1, Jin advises you not to cherish gold and to cherish your youth. When the flowers should be folded, we should fold them quickly, and don't wait for the flowers to wither before folding one.
2. When Xie Lingyun wrote "You Nan Ting", it was dusk and the clouds returned to the west. The dense forest is bright, and the far peak is hidden. After a long sleep, the hotel overlooks the suburbs. Eupatorium adenophorum was gradually swept away, and hibiscus started late. I am not tired of youth, I have seen Zhu Ming move. Feeling sad, the stars are gray. The poison bait stops, and the decline is sudden. When you die, wait for autumn water and rest on the old cliff of the scenic weir. Who am I interested in and who is smart? Only feast on conscience.
3. Meng Jiao's "Persuasion" attacks stones with fire, there is no smoke without fire. It is unnatural to learn without learning. Everything has to be his own luck. He has to be my sage. Youth must be early, how can we grow into teenagers?
4, "Youth" Xi Murong
All endings have been written.
All the tears have also flowed out.
Suddenly forgot.
What kind of beginning?
in ancient times
A summer gone forever.
No matter how hard I pursue it,
Young you
It's like passing clouds.
And your smiling face
Extremely shallow and light
Gradually become unknown
Clouds after sunset
Then open the yellow title page.
Fate predestined it.
Extremely clumsy
With tears in my eyes
I read it again and again.
But I have to admit.
This is a sloppy book.
5. Four songs of youth
(1) Three In the snow
It snowed in March.
My mother died in the dust
It's not just the winter sunshine that disappears in the sky.
And flying pigeons.
The strings are broken.
I fell on the top of the mountain in the depths of Yuntao and cried.
March is the season when flowers bloom.
And my harvest is really the withering of flowers all over the world.
On the snowy road
Dance with dead leaves
I sat on the ground.
Look up at the gates of heaven every night.
And the river that can't swim.
The stars have long since disappeared.
There is no touch of the moon on the ditch.
I debug with my own tears.
Playing a prime minister's song on a snowy night.
(2) Unrequited love
look at you
Sprinkle light green in my lonely autumn
Grow into crazy spring grass
(3) My youth
The dark sky in winter
No beautiful birds fly by.
a pool of stagnant water—stagnant/lifeless condition
No fish swims happily
I flew into the sky.
Overlooking the flowers projected on the running water
I found that it had turned yellow in the wind of years.
Childhood is a complete mirror.
Youth is a mottled leaf.
Who is full of worried mountains and valleys?
Who sleeps in the dream of white clouds?
The cuckoo sings every night in spring.
But the passion that has passed away?
(4) Bright March
Bright March
Many flowers and shadows
The wind shakes the green leaves.
I opened the window.
The sun came in.
Drive away the shadows.
I hear lonely and broken voices.
The shredded water of youth taken away by birds
Isn't it my sadness that shines?
Forget all this.
The wine I once drank.
Once lost mountain road
The snow on the mountain has melted.
In this beautiful March
Let's listen to the whispers of flowers and dreams together.