In thirty-eight years, Zhou Xiang's younger brother conspired with Rong and Zhai to attack Zhou and make Guan Fengzhou. Zhou wanted to pay tribute to Guan Zhong, who nodded and said, "Don't be afraid, accompany me!" " Three letters were read under your courtesy. In thirty-nine years, Zhou Xiangdi took Benqi. Qi asked the King of Qi to thank him. Wang Xiang is very angry. Listen.
In forty-one, Qin Mugong conquered Jin Gonghui and returned to it. /kloc-At the age of 0/8, both Guan Zhong and Peng Ji died. When Guan Zhong was ill, Huan Gong asked, "Who can be the counterpart of the ministers?" Guan Zhong said, "I know a minister like you." Gong said, "How about elegance?" Yes, he said, "Killing a son to serve the king is inhuman." Gong said, "What about the prescription?" Right: "Being close to you is not human." Gong said, "How about a vertical knife?" Yes, I said, "it's not people who are suitable for you in the palace, it's the difficulty of kissing you." When Guan Zhong died, Huan Gong didn't need Guan Zhong, so he used his third son to be close to him, and his third son was exclusive.
Forty-two years, Rong attacked Zhou, Zhou was in a hurry, and ordered the governors to send troops to keep Zhou. At the age of 18, Jin's son married Huan Gong.
In forty-three years of Jian 'an, Qi Huangong's three wives, Ji Wang, Ji Xu and Cai Ji, had no children. Huan Gong is a good family and has many pets, such as six wives and one Wei Longji, who are born without bullying; Little wiki, born in AD; Ji Zheng, born filial; Yan Ge, whose real name is Zhao Gongpan; Jimmy, a born businessman; Song, son of Yong. Huan Gong and Guan Zhong belong to filial piety in Song Xianggong, thinking that they are vassals. Wei * * * Ji has a pet, because the official vertical knife to offer thick Huan Gong, but also a pet, Huan Zhili is not bullied. Guan zhong died, and all five sons were established. In October, Qi Huangong died. Yi Ya entered, and the vertical knife killed the princes because of the internal pet, and made the son king without bullying. Song of Prince Zhao Ben.
Huan Gong was ill, and the five sons contended. Duke Huan died, so they attacked each other. The Forbidden City was hollow and dared not be a coffin. Huan Gong's body lay in bed for sixty-seven days, and the corpse worm went out of the house. On the second day of December, there was no public opinion, but the coffin went. Xinsi night, funeral.
Duke Huan has more than ten sons, and five of them should stand behind him: don't bully, don't die in March; Second filial piety; Ji; The second time; In March of the year of Cihui Gongxiao, he led the vassal soldiers to send the king of Qi to Zhao to cut Qi. If a king is afraid of others, it is useless to kill him. The Qi people will establish Prince Zhao, and the four sons will attack the Prince. The prince must go to Song, and Song Sui competed with the four sons of Qi people. In May, the Song Dynasty defeated the four childe divisions of Qi State and made Zhao the Prince of Qi State. In the Song Dynasty, Duke Huan and Guan Zhong were vassals, so they came to levy them. Due to the chaos, Qi Huangong was buried in August.
In the spring of six years, Qi cut the Song Dynasty, because he did not form an alliance with Qi. Xia, died. Seven years later, Jin Wengong was founded.
Ten years, filial death, filial brother Pan Weili Pan. Zhao Gong, Huan Gongzi, his mother's name is Ying Ge.
In 400 AD, Jin Wengong defeated Chu in Chengpu, but the princes practiced the land, and the Emperor of the Zhou Dynasty made A Jin a scholar. In six years, Zhai invaded Qi. Jin Wengong is dead. Qin Bing was defeated by food. Twelve years, Qin Mugong died.
/kloc-in may of 0/9, Zhao Gong died, and Zisha was appointed as Qi Jun ... Zhao Gong, a handsome man in Wei, didn't like "the mother of giving up". Zhao Gong's younger brother, a businessman, fought for the death of Huan Gong, but failed. People say that he makes friends with wise men and places his love on the people. And Zhao Gong died, his son gave up, and he was lonely and powerless, that is, in October with the public, that is, on the grave, Qi Jun gave up, and the businessman stood on his own feet for Gong Yi. Gong Yi, Huan Gongzi, whose mother is Jimmy.
In the spring of the fourth year of Gong Yi, Gong Yi was the son, hunting with the father of melting ice, and he was invincible. He acceded to the throne and broke his father's foot, making him a servant. A servant's wife is good, and her husband's inner palace makes him a servant. In May, Gong Yi swam, bathed and played in Shenchi. The official said, "Broken foot!" Rong said, "Grab a wife!" This statement that both of them are sick is resentment. On a bamboo trip with the public, they got on the bus and abandoned bamboo and died.
