1. Stand up. The first sentence doesn't rhyme. ⊙⊙仄, ⊙仄. Flat, flat. ⊙⊙仄, ⊙仄. Flat, flat.
2. Change the first sentence to rhyme. Ping, ping, ping. Flat, flat. ⊙⊙仄, ⊙仄. Flat, flat.
The first sentence doesn't rhyme. Flat, flat. ⊙⊙仄, ⊙仄. Flat, flat. ⊙⊙仄, ⊙仄.
4. Shrink the first sentence and rhyme. ⊙шшшшшшшшшш. ⊙⊙仄仄, ⊙仄 Flat, flat. ⊙⊙仄, ⊙仄.
5. Seven-character rhyme, flat Kubinashi rhyme. ⊙⊙仄⊙仄仄仄仄仄仄仄仄仄仄仄仄仄. ⊙⊙仄⊙仄仄仄仄仄仄仄仄仄仄仄仄仄.
6. Seven-character verse, the first sentence is even and smooth. ⊙ Ping ⊙ Ping, Ping ⊙ Ping. ⊙⊙⊙⊙仄仄, ⊙仄仄flat. ⊙⊙仄⊙仄仄仄仄仄仄仄仄仄仄仄仄仄.
Baidu encyclopedia-French poetry