Poetry about social stability

1. An ancient poem hoping for social peace and stability 1. People are "harmonious" "The Analects of Confucius Yan Yuan" said, "... all men are brothers within the four seas. Why should a gentleman have no brothers?"

2. Confucius said in the Book of Rites Li Yun: "The trip to the main road is also for the public, and the world is also for the public. Choose talents and talents, and cultivate faith. An old friend is not only a relative, but also an only child. In this way, the old will have an end, the young will be useful, and the young will be strong. Those who are sorry, widowed, lonely, widowed and disabled will be provided for, and the men will be divided and the women will return. If the goods are abandoned on the ground, there is no need to hide them on yourself; You don't have to do it for yourself. Therefore, it is called "Datong" to seek closure and interest-free, thieves do nothing, and laymen do not close.

3. Climb Mount Tianmu in my dream ... Wearing rainbow clothes and riding the wind, all the queens of the clouds came and came down one by one. With the tiger as the harp and the phoenix as the dancer, rows and rows are lined with fairy figures ... "

4. Xin Qiji's "Yellow Sand Road Night Xijiang Moon": "The bright moon surprises the magpie, and the breeze sings at midnight. The cool evening breeze seems to have spread to cicadas in the distance. In the fragrance of rice and flowers, people talk about the harvest of a year, and frogs croak in their ears, as if in a bumper harvest year. In the old days, Maodian was near the forest, and the road turned to Xiqiao. "

2. China's ancient poems believed that social stability was maintained by law. Poem 1, Wei Yuan: There are ways to eliminate disadvantages and promote benefits. For hundreds of years, there have been countless methods that are harmful and have no benefits. There are flexible methods that are not easy to simplify, and they are infinite.

2. Biography of Historical Records of Shang Jun: Wei Yang and Yangyang wanted to change the law, fearing that the world would talk about themselves. Wei Yang said, "Doubt is nameless, but doubt is useless.

3. "Guanzi Human Law": It is called a big branch to obey the law.

4, "Guanzi, Seven Ministers and Seven Masters" "Jurists are so afraid of violence, jurists are so determined to stop disputes, making the governor so governor.

5. Shang Yang: If the law doesn't work, just commit it from above.

6, "Guan Zi Ming Fa Jie": the maker of the law, the plan of the world, the device of all things.