From the standpoint of the masses, they are arrogant and the people are not attached. Qi people waste their lives to welcome Zi Yuan, and to benefit the public. Gong Hui, Huan Gongzi also. His mother and daughter, Yue Shaoweiji, avoided chaos, so she was in Wei.
In the second year of Gong Hui, Chang Zhai came, and the father of Prince City attacked and killed him and buried him in the north gate. Jin and Zhao pierced swords to kill their monarch and spirit.
Ten years later, Gong Hui died, and Qing Zi was a man, with no position. At the beginning, Cui Yao was favored by Gong Hui, and Gong Hui died. Gao Heguo was afraid and chased one by one. Cui Yao ran to defend.
In 200 AD, it was very powerful and attacked Chen. Two years later, Kevin·Z and Zheng Bo surrendered, and Zheng Bo restored the country.
In the spring of six years, Jin Ling was in Qi Ke, and Qi Ling made his wife watch from the curtain. In the morning, my wife smiled. Xi Ke said, "If it is not a newspaper, it is no longer a river!" Return, please cut qi, Jin Hou Xu. When Qi envoys came to Jin, they held four Qi envoys Ke hostage and killed them in Hanoi. Eight years. Jin cut Qi, Qi strengthened Jin with childe, and Jin soldiers went. Ten years in the spring, Chivalu, Wei. Dr. Lu and Dr. Wei, such as Jin, sought advice because of Ke. Jin made an envoy with 800 chariots as generals. Shi Xie went to the army, and Luan Shu saved Lu, Wei and Qi. In June, I will meet with Qi. Gui You, Chen Yu Saddle. Ugly dad is right, right. The Qing palace said, "If you are in a hurry, the Jin army will eat." Shoot JiKe, bleeding to the shoes. Ke wanted to go back to the wall, saying, "First, then hurt. I dare not say anything, and I am afraid of foot soldiers, and the atom has endured. " Then the war started again. War is urgent, ugly father is afraid of Qi Hou, easy, fair and just, and the car stops at wood. Han Biao, a teenager in the Jin Dynasty, stood in front of the car and said, "I am widowed. I want to save Lu and Wei." . The ugly father gave a servant a drink, so he died, took it off and joined his army. Jin Xike tried to kill his ugly father. The ugly father said, "I will see you when you die, and there will be no loyal ministers in the future." If you give up, the ugly father will die and return to Qi. So 8 jin j chased him to Maling. Qi Hou, please thank with beautiful jade, don't listen; You must laugh at Uncle Xiao Tong and tease Qi Dongmu. He said, "Uncle, Qi Mujun. Qi Jun's mother is still Jin Jun's mother, and her son is there? And what is Ziyi Violence? " So Xu ordered Lu and Wei to send troops.
Eleven years, the early Jin Dynasty, Liu Qing was appointed to enjoy the saddle. Qi Qinggong went to the State of Jin to honor King Jing, but King Jing did not dare to accept it, so he came back. Returning to the park, thin taxes, lonely people asking for illness, virtual accumulation to save the people, people also talk about it. Prince genius. Unexpectedly, the public died, the people attached, and the princes did not commit crimes.
For seventeen years, I was a public pawn and my son was a public ring.
In the ninth year of Gong Ling, Luan tree in Jin Dynasty killed Jun and made Jun rich. In ten years, Jin Gong paid tribute to Qi State, which made the childe shine. In nineteen years, Li Ziguang was made a prince, and he was very generous, which made the governors in the society form an alliance with Li Zhong. In twenty-seven years, Jin made the Bank of China offer his son to cut Qi. Qi Baishi was defeated, and Gong Ling fell into an imminent disaster. Yan Ying stopped Gong Ling, and Gong Ling followed. Say, "You have no courage!" Jin soldiers besieged the disaster, and the city guards dared not go out, so Jin burned the country and left.
Twenty-eight years, at the beginning, I took the daughter of Lu, gave birth to light, and thought it was a prince. Zhong Ji, Rong Ji. Rong Ji, Zhong Ji gave birth to a tooth, which belongs to Rong Ji. Rongji, please treat it as a prince and promise it. Zhong You said, "No way. The establishment of light is listed among princes. If it is abolished for no reason, you will regret it. " Gong said, "It's in my ear." Therefore, the prince of the East is light, making Gao Houfuya a prince. Gong Ling was ill, and Cui Yao stood up for Zhuang Gong. Duke Zhuang killed Rongji. In May, Renchen and Gong Ling died, and Zhuang Gong acceded to the throne, holding the crown prince's tooth in Douqiu and killing it. In August, Cui Yao killed Gao Hou. Qi chaos, cutting Qi, to the highest in the Tang Dynasty.
