

Often witnessing parents quarreling, children will feel that the family is unhappy, that their parents are not loving enough, and that the family is broken. Parents often quarrel or even fight because of trivial matters. Children will be afraid of their parents' separation, and they will be very scared and insecure, and happiness will naturally disappear.

Second, personality defects are inevitable.

Parents fight in front of their children, sometimes their words get louder and louder, they can't control themselves for a while, and even fight, showing the ugly side of human nature directly in front of their children. This will easily make children anxious, and their temper and personality will be greatly affected by the family environment. Children will also become irritable, inconsiderate and even violent.

Third, my heart is full of fear of marriage.

I often quarrel with my parents and even throw things at them and tear at each other. When children see it, they will gradually be full of fear for their future marriage, and they will be afraid of their other half. Parents' stories will repeat themselves, full of fear of marriage, unwilling to find a partner, and even unwilling to make a result. This is also a major reason for some fear of marriage.

Fourth, it will affect future work and parenthood.

Children who grow up in this environment will be covered with thorns, will protect themselves with thorns, will find it difficult to get along, and will easily distrust others in their work and life, which is very unfavorable to their work. Especially if you have children in the future, it will have a great influence on educating children and even affect the next generation.