Zhong Ni said: Evil can be ignored! The sorrow of a husband is greater than the death of a heart, followed by the death of a person. At sunrise, the east enters the west pole, and everything is like this. There are eyes and toes waiting for success, leaving for survival, and entering for death. Everything is the same, waiting for death, waiting for life. As soon as I was shaped by it, I didn't want to be exhausted. Things move in the suburbs, there is no difference between day and night, but I don't know where it will end.
Confucius said: alas, how can this not be tested! Sorrow is nothing more than the rigidity of the mind, and human physical death is inferior. The sun rises in the east and disappears at the westernmost end. Everything does not follow this direction.
People with eyes and feet are expecting the success of Sun's operation. When the sun rises, they will live, and when the sun disappears, they will die. Everything is like this, waiting for the sun to disappear and gradually go out, and growing up by the sun.
Extended data:
Zhuangzi (about 369-286), Han nationality. Zhou, whose real name is Zi Xiu, was later called "South China Real Person". Song (now Mengcheng County, Anhui Province, now Minquan County, Shangqiu County, Henan Province) was born in the Warring States Period.
A famous thinker, philosopher and writer, a representative of Taoist school, the successor and developer of Laozi's philosophical thought, and the founder of Zhuangzi school in pre-Qin. His theory covered all aspects of social life at that time, but the fundamental spirit still belonged to Laozi's philosophy. Later generations called him and Laozi "Laozi", and their philosophy was "Laozi's philosophy".
His thought contains simple dialectical factors, the main idea is "Heaven does nothing", and he thinks that everything changes. He believes that "Tao" is "the place of life" and a subjective idealism system starting from "Tao has no beginning" (that is, "Tao" has no boundary). Advocate "inaction" and give up everything.
It is believed that although the essence of everything has different characteristics, its "one" is the same, prosperous, carefree, poor in justice and morality, and even fatal. Politically, it advocates "governing by doing nothing", opposes all social systems, and abandons all hypocrisy, benevolence and hypocrisy.
Baidu Encyclopedia-Zhuangzi Waipian Tianzifang