In the third year of Zhuang Gong, Dr. Kim Dae-fu was in full swing and Zhuang Gong was hospitable. Yan Ying and Tian Wenzi remonstrated, and the husband listened. In the past four years, Qi Zhuanggong Minister Luan Ying entered Jin Quwo with internal force, and then the soldiers went to Taihang and entered Mengmen. Luan Ying lost, and the ice cream came back, taking away the Song Dynasty.
In six years, when Tang Gong's wife was good, Tang Gong died and Cui Yao took it. Zhuang Gongtong, like Cui Shi, was crowned Cui Xun. The waiter said, "No." Cui Yao was angry because he attacked Jin. He wanted to conspire with Jin to attack Qi, but he couldn't. Zhuang Gong tasted Jia Ju as an official, and Jia Ju went back to wait on him and made amends to Cui Yi. May, here, here. Cui Yao said that she was ill and refused to be a director. Yi Hai, the public asked about Cui Yao's illness, so he followed Cui Yao's wife. Cui Yao's wife entered the room, and Cui Yao couldn't leave the house because she was autistic. The crowd sang. Official to Jia Ju, Gai Gong followed the official and closed the door, and Cui Yao's followers followed it with soldiers. Please answer on stage, not allowed; Please join us, not allowed; Please commit suicide in the temple, not allowed. They all said, "Your minister is too ill to obey. It's close to the palace. I don't know how to accompany my minister for fun and lust. " Volkswagen climbed over the wall and crashed into Volkswagen stock. Volkswagen fell down and was killed. Yan Ying stood outside the gate of Cui Yi and said, "If you die for your country, you will die." If you die for your country, you will die. If you die, who dares to let it go unless it is private! " The door opened, came in, cried at the body, and three came out. People called Cui Xun: "It must be killed." Cui Yao said, "The people's hope is also there, and if they give up, they will win the people."
Ding Chou and Cui Yao established Chu Jiu, Zhuang Gong's half-brother, for Gong Jing. Lu Mu, the daughter of Xuanbo. The scene is public, with Cui Yi on the right and Qing Feng on the left. Afraid of chaos, the United Nations on both sides said, "Don't die with Cui Qing!" Yan Zi looked up at the sky and said, "The Tong family is not only loyal to the country, but also obedient!" Refuse to join. Feng Qing wanted to kill Yanzi, and Cui Xun said, "I will give up if I am a loyal minister." Qitai history books say, "Cui Yao killed Zhuang Gong", and Cui Yao killed him. When his brother replied to the book, Cui Yao killed him again. My brother returned to the book, and Cui Xun gave up.
In Jingnian, at the beginning, Cui Yaosheng was born as a hadron, his mother died, and he was born as the daughter of Dongguo. Dongguo woman exonerated her former master and her brother Cui Shi. If you are guilty, you will be dealt with urgently and you will be made a prince. Cheng invited him to be older than Cui, and Cui promised him. The other party listened and said, "Cui, you can't live in a city." Success, intense anger, celebration seal. Qingfeng-xiangguang fracture has something to do with Cui Jue. They want to be defeated. Success, murder without blame, suppressed Cui Yi's family, and all the families perished. Cui Yao was angry, and there was no one left, so he became an official. See Qing Feng. Qing Feng said, "Please punish your son." Cui Yao took revenge on Lupu, attacked Cui Shi and successfully killed Cui Shi. Cui Yao's wife committed suicide. Cui Yao didn't come back and committed suicide. Celebrate the title of Prime Minister and enjoy exclusive rights.
In October of three years, Qingfeng went hunting. At the beginning, Qingfeng had killed Cui Yao, who was arrogant, addicted to drinking and hunting, and did not listen to the court's orders. Celebration of domestic affairs, there has been infighting. Tian Wenzi said to Huan Zi: "Chaos will rise." Tian, Bao, Gao, Luan, Mou Qing. The Youth Society sent a garrison to surround the palace, and four disciples * * * broke it. Celebrate the seal and return it, but don't go into Lu. Qi people let Lu, seal. Wu He is a native of Qi, and they live with their families. In autumn, Qi people moved to bury Zhuang Gong, and Cui Yao's body was reported to the public in the city.
