It means: only by raising children can we understand the kindness of parents; To ask your children to be filial to you, you must first be filial to your parents. It's from Four Words.
2, Zeng Zi said: Fortunately, there are three things, filial piety, followed by humiliation and support.
Ceng Zi said, "There are three points in filial piety. Honor your parents. Secondly, do not bring shame to parents by words and deeds. Once again, you can support your parents. " From the Book of Rites.
3. Confucius said: "When parents are old, they must know that one is happy and the other is afraid."
Confucius said; "Parents' age, it is impossible not to know. On the one hand, I am happy for their longevity, on the other hand, I am worried about their aging. "From (Spring and Autumn) The Analects of Confucius, Liren IV.
4. Confucius said, "If you don't travel far, you will travel well.
Confucius said; "Parents are alive, not far from home. To go far away, there must be a clear place to go. " From (Spring and Autumn) The Analects of Confucius, Liren IV.
5. Confucius said: "Today's filial piety is called nurturing. As for dogs and horses, you can keep them. Disrespect, why not? "
Confucius said, "Today's dutiful son only says that he can adopt his parents. Even dogs and horses can be kept. If you are not filial to your parents. What is the difference between raising parents and raising dogs and horses? " From the Analects of Confucius (Spring and Autumn Period), he was the second ruler.
There is an old saying in China: "Filial piety is the first virtue". Filial piety is the first of all virtues. If a person does not know how to honor his parents, it is hard to imagine that he will love his motherland and people. The ancients also said: "I am old, and people are old; Young and frivolous, and young people. " We should not only honor our parents, but also respect other old people, care for children, and create an honest folk custom of respecting the old and loving the young in the whole society. This is our common responsibility.