In nine years, Jin promoted Yan Ying to Jin and whispered to his uncle, "He died in the Tian family. Although there is no great virtue in the field, private rights are public, virtue is for the people, and the people love it. " 12 years, such as Jin, see, want to fight Yan. In eighteen years, the public was restored to gold. See. Twenty-six years, hunting in the suburbs of Shandong Province, I asked Lu Li and Ying because I entered Shandong. In thirty-one years, Lu Zhaogong made it difficult for the Ji family to run smoothly. Qi wants to seal it with a thousand clubs, and the sub-family stops it. Zhao Gong asked Qi to cut Lu and take a raft to live.
See you at the comet in 32 years. Gong Jing sat on the cypress bed and sighed, "Great! Who has this? " All the ministers cried, laughed and got angry. Yan Zi said, "I laugh at all the ministers." Qi Huangong said, "I am worried about the comet coming out of the northeast." Yan Zi said: "Your high platform is deep in the pool, and you will get a blessing in return.". Punishment will win, and the stars will come out. Why are you afraid of comets? " Gong Dao: "May I?" Yan Zi said, "So God may wish to come or leave. There are thousands of grievances in Qian Qian among the people, but can you win this battle by ordering a person to blame them? " At that time, Gong Jing was good at ruling state affairs, combining dogs and horses, and he was extravagant and severely punished. Yan Zi took this as a remonstrance.
In forty-two years, He Lv, the king of Wu, conquered Chu and entered Ying.
In 47 years, Luyang Lake attacked its monarch and was invincible. He rushed to Qi, so please cut Lu together. Steamed Bun admonishes Gong Jing, but he is a prisoner. Yang Hu dies and rushes to Jin.
In forty-eight years, I had a good meeting with him. Lu Li said, "Kong Qiu is timid because of his politeness. Please make Lai happy, because he can succeed with the ruler of Lu. " This land is a public hazard to Kong Qiu. He is afraid of its hegemony, so he plans to reclaim this land. Fang Hui entered, and Confucius climbed the ladder, so an official beheaded him to show his courtesy to Gong Jing. Gong Jing was ashamed, but Lu invaded and thanked him and left. It's years old, Yan Ying died.
In fifty-five years, Fan and Bank of China rebelled against their monarch in Jin, rushed to attack Jin and invited Su. Tian Qi revolted, founded the party and rebelled against the ministers, saying, "Fan and Zhong Zhong will survive if they do good deeds." And the Xiaomi who made you beg for help and lost.
In the summer of 58, Gong Jing's wife Yan Jishi died. Gong Jing's favorite concubine, Reggie, gave birth to tea, which was rarely used, and her mother was cheap and useless. Doctors are worried that she will become an heir, but they say that the prince is the one who chooses his son and sage. Gong Jing is old, has an evil mouth, and loves her mother with milk tea. He wanted to set it up, but he was afraid of talking. It is said that the doctors said, "For pleasure, why does the country suffer from no monarch?" In autumn, when Keiko and Gao were ill, they were ordered to make the youngest son tea the prince, and their sons were moved one by one. Gong Jing died, and the prince prepared tea for Yan Zi. In winter, they were not buried, but all the sons were afraid of punishment and death. Tea brothers, Gongzi Shou, Ju and Qian Benwei, Gongzi Xianghe, etc. Lai Renge said: "Gong Jing's death depends on blessing, three things depend on blessing, and the teacher depends on the teacher. What's wrong?"
In the spring of the first year of Yan Ruzi's reign, the field begging for emptiness is high and the country is high. Every dynasty, they begged for a ride and said, "If the son wins the king, the doctors will be in danger and want to make trouble." He also said to the doctors, "Zhao Zi Gao is terrible, but let's do it before he delivers it." Doctors follow it. In June, Tianqi, Bao Mu and the doctor entered the palace to attack Gao. After hearing this, Zhao Zi and Keiko saved the public together. When the public division was defeated, Tian chased it, and Keiko came to live in peace, so he killed Gao. Yes, Lu. In August, Qi Bing Yi Zi. Tian Qi Bai is the second issue, which makes people call Lu's son. When the sun is alive, I will go to Qi, and I will hide in the fields and beg for my family. On the fifth day of October, Tian Qi invited the doctors to say, "Chang Mu has a fish festival. Fortunately, she will drink when she comes. " Can drink, Tian Qi was born in the middle, sat in the middle, gave birth to Yang Sheng, and said, "This is Qi Jun!" All the doctors bowed. Baomu was drunk and pleaded with the doctor, saying, "I have a meal with Baomu." Baum said angrily, "Have you forgotten Gong Jing's life?" The doctors looked at each other and wanted to regret it. Before he died, he nodded: "You can stand it, or it will be like this." Afraid of disaster, Bao Mu replied, "They are all sons of the King, so why not!" It is an alliance and a tribute to the public. Mourning the public into the palace made people move Shunza to the slaughterhouse and chase Shunza and Muruizi. Ruizi is cheap and obedient, so he has no right and the Chinese are light.
Ai ad, qi cut Lu, released for fun. At the beginning, Yang Sheng died in Lu, and Ji Kangzi married his sister. And return to the throne to welcome it. Ji talked with Hou Tong about feelings, but Confucian scholars dared not talk with them, so they cut Lu together to meet Ji. Ji Ji won, and Qi returned to Lu to invade the land.
Steamed buns and bereavement are not good at it. Four years, Wu and Lu Fanan. Baozi mourns the public and goes to Wu. Fu Cha, the prince of Wu, cried outside the military gate for three days and will enter the customs for Qi from the sea. The Qi people were defeated and Wu Shi went. Gold and Zhao Yang cut qi, and go. Qi people * * * made mourning as a son, for Jane.
In the early spring of the fourth year of Jane Gong, Jane Gong and her father were both in Luye, and they had a pet in prison. Acceded to the throne again, engaged in politics. Tian Chengzi was afraid of this and suddenly took care of North Korea. Yu Yang said flatly, "The heavenly sword can't be combined. You choose." Listen. Zi Chen Xi, Tian inverse murder, encounter it, then catch it. Tian Jiahe makes prisoners sick, makes prisoners drunk, and those who are drunk kill them and die. I join hands with manager Chen in all fields. When Tianbao wanted to be my son and minister, and beat the male into a leopard, the leopard would not mourn. After the pawn thought I was a minister, fortunately. I said, "I will try my best to get rid of the Tian family and have a daughter, but?" He said, "I am far from Tianjia. And there are only a few offenders, so why not! " I told Tian. Zixing said: "Peter Jun, Fu Xian, it must be a disaster." The son is in the palace.
In the summer of May, Ren Shen became a son and a brother. I'm here, go out to see him, and then go in and out and close the door. The official is in charge, and the son is killing the official. Men and women drink at Tantai, and their children move to bed. The official ruler will strike it, and Taishiziyu said, "If it's not bad, it will kill pests." When Cheng Zi left the library, he heard that the public was still angry and would leave, saying, "Why not have a gentleman!" " Zi Xing drew his sword and said, "Poor thief. Who is not manager Tian? Those who don't kill their children are like Tianzong. " It's a stop. I'm going home. I'm a disciple who attacked Wei and attacked the door. They all won, but they came out. Tian chased him up. I sued the Fengqiu people and killed Guo Guan. Tian refused to kill mainland Zifang. Take a public order bus out of Yong Men. Tianbao got on the bus with him, and Fushou said, "It's better to roll with the punches than to ask for it. Leopard and car are private. I have enemies, how can I meet the people of Lu and Wei? "
Chen Geng and Tian Chang held a tribute in Yizhou. Gong said, "I don't." In the Sino-Japanese War, Tian Chang killed Jane in Yizhou. Tian Chang is a simple brother, for the sake of fairness. Gong Ping acceded to the throne, and Tian Chang took part in Qi politics with him, and cut the east of Jianping into a fief.
After eight years of peace, Wu was destroyed. Twenty-five years after his death, Gong Xuan was founded.
Gong Xuan died in 51 years, and Zikang got a loan. The fields will turn to the mountains.
In the second year of Kang Gong, Han, Wei and Zhao were listed as governors. In nineteen years, Tian Chang's great-grandson Tian He became a vassal and moved to Kanggong seaside.
In twenty-six years, when Kang Gong died, Lu refused to worship him. Tian's minion is Qi, and he is better than the world.
Tai Shi Gong said: I am a demon from Mount Tai and buried in the sea of the north, but my people are vast and unknown, and my nature is unknown. Isn't it appropriate to think that the princes will form an alliance with the sage of the squire, the foundation of the country, the glory of Huan Gong and the goodness of governing the country, and be called Bo? Yang Yang, the wind of a big country is also solid!
Taigong assisted Zhou and really grasped the plot. Not only the East China Sea, but also Yingshan. Xiao Bai is a bully, and the nine princes are princes. And submerged in pets, disrupting the flow of the clock worm. Zhuang Gong lost his virtue and Cui Yao was his enemy. Chen dictatorship, heavy goods light set. Mourning, disaster, field, and flying. Hey, Yulie, what's the other reason?